A commonwealth partner in French.
The visit of SG for commonwealth to the Cameroons is a huge failure.Why ? This is because it was a full scam, a game to blindfold the world and to hide the realities of what is happening in the Cameroons.
Listening to the her speech, she fell short of the realities of the platform she leads. She addresses the scene from hear say and what she was presented to read, surely bought over visit. Cameroon is commonwealth member because of the two English speaking regions. Yet, her visit is centered and concentrated on the French regions, who is deceiving who?
She calls Cameroon a member of commonwealth and yet, the president of that country addresses you in French.
She calls Cameroon a member of commonwealth and yet, she condemn the actions of the opposition party at the parliament hoping they reacted differently. Did she really watch and was briefed on what took place in the parliament?
There is a serious crisis in the regions that make Cameroon commonwealth membership questionable and yet, she is not visiting the field to see things for herself. Yet, she is quick to make a statement in it.
The president tells her Musonge commission is the solution and that he will punish people he has tagged as terrorists and yet, she promises security to him. She is overwhelmed by the little decorations on her and she ignores the plight of the people whom she is called to serve.
Like the UN, she exhibited to the public that money rules and that human rights and justice have no place.
May it interest her to know that this visit is considered a private visit between her and Cameroun Regime. Did she take a clear look at the close to 100 people that received her at the presidency? How many Anglophones did she see apart from the PM?
Yes it’s true Richard King entertained her at the Hilton Hotel but the lone North west dance was the Kikum from the PM’s village Oku. Even the CRTV was not afraid to announce it. This is simply because no Anglophone Group is part of that arrangement apart from private decisions.
She is talking about elections when the country is at war, what a shame!!!! She even disgraced her own history when she failed to acknowledge the history of the two Cameroons. Her entire speech saw a thunderous applause only when she mentioned what she was paid to come and say, the word Unity. Even at the mention of the words peace and unity, her body language betrayed her. We can go on and one but those of us from the English extraction can now evidently, confidently and categorically state that this was a private visit between Patricia Scotland and Cameroun Regime not commonwealth country.
I shall be back for more
Shey Tatah
NB: Edited for clarity by BaretaNews
That lady is complete useless. There is only one reason that Cameroon is member of the Commonwealth. Instead of defending or protecting the anglophone population she shakes hand with a bloodthirsty dictator. Are you not ashamed to smile into the camera Lady Patricia? How dare you woman. The British sold us to French Cameroun like those poor guys in Libya slave market. Now she smiles into the camera while shaking hand with people which are criminals of the highest order. The only conclusion can be that we Ambazonians cannot rely on anybody. We shall take back our dignity by any means. I was always against the use of force but since ADF and other groups started protecting our territory panic has gripped la Republique.
What a shameless fool!. uk representative my foot! Together with france they continue their stranglehold on the rest of the vulnerable and unsuspecting Africans. About time we kick out these conniving thieves, suffer for our future and control our destiny. Africa does not need them and shoudn’t want them either, end of…
My Dear People of Ambazonian,
We need to stop giving too much respect to these people. According to the DailyMail, this lady is as corrupt as its gets. Read for yourself:
Yes Bro, this world is a very, very wicked place.
This bitch called Patricia Scotland should go and study more about Southern Cameroon history and the inhuman treatment being forced upon the people of Southern Cameroon by la republic of Cameroun before she opens her dirty mouth to utter phrases such as’cameroun unity’. She is an idiot of the first class who, instead of using her authority and power to take the just side in order to prevent Africans eradicating other Africans as desired by France such as what la republic of cameroun is doing, she decides to stoop low and sides with the ideology of France who is masterminding this rampage of Southern Cameroon.
patricia scotland knows about the genocide that has and is continuing right now as I am writing in Southern Cameroon by biya’s death squads. How many of our children and parents are incarcerated in prisons in La Rep. du Cam. for asking that justice should be served? How many have been maimed by biya’s death squats? How many people (SC) are refugees in Nigeria today being forced out by the biya regime? Miss patricia knows all this but decides to accept a gold medal from biya and look the other way. She refuses to even travel to the English part of the country that made french cameruon a member of the commonwealth. partricia espouses the shame that the commonwealth – britain has neglected the very people she is out to defend. If patricia, madam commonwealth is lying down with the snake (biya) to bite Ambasonians, she will be finally bitten and poisoned by greed, insensitivity, pride, and ignorance. let patricia know from today that any fallen Ambasonian killed by biya has not fallen in vain. patricia’s fake advice to dialouge is a sham. there is no dialogue. Day one, Southern Cameroonian asked biya for a dialogue and but he resorted to killing, maiming and imprisoning Southen Cameroonians. We have been stretched to the limit. What is left now, partricia, is to fight back, as you have proved to us that we cannot get help from you. Shame Patricia!!!
Some of us Ambazonians are still to wake up to the reality of the 21 century. We are not even suppose to be writing about her or the common wealth and all these fake virtual organization with fancy name.
All that we have accomplished was only through our own handwork and blood. That is how we are going to get what we want. Slavery, colonization, missionarization did not end. Only the face, name and how it operates was changed.
Even if she spoke for us or even went to see our situation, I still will not even count on her or the so called Common Wealth for we do not need them at all. So long as we keep relaying on them, our situation will not change at all.
I’m not mad at them nor do I blame them at all for rabbits can only be rabbits, the moment one throws a carrot to it, it will forget about it own self and chase the carrot. Biys is doing an excellent job of carrot throwing and the rabbits are running like crazy. More rabbis are on their way coming.
They can get all the Gold statue they want, but when they and Biya are all death and gone, mama Ambazonia and its children will for ever be there.
Long live the Federal Republic of Ambazonia.
You are very correct. Thank you.
We need to learn a lesson from North Korea. They don’t care what the world thinks. They act in their national interest. Our primary reason for this struggle is not to protect the Anglosaxon culture. It is about ownership of that land. Do we as Ambazonian own the land or does La Republique Du Cameroun owner it?
When we say we are restoring our Statehood, we are talking about ownership of the land. So long as we stay united, we will win. Unity, Focus, and Discipline should be our motto. Forget about what the world thinks.
Can some one give us her contacts? I am really begging we need her contacts this educated self centered fool cannot not go free from southern Cameroons. We need to spill the beans. White people think because she look like black she can water their way, they just hit the wrong button. Like Chris Anu said they can`t stop us from getting our Independence, not even the American air force will not stop us, we must be free and the time is now
The struggle continues .no turning back.
Yes, like it is often said,” a zebra can never change its strips”. We have the will to succeed, so let us stay the course. We have come this far against all odds so we should not be bothered by the frolicking of this woman with Beti thugs.
We have to stop hoping on these white fools called Un and commonwealth because they are more corrupt than Mr Paul biya government .if we think they are going to help us to our destination,then the blood of the fallen will be in vain, from the hand writings on the walls. We have to take our independence by force it is not going to come to us just like that. After we must succeeded we can decide if we are going to be a part of these two organizations because they are all useless and corruption is running in their bone marrows, Nonsense.
Oh Dear Malis, please let me differ with you a little. They and Biya will not be death and gone before mama Ambazonia rise. They shall live to see Mama Ambazonia rise and shine.
Africans should at least learn a thing or two from this young man in North Korean. Unfortunately, we are plagued by dinosaurs called leaders most of whom have mortgaged the future of their Countries to crooks from Europe. Hence, the fight to get back what was stolen from us is a God given right that is not open for discussions. We shall and must control our destiny.
Patricia Scotland coming from the UK has shamed democracy, Human Rights Freedom, care and compassion which is held high in the UK and within countries of the Common wealth. She forgets to understand that Cameroon is in the common wealth of nations because of formal British Southern Cameroons (SW/NW regions only)She sits, smiles with biya who understands no English,cannot form a meaningful dialogue with the English speaking people to solve issues but uses genocide,torture, oppression, she could not careless to visit former British Southern Cameroons to see for herself all the atrocities caused by the same colonial dictator biya she drinks and smiled with,nor the disgusting prisons in Yaounde where English speaking activists,innocent abductees, have been locked up for over a year, nor order biya to reinstate internet which has been cut off for almost for months for the second time,she is smirking at all the millions of grieving and suffering mothers in Southern Cameroons, Patricia Scotland was either sent to take her own bribe from biya to suppress information and lrc killings in the SN/NW regions or fake a visit to fool the world that all is good in Cameroon,fortunately it has backed fired,she is sidelining with genocide,daily killings,the SCs refugee crisis in Nigeria and dictatorship,hope patriotic SCs Diasporas, especially in the UK put a complaint to the Head of Common wealth about her recent worthless shame visit.
Patricia Scotland has set the records straight and it is time for I and my fellow simians or SUB_HUMANS to get out of their cocoons!The whole world is a conspiracy and even the UN. Kamerun,Cameroon was set up to cater to the imperialist’s interest and the status quo will never change.When the white man came, we were walking butt naked with our penises dangling between our legs.Now he has educated civilized us and taught us his ways and we think we are “British”.Hell NOOOOOOOO!We have the guts to start a bush war with a rag tag army and taking on well armed gendarmes!Well, Africans know nothing but dysfunction and the earlier we know our place, the better. All of you can take to exile or resort to ghost towns or eat each other as true cannibals and even invoke Takembeng and scorch earth policy but you will be the ones to suffer.Ambazonia will never come into existence even after Jesus comes back!You guys can dream and dream some more!!You brought this unto yourself and now you are crying wolf!
Amba, thank you for the link. It just shows what an unrepentant crook this woman is; spending her time frolicking with people who have blood on their hands. This is the type of information that epitomizes what is meant by “knowledge is power.”