Dear Southern Cameroonians,

I appreciate and most especially encourage the unity we have demonstrated thus far in this Great Patriotic Struggle for our Liberation from the colonial claws of La Republique du Cameroun (LRC). The Holy Bible cautions us that every kingdom divided against itself is heading for ruins and no town, no household divided against itself can last (Mt.12: 25-26). In this regard, we have shown the world that unity is strength and no matter how weak a cobweb is, many of them can strangle a lion. We have also sent a very strong message to the colonial regime of LRC and the forces of occupation on our Beloved Territory that gone are those days when they used the policy of “divide and rule” and put a knife on the things that held us together thereby making us fall apart.

Today, the scales have fallen off from our eyes and we have come to consciousness and collective realisation that it is only through a united whole that we can conquer the enemy of our collective progress. In this guise, there is no Bakweri; no Bayangi; no Bakossi; no Bafut; no Nkambe; no Babanki; no South Westerner; and no North Westerner. All these imaginary and artificial boundaries have been broken and all of us have now rallied under the historical banner of British Southern Cameroons with a common vision and destiny!

Fellow British Southern Cameroonians, the Consortium Members have finally endorsed the opinion of the majority of us who have been arguing and clamoring for the Restoration of the Statehood of British Southern Cameroons.

The members have come to realize that what God had put asunder, let no one struggle to put together. By divine providence, we were destined to be separate from LRC; consequently, all what we have been struggling to do for the past 55yrs have just been chasing the wind and living in self-deceit. Our fore-fathers voted massively on Saturday February 11, 1961 in that U.N-sponsored Plebiscite to achieve our Independence by joining La République du Cameroun in perfect good faith! However, the deliberate Behaviour and Activities of our Francophone Counterparts in Cameroon have demonstrated that our fathers committed an unconscious mortal sin by voting to join these people.

Following the duplicity of the Regime of Mr. Paul Biya, we are no longer clamoring for Federalism; we are now moving towards separating our country from LRC and Restoring our Statehood and the Sovereignty of our Homeland. This is a long drawn battle but one thing is very clear: we shall overcome because the Lord is with us and if he is with us who then can be against us? (Ps. 127: 1)

In cognisance of this new direction that our Struggle has embarked on, I would like to make this proposal. First of all, we should be very careful and alert with the name we give to our Homeland. I strongly opine that we should not attribute the following names again to our Fatherland: Ambazonia, Anglophone Cameroon, and West Cameroon. We should hence use the name “British Southern Cameroons” or simply “Southern Cameroons” because this is the official name of our territory in U.N. official documents. For example in the U.N. General Assembly Resolution 1608 of 21st April 1961, the U.N. endorsed the plebiscite results that “The people of the Southern Cameroons have similarly decided to achieve independence by joining the independent Republic of Cameroon”.

Also, in the official U.N. publication of the document entitled Basic Facts about the United Nations, British Southern Cameroons appears on the list of “Trust Territories that have achieved self-determination” (p.316). Thus, it is better to use the name that is found in U.N. documents than to invent other names at this stage of the struggle which are not found in the official document of any international structure. When we finally restore our statehood, we can now officially decide to change our name as an independent country. If we keep playing around with our name, it might make the struggle complicated for us especially at the international level. The Consortium and all other groups fighting for the same purpose should take special note of this and make sure that in all their announcements, declarations, or communiqués the name “Southern Cameroons” should be used.

Dear Southern Cameroonians, through this Struggle we will collectively write a new chapter in the history of our country. Indeed, this Struggle has received Divine Endorsement and we have no option but to win this Battle, not providing any room for failure or defeat! In fact we either win and feast as a people or be defeated and become slaves under LRC forever. Every Southern Cameroonian should fight in his/her own way to see that we win this battle. Our unity, this time around, must be stronger than that of 1993 when we waged the epic battle for the creation of the G.C.E. Board. May the Almighty God Bless and Defend us in this Battle; may He release all the Southern Cameroonians who have been arrested, in connection to this struggle, by the Colonial Forces of LRC and protect all of Us who have not yet been arrested.

Finally, may He continuously put’ confusion in the Camp of our Enemy as the Battle Continues!

By a Close Associate to the Consortium


  1. ‘This struggle has received divine endorsements ‘ ? How do u know that? This illusion of a white man god that watches over pple and fidgit with their activities is redundant at best and somewhat crazy at most. How can ‘educated’ adults living in the 21st century keep such stone age believe systems alive is beyond me.
    One could detect from your post that you are a person with the ability to read a book and understand. How therefore do u use technology to paste a stone age believe system? There is no god or gods to endores anything here on earth. I m most certain that that is not what want to hear. But believing something and repeating it a thousand and one times still does not make it any true.
    I sincerely advice u to take any god or gods and ur imaginary divine friends out of this struggle. Not every southern Cameroonian shares it. Keep it to ur selves by all means. I Di beg unable dasoh.

  2. Dear E.E,
    Unconsciousness is one of the greatest weakness of mankind. Unless we come to believe that there is a spiritual dimension to life which plays a great role in our day to day living then we operate at limited capacity. Let’s put our minds to understand more about how the spiritual sphere of life works so that we can use it to accomplish our goals. Denying the existence of God is denying the existence of the universe because God is the universe and universal force controls all nature, including earthquakes, rain, the seasons. We are just tiny dots in the universe and there are powers greater than we are, which can not be explained by science or philosophy.

    1. Nonsense!!! Deepak Chopra talk.
      What do u mean by “unconsciousness”? Using and juxtaposition words to confuse and convince pple cannot make an untruth true. U might say it a 1000 +1 times, a whole community might even accept it, it still cannot make it true. U simply have no proof that a god exists. Nobody does. There is even no evidence of substance to that effect. What is wrong in saying ” I do not know “”” YET””” about all those concerns u raised in ur rebuttal? How can the absence of knowledge on any subject be reason for a positive declaration? How can u say ” i do not know how the universe started, therefore god did it?
      If u have questions about the origins of the universe or species, i strongly advice u to go read a book. If still cannot understand, it ll be okay to say “i do not know “. Instead of invoking the super natural. Science is breaking down believes and stereotypes u know. Join the trend. Stop this nonsense believe. A few yrs ago, pple actually believed in more nonsense than they do today. Thanks to science and reason, we know today much more than we did yesterday. And u have no shame in saying god causes earthquakes, râins and seasons. WAO!!!!
      Go read a book.

    2. Don’t mind the shameless idiot. His hands are red and heart very dark. So why would him even worry if people fight and die? Not only is he spreading evil online, he is actually a big doer of it. That his cult has made him think he can achieve anything in life and talk trash. Of course, that’s how it controls them. He is not talking from his God given senses ever since he sold his soul to the devil. your stupid cult like yourself go control and at the end thesame God you abuse online will be the only Great God to deliver you from your bondage. you talk ill about my God yet you don’t want someone to say you are an idiot. I am very happy, i never call or mention his stupid name when i wrote because i know the rightful idiot will know i was writing to him since the only name he has is “shameless idiot”

  3. Please guys! We shall respect each others religious or non-religious views. I beg for tolerance. Don’t distract ourselfs. We have one aim. That is what we shall focus on. The regime is waiting for division and infight. Their plan is that we get exhaustet and give up. Then Y’nde will demask itself. The death sentence against our brave leaders and our youth is already contemplated. Biya thinks he can handle everything like in 1984. Then he will continue with rule and divide. Old man with old strateties. But we shall resist. Mondays Tuesdays Ghosttowns continue.

  4. Pls I beg everyone to leave his or her Religious views of either ” Believing in God” or ” not Believing in God” aside and focus on the main theme of this struggle. Believe in whatever you feel is good for you but don’t fail to contribute positively to this our collective struggle which we all stand in one mind and reasoning towards the restoration of our statewood ” British Southern Cameroon” and we cannot afford to be divided now based on our conflict over religious views which happens not to be the topic of discussion on this platform. Let’s be united as one to combat the common enemy LRC in anyway or method we deemed it neccessary,hence striving to win the struggle. “British Southern Cameroon is One and Indivisible”. Thanks for understanding,The Struggle Continues.

  5. By their writings you can tell who they are; the struggle will and can never be a success without God. His words are final. People will disrespect God the creator at public forum as this only shows where they belong. You who is quick to disrespect God, how has your little cult or wizard behaviour help you in life? Shameless idiot!

    1. The same God created all of us. So how can you tell in advance which of his children he will support?

      Besides, independence is fought for and grabbed. It is not debated like an intellectual issue. Do not live in a fool’s paradise,

  6. Southern Cameroonians, pray but don’t be naïve

    The struggle for the restoration of the independence of Southern Cameroon is raving on. The oppressor, more than ever, is holding on steadfastly, knowing that sooner or later we will break under the mighty weight of oppression and return to our doom of slavery. Our resources for resistance are diminishing by the minute. Communication within our ranks is almost impossible. We are beginning to blame each other. The oppressor is delaying on and laughing at us mockingly while waiting for us to succumb again. In anguish, we are looking in every corner for help. We are deep in prayer, knowing that only God can save us from this evil master. Our fate is in the hands of God. Will He really get us our independence?

    Long long time ago, strangers showed up on our coasts. We welcomed them, gave them water, fed them and sheltered them the way our ancestors had taught us. Then the strangers asked us to turn away from our ancestral shrines. Then they presented a book to us. The book was God’s book, they said. We took the book and started reading it. The book taught us so many lessons. The strangers told us to kneel, close our eyes, hold on tight to the book and pray for everything we needed. We did. We prayed on and on, eyes closed. Then one day we opened our eyes and found out the strangers had taken over our lands, livestock, sons, and daughters. We tried to question why and they pointed to one of the lessons in the book we had in hand. It read: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God”. It sounded like it was okay to be poor; after all, the best was in the life after in the kingdom of God. We got consoled. We have prayed on until this day while watching the strangers rake in the abundant resources around us.

    One day the strangers said they were leaving. We bid them goodbye and celebrated. Then we realized that they had not really left! Not only had they left their book, they had also left behind many stooges. The stooges now behave like the strangers. They tell us to pray, work harder and harder to prepare for a better life in the future. In the meantime the stooges rake in cash. If we try to question why we can’t rake in cash in the same way, the stooges arrest, torture and lock us up in dungeons. Some then ask us to pray harder and harder for mercy from the stooges. Our sufferings are okay they say because the future life will be better.

    Dear Southern Cameroonians, shall we pray on with our eyes closed, hoping for a favorable solution and a better life hereafter or this time we shall open our eyes, chase away the stooges, hold on to our resources then pray for a better life? The choice is ours. Remember, the oppressor prays to the same God the oppressed pray to. May our ancestors forgive us for abandoning their shrines. May they lift their curse on us for giving away our very source of livelihood to strangers.

    Written on Sunday morning Feb. 19th 2017 by a Southern Cameroonian in anguish.

  7. During Church services people from various homes are seated together be it bad or good. The good and bad have all prayed to God during that service. No one knows how evil or good another is except God the rightful judge. The good person obviously will be granted all its heart desires by God no matter how many years it took him or her to achieve it. People go astray these days because they are not patient and are always comparing for the wrong reasons.

    Now for the person that wants Southern Cameroon to go back to its shrines that couldn’t protect them from colonisation and claims French Cameroon also pray to the God of Southern Cameroon, please don’t just decorate your house with your bible or claim to people physically that you are a Christian only to disguise online and refuse His powers. God certainly has seen the tears of Southern Cameroonians and will wipe it out. Even Abraham the chosen one made a covenant with God which was only fulfilled by Moses. Do you know how many years that took? Don’t doubt God and be patient!

    1. @ Childofgod. I just realized u call me a “shameless idiot” for not believing in ur nonsense or being a bigot. Does the god u believe in advice u to insult pple when u disagree with them? What kind of believer r u? Or do u, (like all your ilk) only practice your belief when it’s convenient to you personally? You believers are all bigots and fake. Its laughable that an adult who believes without proof will refer to the sane person in the discussion as idiotic for asking for proof. Who is fooling who here? Do you realize that Paul biya and his fellow cleptocrats are all believers? You believers are simply pathetic.
      NB,; No struggle was ever won with the invocation of god. Not the fight for the abolition of slavery, nor the inquisition, nor colonization, nor apetheid, etc etc (all endorsed by god in his fairy-tale book).
      Let us take the white mans gods out of this struggle if we want to succeed.
      I don tok my own finish. let them who have ears hear

      1. Solve your personal problem and don’t rush with it online. What about you with pictures of your kids receiving their Baptism online yet you claim with a hidden identity that God doesn’t exist? Who is deceiving people here? Don’t deceive yourself and because i know you are an idiot for being a cultist, i won’t stop calling you a “shameless idiot” because that is exactly who you are. For how long did you think you can lie and hide? Only fear make people like you talk trash.

  8. Africans need to understand the word God. Understand your ancestral struggle during slavery, apartheid and colonization. No God ever rescue the black people in any struggle. Our parents were murdered, raped, displaced all over the planet. Sold for money and till date no God has changed that.

    We don’t have to think that a certain being will come and fight for us. We have knowledge to do that. God never fought any war in this world. All wars are fought by people. Action is what we need right now, let’s get to the point.

    The devil white French people are our biggest enemies in this struggle.

    1. @ Fred.
      I hear U loud and clear brother. Tell them. Every time i hear adults call on god for endorsement instead of reason, it’s hard to take them serious. What nonsense. We need action and ideas to succeed in this struggle , not childish Stonehenge ancient belief systems w no merit. Biya and his cleptocrats are calling on that same god to keep them in power. Just like slave owners did and still do. The symbol of KKK is ur holy symbol. U believers are a disgrace to the rest of Africans. Nonsense !!!

  9. Evil people everywhere. Of course, it’s no surprise that the internet has been used by the demons to spread their evil. It can clearly be seen. People with no shame are doing it with all joy. So they are all “Shameless Idiots”. There will be no bloodshed and God will rescue the people of Southern Cameroon. Something their ancestors couldn’t do during the colonisation of Africa and Cameroon in particular. Stop preaching and hailing your sleeping gods here and keep your cult far away from your fingers when you type. Don’t let it control you bigot, fake and great gossiper like yourself.

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