Assasination Sisiku Ayuk-Tabe










Of Nera 12 And Abductions of IG Leadership: Two Months, No Sights, Many Questions Unanswered

It is exactly two months and one day since President Ayuk Julius Tabe was abducted together with his entire closed cabinet. After two months we have not had any clue to what is actually happening. We can only ask questions that help us find answers. Questions we must as a matter of fact ask because it is evident that it was an insight job.

BaretaNews comes back to asking these questions because we cannot just pretend as if all is ok. We cannot just pretend as if La Republique Du Cameroun which it is known for masterminding the arrest will just hand over our leadership. We cannot just pretend as if nothing has happened when the core of the government leadership were taken away. It is exactly two months and as we asked questions on the very first day, we will continue to ask these questions in years if care is not taken. We cannot just pretend as if those abducted do not have families who bother about them. Away from that, I want to congratulate Southern Cameroonians in South Africa who are taking turns at the Nigerian High Commission to force the government of Nigeria to talk. This is very laudable.

It is however two months counting, BaretaNews is bound to come back to these questions. We cannot just pretend any of us is safe. Even this writer as he writes with a host of others are not safe. The abduction of our leaders is one of the biggest scandal ever known in any revolutionary history and such a move does not only involved La Republique, I am confident from every indication it involved us, the ‘Judas(es)’, La Republique agents, French and Nigerian officials. It remains an international conspiracy. To get us on track, to remind the powers that be, the people of Ambazonia must not go silent because the enemy is still within. Let’s recall these lines.

1. Why is it difficult for Nigerian authorities to issue a statement concerning the abductions of IG leadership despite the fact that La Republique over and over again has maintained that Nigeria extradited them? What keeps Nigeria silent?

2. How is it possible that those extradited to Cameroun have not been seen neither by families nor lawyers? Even terrorists on very high secured prison in the West are seen, they have access to lawyers and right to be heard. What stops La Republique to show IG Leaders despite the fact that these leaders are just freedom fighters with no crime?

3. How come Nigeria extradited 10 out of 12 abducted and left two on the grounds we do not yet know. Does it mean that once they were abducted , they were separated and kept in different places? Is Nigeria telling us that indeed they extradited those individuals but still yet paying sealed lips to issue an official statement?

4. The notion that the two who remained were not extradited because they were Nigerian citizens and/or refugees does not add up. Should we now ask if the 12 were actually abducted together or differently since no one is talking? Is Nigeria aware that some extradited to Cameroun have exactly the same status with those two left behind in Nigeria and some are actually American citizens? Why has Nigeria not send the Americans to America? Is the American embassy too in this mafia for failing to protect their citizens?Is Nigeria aware that extraditing refugees is against international law and yet they still went ahead? How could they flagrantly violate international law and yet still stayed quiet and everything seems normal? What makes the two left behind special to the other 10, some of whom have exactly the same status as the two?

5. The Acting President promised an investigation committee into these issues. Why has that committee not been made public so that Ambazonians know exactly who is investigating the issues so that the people can trust such a committee. Why has the AIP not made public the names of those who knew about the 5th January meeting and have been suspended directly or indirectly from dealing with the IG? Is the IG aware that if the public must trust such a committee, it’s composition, content and modus operandi must be at the highest transparency level with public knowledge so that what exactly happened is known and trusted?

6. What is happening that even after the first gaffe, some arrests are still being made in Nigeria which is causing tongues to wangle. Have we not learned our lessons? Or is it that this is a coordinated move and sabotage from certain quarters to weaken the revolution?

7. How much longer are we going to wait before the released two speak out so that the people can start connecting the dots and flushing the lies and propaganda no matter whose asses are affected? Of course the people deserve to hear from the released two as to what happened to their leadership. It is not a privilege, it’s a responsibility and an obligation.

BaretaNews as the first platform which came out forcefully requesting for an Acting President a week after the abductions of IG leadership but came under huge attack for asking too soon is again voicing out concerns that the IG leadership must get to the bottom of the Nera 12 scandal. When we asked for an AIP, they gave us a Presidential Council. We stood firm until an AIP was finally made public. BaretaNews is again using this platform to call on the present IG leadership to make known public the committee they promised will be set up to investigate this issue. At most if we cannot know the members of the committee, we must know the head and be informed that this committee is doing its job, even if not for us but for the families of those abducted. They deserve it.

Do not ask Mark Bareta why he is not saying this behind but for the public. This post does not deserve any back door questions. Citizens participation in the way government operates comes through a strong media and this is exactly what we of this platform are doing. It pushes leadership to act and act wisely.

We have seen appointments made into various positions in the IG, while these according to the IG are important, we of this platform are putting more interest on that investigation committee. We want to see it going to work so as to get to the bottom of this because the mafia involving the abductions is not yet flushed. In fact, it seems the network keeps growing and getting powerful on daily basis. The enemies are still there smiling planning their next moves and most of us might be sheepishly acting with them in good faith without even knowing their intentions etc.

The time is now-we need answers and that must start coming from the IG. All talk no action are taking us no where if we must borrow from Donald Trump lines. We know that families may have employed private detectives but the Ambazonia people deserve theirs.

No one is safe, we all go to bed with one eye. The NERA 12 has the capabilities to repeat again in many different forms if at all it has not even started. Watch out.

Mark Bareta

  1. As always not only will time tell, but the whole truth will come out with or without the commission. We shall know.

    No one can stop time or erase the memory of all humanity, because of this I’m absolutely confident everything will come out.

  2. Mark your opinion is good. We need information but to dig into the system of information, we need to have access to the Nigerian intelligence to tap out the information they used.
    We should be aware that all our communications, gadgets can be tapped by any security service if they want and they can monitor those communications and plan on that.
    Any such investigation require intelligence experts not just names of individuals with little or no knowledge of subject matter. Secondly in such an agenda where three main stakeholders are involved: La republic du Cameroon, France, and Nigeria, then be sure to invest more money to get information from the various countries on how they arrived at planning out and executing their plans. We need to have the capacity of Russia, America etc to tap into such information but we are still a group of people crying around like children with empty pockets. We couldn’t even have a clue of what the enemies are planning, we had no security information system, we have no intelligence framework or and think tank that evaluates and report on the enemy’s strategy… we just shout around like mosquito until we get hit.
    I would say we may crave to appease street or popular opinion as well as do the suspicious-blame conspiracy theories based on assumptions just because we lack the right intelligence and capability to get real facts from giant planners.
    We need to refocus, look at our capabilities, look at what we can leverage on and mount a continuous pressure than chasing shadows. But this does not mean everything should be taken for granted rather good analysis based on facts are always welcomed.

    Now is the time to continue building up grass roots pressure, galvanizing people in each country and radicalizing them on the fundamental purpose of this struggle, continue to target stakeholders and telling our stories, building more collaborative frameworks with question answers to our people…. we need to believe in a free and independent Southern Cameroon. Our faith, our will together with our actions are the key factors.

    Mark please start compiling and putting all pieces of this struggle together. We shall need to document them into volumes of history books of the Ambazonians. We should start getting our history right and teaching it to our siblings and friends.
    For those who can’t tell the stories can use documentaries to spread the global injustices on a people. FIGHT FIGHT AND FIGHT is what we should live for now until the world listens to us.

    1. Maybe you should ask Mark to fund the struggle with the 20,000US dollars he collected from donations to buy a car for the consortium leader, he wants everything to be made public but he hasn’t disclosed what has happened to the 20,000US dollars. Stop barking MARK and fund the struggle not even with your money, the donations you have collected – BLACK LEG.- IDIOT. It’s just a matter of time before you find yourself in Kondengui

  3. we need answers, the IG must make international communities put pressure on Biya & Buhari & France who abducted our leaders silently,dictators cruelty in this century to hide these people who have friends,families and loved ones,the IG must inform,stress for interventions of their where about from all the international delegations the IP meet during his lobbying,the struggle and the whereabouts of our disappeared leaders must be priority in all our efforts towards restoration,Biya and his family are safe, alive yet is depriving them from the same,satanic colonial slave

  4. Cry Cry Ambazozo, Cry Cry Group, what are you complaining of?
    You cannot force Cameroon to do things as your want.
    They will be tried as the cameroonian Law requires.
    Just keep quit and stop your propaganda and treathning the population of SW and NW.

    Long Live Cameroon

  5. For the moment, the IG will not expose too much than is necessary. Theses people asking too much questions qre the very ones who have been betraying the cause each time they get insights to the working of the IG. So I advise the IG, please stay your course, do not give out too much again than is necessary.

  6. Mark,

    You team up with the same people to go and disrupt the fourth conclave. I remembered the few days before the conclave. You were one of those running their propaganda and campaign to disrupt and bring down the Interim Government.

    Today you are asking the same Interim Government to investigate and tell you that you help to support and run propaganda for our traitors? Really? Since when did you become an advocate for the Interim Government?

    You say no one is safe. What have you seen? When you eat with the devil be prepared to be eaten by that same devil.

    I expect you to be celebrating at this moment. The Interim Government has not made any significant progress since the 4th conclave. What that not the main reason you and your friends showed up to sabotage the 4 conclave? You should be happy that your objectives have been achieved.

  7. I agreed, LRC must negotiate for a peacefull solution, but not with the IG.
    The world has come to realized that the only way to fight this terrorist group is to chock their finance. By having their members on the run will do just that. What is happening in Nigeria now is a clear indication of what to come. Soon these guys wouldn’t have a place to run to or to hide. True negociation will come from our NW/SW leaders back home, not from these useless diasporian, which all aims is to enriched themselves while people are dying.

  8. December 30th 2017, a meeting was organized at Capital Height Maryland where President Sisiku Ayuk was the guest of honour. When some of us arrive the venue and were dismayed at the location of the meeting, others thought our concerns were unnecessary.
    In fact Capital Height for those living in the Washington, DC-Maryland-Virginia know that it is a crime prone area.
    Moreover, it was December and on this particular day, the temperature was below zero degree; yet President Sisiku Ayuk and his team arrived the venue with no winter jacket. To add insult to injury, the building had no heat.
    Yet, despite all these gross lapse of judgments, I could not but be admired by the selflessness and dedication to this struggle as was displayed by President Sisiku Ayuk and his entourage.
    Consequently, Mark for you to allow in this forum of yours these forces of evil to continuously disparage honorable men and women who have sacrificed so much notwithstanding their own comfort and safety so that our people can have a better tomorrow is beginning to call into question your sense of judgment. I know this is another seed of discord that the Biya regime is using to create confusion amongst us for which I believe you should know better.
    Furthermore, one of the things I learned from my parent is to never let your opponent see the cards you have in your hands. The desire to know everything is what has gotten us in the present quagmire. President Sisiku Ayuk while here in the U.S confided to some loud mouths his plan to relocate out of Nigeria and today we all know what that has done not only to him, but by extension, it is now affecting his family, the struggle and the people of Ambaland.
    At this juncture, our focus should be on making our pockets and bank accounts to do all the talking. This will go a long way to protect ourselves, our people on ground zero and Ambaland as a whole from the continuous exploitation with impunity of our resources by the criminal Beti regime of LRC.

  9. Mark stop barking and bring the 20,000dollars that was donated for a car to the consortium leader, this is the time to use the money to fund the struggle. I have every reason you are one of the back biters, you have your own hidden agenda.

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