Penal Code Revision





The Myth behind the “Good” Francophone


There are as many “Good” Francophones are there are “Bad” Anglophones; so this equation balances. As the Government thugs ravage the cities and villages of Southern Cameroonians; some Ambazonians have been hopeful of “one day” having a Francophone backing towards our struggle. This I call wishful thinking because even though many Francophones are aware of the correctness of the Anglophone claims. They are not willing stake their necks to come to our rescue. Even though some say not every “Francophone” is bad; this is what they should know.


English Translation:
“I’ve just seen the photo of the Ambazonian first couple. This shit is serious!”
“If those fools want to secede from Cameroun Let’s cut our electricity, our water, our Internet and let’s see how they will survive”


English Translation:
“Psychological experiment: Let’s leave them with two neighbourhoods, evacuate the innocent, and we take away the rest since it belongs to us! We will see if their Ambazonia will survive without our resources.”
“And look at South Sudan, where are they now? If only they knew… only if”

These screenshots come from a famous tech Entrepreneur(Oliver Madiba) based in Douala who had said some “nice” things about the Anglophone oppression here is what this “Good” francophone told his friends “privately” on Twitter. True to their image the so called “Good” francophones know the benefits they are receiving from the Anglophone oppression and will not want to jeopardize their interests; this is demonstrated in their insistence on empty rhetoric without any concrete actions undertaken on their part to satisfy the Ambazonian cry.

Even though the Camerounese community (“French speaking Cameroun”) is a heterogeneous community who despite their ethnic disparities will achieve consensus on no other matter than their common resentment of the Anglophone. This was demonstrated in Ahidjo pushing for a quick succession to Paul Biya over a more qualified S.T. Muna as well as the grant of Amnesty to Political prisoners by Paul Biya during the 1990s as a countermeasure against the SDF usurpa. They sit and enjoy a privileged position that they do not deserve, are aware of this and spend their time trying to justify why things are so with statements like: “There are Anglophones too in Government”, “Anglophones complain too much” or sneer at Ambazonians like “Les Bamendas aiment trop les problemes” meaning “Anglophones are troublesome” that is to say every Ambazonian is from Bamenda which further demonstrates their ignorance of the Anglophone demography.. We should know that where privileges in political opinion exist they will try to justify their privileged position and their usurpation of power, there is no “good” Francophone!


The role of the “Good” francophone as some may call them in the Ambazonian struggle is a curious one. Some Ambazonians have “friends” from La Replique and this wears on their conscience with thoughts like “There are still some “good” elements among them; the Government is the problem”. The problem with with this defective perspective lies in the fact that the so called “good” francophones are part of the civil service, the military. They are our teachers, Governors, SDOs, Doctors, lawyers and our market women who own most of the shops. Looking at the bigger picture you realize that the so called average Francophone is part of the oppressive system we have suffered for decades in this country. Only our independence will give us the flexibility of thinking for ourselves and adequately using our scarce resources to plan for ourselves and our future generations; so there is no “Good” Francophone!


From this it becomes clear that the Francophones are useless as co-architects of a normal society where man is nothing but a human dedicated to the service of the commonwealth; we have experimented this for over 50 years. The conclusion of this experiment is self evident; what is necessary as a prelude to anything else is to continue working with our grassroots build-up support for our rightful claim which is an independent Southern Cameroons. Remember there are no “good” Francophones so we are alone!


The use of the terminologies above such as Francophone are Anglophone refers to the
Citizens of French Cameroun (Francophone)
Citizens of the Ambazonia/Southern Cameroons (Anglophone).

Some of these terms might have been used interchangeably.

  1. The Friday demonstration is a clear testimony of what all the people stand for: the minors, the youths,the adults and the very old. They come out in their numbers to prove their intention, Our Father God stand by them.

  2. This argument has nothing to do with our independence. In the world there are good and bad people everywhere and people relate in all forms from inter-marriages to….. No one can mortgage his freedom and liberty because there are good people in the family of the oppressor. The good people pamper you to stay quiet while their brother exploit you and share the spoils with them. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. we can still be friends but on non manipulative terms and out of free will without being forced to do so.

    1. Thank you Bro.

      No man no go fool we again wit dis ting say good neighbor, bad neighbor. We get our own good and bad people too.

  3. I do know that there are good people, bad people and ignorant people, but at the end of the day it’s always about the some total, be it for good or for bad, and this is exactly what your heading interpreted.

    It’s like taking three things, putting them together and only one type can come out and overwrite all the other three.

    Being a good person alone is not enough. Being a good person and acting the good inside of one out into the world even if it discomfort God, others, … is the only thing that counts.

    I have good and bad friend from LRC just as I also have good and bad Abazonian friends,
    BUT I’m mature enough to clearly separate and differentiate between friendship and the right to exist, live, own land, … just like any other human being. I don’t confuse these two. The tiny Ambazonian that are doing everything to derail this struggle are worse the those in LRC, they failed big time.

    1. Among the many things that puzzles me about the frogs is the way they underestimate situations. As for their confidence, they feel that the world ends as they see the horizon. You call a people” enemies dans la maison”… Ema Basile. “Two cubes of SUGAR in a bowl of water” Jacques Fame Ndongo. Today the talk in the air is that those advocating for separation are just a TINY group. The multitude of Southern Cameroonians that took to the streets of all the territories is synonymous to a TINY few. The day the frogs will learn to start calling a SPADE a SPADE ; it shall be well with them.

  4. People talk about the Ambazonia as if it was in 2015 that it was born.
    Ambazonia has existed since 1985 and it is a group of individuals who in the past has gone to war against Cameroon. How can we let them take the lead on this crisis?
    We have the right to make our demands. But here we let our claims be recovered by people who follow their own political agenda. Now these Ambazonians are already posing homemade bombs, rampaging the embassies !!!
    Where are we going ?
    It is clear that we are going straight to the wall. Because no countries in the world can negotiate with terrorists who wear a flag that does not resemble that of the country, None!
    I tell you, many anglophones in Bamenda are afraid to say: ME, I can not support the AMBAZONIA this way.
    What I would have liked was federalism. These vas-warfare will never represent me!
    It’s just my point of view.

    1. Thank you, Bamileke or Bassa, yaounder, douala, hausa or bertoua foreign immigrant. You must either be one of the above, have at least a drop of La Republic blood in your DNA or simple have acute schizophrenia write what you just wrote. No pure and 100% Ambazonian would ever take such a counterproductive position. Thus, the reason why we don’t take your posting seriously. Nyamfucker!

    2. Brother please tell me how shall federalism work with East Cameroun? There must be fundamental changes with the people. Thousands of francophones would loose their job in Ambaland. Do you really believe they are willing to do so? You need real democracy. Do you think we will have it with LRC? Federalism in general is a good idea. But it is based on mutual trust. Do you really believe that after 56 years of dishonesty against us that will happen? They will propose a 10 state federation. By that again dividing us. Neclect the history of Southern Cameroons. I have to accept your opinion but it is not logical.

    3. Brother please tell me how shall federalism work with East Cameroun? There must be fundamental changes with the people. Thousands of francophones would loose their job in Ambaland. DOs, SDOs, government delegates, managers, sonara staff. Do you really believe they are willing to do so? You need real democracy. Do you think we will have it with LRC? Federalism in general is a good idea. But it is based on mutual trust. Do you really believe that after 56 years of dishonesty against us that will happen? They might propose a 10 state federation. By that dividing us again. Neclect the history of Southern Cameroons. I have to accept your opinion but it is not logical.

    4. If there is one thing that almost destroyed us Ambazonian for within then our humanity towards others. This is the most bitter lesson I learn in the world allover. Ever since I condition my self to be able to keep my humanity in cheek and treat people for who the really are up front and immediately, I have always got the respect I deserve and I love it.

      WE do not want your support. WE do not want YOU nor are we begging you for support of pity. You are not God. My advice to you is keep all the support and pity because in the days to come you will badly need those for yourself. You just woke up from sleep.

      You are really wicked, demonic and evil. I wish people like you were the once raped and killed, that way our bloodline will be free from cursed people like you.

      For 50+ years we the people of Ambazonia endure terrorism, genocide, rape, oppression, marginalization, colonization, savagery, destruction, … for the government of LRC and some of its citizens, never ever did you even dare question your support for LRC or mention even the words ‘people are hurting’.

      Please back your bags and be ready to leave for people like you are going to have a very hard time living in Amberland.

      You crazy.

    5. If you want federalism, what in your opinion was supposedly done in 1961? Was it not federalism (on paper)? Or maybe I should rather ask, was it not an annexation in the name of federalism? Could I be missing something? Can you please give me one good thing that happened to SC because we joined LRC? I can in a split second list dozens of bad thing that has happened due to this fake union. It is this attitude of pretending so you can be liked that some of you are still in. You have lived a life of pretense and want to continue doing so and even your future generation. If you had an accident today, good forbid and went to the hospital, what are the chances that you will survive in Cameroon? Doesn’t this scare you? People die from simple conditions that a otherwise treatable/curable. I don’t know how old you are, but do you know life expectancy in Cameroon is 54 years, yes 54 years. We want a SC were everyone will have a fare chance at everything, plus living past 54 years and this can never be possible with LRC. Can you be flown oversees for medical care? They consider you a rat and it sounds normal to you?

      Now, you talk about so-called bomb? You believe that citizens of SC carried out that so-called bomb? You sound more like a propagandist of LRC regime. By the way, the over 10 peaceful demonstrators who lost their lives last Friday received no mentioned from you and you are a man of conscience? But let me give you the benefit of the doubt that you are not. If you believe in federalism, why don’t you champion it, create a website, get followers. Believe me, I will never ask you to change your stance, you are entitled to it. What I know is that, there are people who make things happen, there are some who want things happen but don’t know how to make it happen and there are some who wonder how/why things happen. You surely belong to the third category and I respect that. Most nationalist belong to the 1st and 2nd.

      1. It is important that we talk with each other. We shall speak with respect and without hatred. One must convince with arguments not threads. That is democracy. It is something LRC tried to extinguish in us.

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