
BaretaNews has been made to understand that this weekend CPDM Barons flocked to Manyu Division to preach the going back to school. Minister Mengot was one of those who went from church to church singing the back to school message. Cameroon intelligence reports indicated that many CPDM elites from Manyu Division have been put in jeopardy as the population has backed the anti-La Republique ghost town operations as one of the civil disobedience measures taken by the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium to stop the marginalization of Southern Cameroons by the Francophone political structure.

BaretaNews as earlier reported today during the morning hours made mentioned of the fact that Ghost towns have been more than effective. Manyu has shockingly shocked CPDM elites as Mamfe and Manyu division as a whole has produced one of the most effective ghost towns. All divisions within Manyu from Tinto via Mamfe to Eyumojock and Akawaya remained closed.

It is fair to accept as Cameroon Intelligence Reports declared that the Manyu constituency had all along been a private preserve for the ruling CPDM crime syndicate without an iota of development in the area. The Manyu people are gradually reclaiming their destiny by taking instructions from the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium.

Last week Eyumujock youth took control of their council and demanded payment of royalties. As the regime seems to loose grip over Southern Cameroons and with the supposed creation of the Southern Cameroons Defense force has given the regime more work to do- intelligence reports suggests.

Worthy of note is that the supposed creation of the Southern Cameroons Defense Force by the Ambazonia Governing Council led by Dr. Ayaba Cho Lucas has not gone unnoticed. BaretaNews can confirm that covert troops loyal to the Biya regime have been deployed to Ekok unexpectedly, a border town with the Cross River State of Nigeria. Cameroon Intelligence reports further corroborated that the Senior Divisional Officer and the military commander within the Manyu division have played down the reports of the creation of a Southern Cameroons Defense Force as a farce and mind boggling from activists abroad.

BaretaNews can say with certainty that Southern Cameroonians are gradually becoming radicalised and the earlier La Republique Du Cameroun steps in to peacefully resolve the ongoing Anglophone crisis, the better for everyone.

Stay tuned with BaretaNews.

  1. We are making progress but I believe we make sure we tell our people that the struggle will be long one, that it will not be a walk over. Examples abound.

    Appreciate your support and sacrifices. I guarantee you I will forever stand with you all.

  2. Why can’t president Paul Biya see that this is escalating to a level where we all gonna regret.The unnecessary show of force and brutality perpetrated on the people of SW and NW is in fact, radicalising the people of this regions.I am so shocked that Paul Biya can not see this.Or do they even care if people, have died and are dying?Dialogue should start with a win-win card on the table.It is a simple thing the way I see it.

  3. Bareta stop calling us anglophonrs. STOP
    Calling our decolonization fight an anglophone marginalisation. We have never been a part of cameroun. Soo we are southern cameroonian. Not anglophone just as there’s northern cameroons now taraba state in Nigeria.
    Southern CAMEROONS per IN docs Iis already independent since 1961 but invaded and occupied by we want cameroons military out. By force.
    And we are right. Since we have ran out of all OPTIONs. Maybe bamilekes like you should stop diluting pour struggle with your foreign minfset. And in patriotic anglosaxon worldview

  4. We the Manyu people must defend our territory from these rats and roaches. We own and know the details of our impassable roads, forests etc. We can easily import arms legally or illegally, such as hand grenades etc from our brothers at Ikom, Calabar etc across the cross river and if we plan well, we can possibly surprisingly seal up and seize whatever military stations they have in Mamfe. It is to our advantage that the roads are not good for them to be able to easily use their military vehicles. We can in small numbers attack soft targets such as their timber expoitation equipments, crazy gendarmaries, police etc. We can make the roads more impassable by their timber exploitative equipments by hideously falling trees on the roads used. Rather than us continuously complaining, winning, writing and doing nothing. Lets put our heads together to organize and defend ourselves and make these devils of humans respect us. I am a son of Manyu and I am willing to work with those who think along the same lines.

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