“Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled!”

Good morning Kongnyuy. The other day you told me it will only take a Moses to lead Limunga, Che and the others out of the house of bondage. I agree with you. A Moses must be someone who has grown in the palace of Pharaoh and who is sensitive to the pain and anguish that Che and Limunga are experiencing. Unfortunately, your half siblings who have been enjoying the crumbs from Pharaoh’s table now think that since they are now the King’s dogs, they have become the kings of dogs! Your uncles must cause them to see reason!

Your half siblings have encouraged Mbarga to flood our villages with his kinsmen. Ngale was scandalised yesterday when he went to the hospital to consult. All the doctors and nurses did not know our dialect. What a shame! You realise that the issues at stake go beyond holding the chalk or wearing the wig! That is what I meant when I said “die dey for big compound!” This is to say ours is a collective struggle! There’s still time for feeble minds who have betrayed the family to repent and come on board!

I have heard that some of your scribes are expected on the negotiation table, please tell them to speak our minds only!

By the way, when you are writing to Salle, Mankaa, Foncham, Enanga and the rest who are in the diaspora, remind them to agree on a common “Kontry Sunday” on which to remember the matyrs!

You know what? It shall be well with all our souls! The Great Comforter who hears the cries of the oppressed and responds, assures, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me” (Jn.14:1). Don’t forget our adage: “persistence produces positive results!”

We talk again tomorrow. God will bless, protect and keep you safe over the weekend! Peace be with you!

PCC Synod Clerk

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