Southern Cameroonians Home Front

In continuing the updates on what has happened since the 17th January 2017 shutdown of internet, Southern Cameroonians did not go to sleep. We continue the internationalisation of the Southern Cameroons struggle. The steam picked up as soon as leadership of the Consortium was handed to Mark Bareta and Tapang Ivo Tanku on a temporal basis.

Southern Cameroonians in the diaspora engaged in a full blown diplomatic war. There was numerous protest across all continents in the world from China to Quata to Germany to Australia etc. The photos of all those killed by la Republique was displaced at protest rallies and diplomatic offices. Numerous letters were written to organisations, governments and human rights offices.

These protests and letters paid off as nearly all major governments, organisations and human right offices began flooding la Republique with letters. The members of the United States Congress addressed a letter to Paul Biya. MPs from United Kingdom, Canada, wrote to La Republique. Human right organisations from United Nations, the Commonwealth, South Africa addressed La Republique. Over 15000 lawyers from Holland petitioned La Republique. Notre Dames, a Law School in USA also came in. Amnesty international and all organisations you could imagined called out La Republique. All these letters carried one information: Release our people, restore internet, demilitarised the cities and engage into frank dialogue. The United Nations Representative to Cameroon also visited last two weeks. He had a chat with our leaders in jail and he gave a press conference wherein he said same things and said the UN cannot interfere on Federalism. Two days ago, the United Nations Human Rights Chief also had a face to face meeting with Barrister Balla and Dr. Fontem at the kondengui Maximum Security. prison.

Mark Bareta, the then interim leader of the Consortium also made a trip to Finland where he met with a Finnish MP, European Council Chair and 2018 Finnish Presidential candidate. A number of issues were discussed towards helping Southern Cameroons and some will be materialising soon.

Furthermore, the media stood with us. From Africa Punch, to Aljazeera to BBC to inter city press , Buzzfeed USA, CNN etc reported on the issue with some doing an extensive coverage such as Aljazeera and Inter City Press with Africa Punch. The diaspora never for once slept. We continued texting and calling most of you back home. We braced the cold out here and cried at the top of our voices for the world to hear us. Some of you received bulk messages from Mark and Ivo.

Therefore, the internationalisation of the struggle has been met. The eyes of the world is on Cameroon. The underlying message from the UN and these organisations or foreign government was that they cannot help us directly due to diplomatic ethics. We would have to start by helping ourselves first before asking for help. Thus, in order to achieve statehood restoration, we must do what must be done. They also advised us to ask our MPs to leave La Republique Parliament to seal this dream once and for all because the presence of our MPs whom we supposedly voted in la Republique parliament taints the struggle and gives Paul Biya legitimacy over Southern Cameroons. This is why, all Southern Cameroons MPs were asked to leave La Republique Parliament by Hon. Joseph Wirba.

The action of La Republique to restore internet which is our basic rights is not out of love or position of strength. It is an act from the position of weakness due to the pressure you Southern Cameroonians home did as well as the international pressure on the government which came from those of us in the diaspora.

The bond between Southern Cameroonians both home and abroad has seen maximum strength, we have proven to the world and Biya acolytes that what binds us is more stronger than the bridges and Atlantic Ocean which divides us. And yes, what binds us is that love and resolve to free motherland-Southern Cameroons, so help us God.

On behalf of BaretaNews and the good people of Southern Cameroons, I want to thank all Southern Cameroonians at home for staying true to the course. We shall overcome someday. The struggle continues. Miami Ghost towns on Monday 24th.

Stay tuned with BaretaNews for more updates. This is the people’s platform, your platform.

Mark Bareta
Bui County
Southern Cameroons
Follow the struggle and not individuals.

  1. Everything happen so quick, our leaders back home were on the run, other arrested and before we could even start analyzing what was happening or figuring out what’s next, a whole new reality appeared for now where.

    It was nice to see how the home front and the entire diaspora gravitated towards the same goal in absolutely no time as if it was single minded organism.

    I also have to say all the media outlets, individuals, … that dedicated time and reported our struggle played a significant role.

    I will forever ask my self what would have happen if this did not happen.

    The winning struggle continues.

  2. We need to have an official BSC/Ambazonian first language from one of our ethnic groups that will become our primary first language, like in Congo DR (Lingala).

    This language of our choice shall be taught in schools and books, including the Bible shall be translated into this language.

    All foreigners like son called anglophone citizens living in our country shall be exempted for learning this language and when taught in class, they shall be excused and remove from class for the duration or the course. If they don’t like it they can go and hang or join Eric Chinje in exile and I mean foreigners like Peter Esoka, Zachary Kwo, etc and their descendants). Like some have rightly said in the past, if you or your ancestors did not inherit or conquer any town or village in Southern Camroons/Ambazonia, you are nothing but a damn foreigner!

    1. Do your research before writing. Lingala is not Congo’s official language. It will do you some good focusing on Southern Cameroon/Ambazonia struggle rather than wasting your time and peoples time writing about some language nonsense.

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