BN Editorial.
Incarceration of Abdul karim: Spur to Ambazonian liberation.
By Mbah Godlove in GZ
The unlawful detention of Muslim scholar of the Koran, Abdul Karim Ali, is increasingly becoming a springboard to the decolonization of Ambazonia.
The very fact that Abdul Karim is a cleric who before his illegal arrest had defended the history of Southern Cameroonians who have been in excruciating pain for nearly sixty years, and for the very fact that he carried out his holy crusade against the barbaric French Cameroun colonial regime in Ground Zero makes him a unique figure.
The arrest of such a religious man of God does not only presents the Biya’s regime as circular and atheistic but demonic and diabolic. Just like South Africa’s clergy Desmond Tutu, Abdul Karim chose not to be neutral in the wake of the injustice the oppressor continuously subjected Ambazonians to but decided to take the bull by its horns.
One of the occasions the bridge builder openly demonstrated his unquenchable zeal to clear, the freedom path of Southern Cameroons was in the first quarter of 2018 when the so called Bilingualism and multiculturalism commission visited Bamenda under the pretext that language was the sole cause of the ongoing Ambazonian struggle. The fearless and courageous Abdul Karim, told Peter Mafani Musonge and his colonial team that Southern Cameroons was a separate nation from La Republique du Cameroun and that no linguistics amendment could averred the status quo.
His media outings have turned out to present him not only as a harbinger to the southern Cameroons course but as a patriot who can lay down his life for his fatherland. As an Italian poet Wilfred Orwell puts it, ” how honourable it is for one to die fighting for his country.” Abdul Karim, unlike some Ambazonian leaders in the diaspora, has been fighting not to be in authority but to rescue his suffering people from the whims of La Republique du Cameroun.
The incarceration of such a man of God is a stepping stone to the independence of Ambazonia given the atmosphere that surrounded his arrest. To say the least, Abdul Karim was whisked off upon his arrival from Europe where he took part in pre consultative dialogue talks with the Swiss government and just days before the C.P.D.M grand national rally organised by Dictator Paul Biya of French Cameroun in the name of a national dialogue to resolve the deteriorating Ambazonian conflict was due to be held
If not of divine intervention, the Biya regime would rather have forced the peace crusader, Abdul Karim to attend the window dressing national dialogue. God rather pushed the colonial Administration to imprison the firebrand Abdul Karim so that his arrest can open the floor gate to freedom. Ambazonians in all parts of the world must now unite and speak the same words, even in the different languages that make up the thirteen counties in homeland just as the apostles did when their master, Jesus Christ, sent them the Holy Spirit. You must all like Abdul Karim, prefer to die while defending the homeland.
Yes, while Abdul Karim was unapologetic about his honesty to make sure there is an end to the barbarism that the Bulu/Beti criminal syndicate are inflicting on the Ambazonian people, it is unfortunate that clerics like Cardinal Tumi decided to be frolicking with the devil.
There is no way biya and (bir) bulu intervention rapid can stand Abdu. Abdu is made of a golden steel mind that stands on truth alone. Abdu stands tall and uncompromising agains the lion of mvomeka. biya will be consumed by his pride and arrogance.
his (bir) bulu rapid intervention and atanga nji are killing, miming, carrying out extrajudicial killings, imprisoning, raping women and displacing Ambazonians? biya will pay one way or the other because he cannot dispute the statements below that stand out as truth. the drunk lion of mvomeka will soon drink his own vomit.
Let biya dispute the statements below!!!
– From the start there were 2 Cameroons: the British Southern Cameroon & the French Cameroon.
– On the 1st of October 1961 when the British Southern Cameroon had it’s independence, there were asked by the British to either join Nigeria or Join the French Cameroon as a Federation.
– The southern Cameroons chosed to join the French Cameroon as the 2 countries were culturally close.
– Southern Cameroon Governed itself in the Union with Cameroon from 1961 until 1972 when oil was discovered in Limbe a coastal own in southern Cameroon.
– Ahidjo who was then president of Cameroon decided to fully unite the 2 cameroons and the abrogate the federal system through a referendum.
– This was successful as Cameroon’s population was larger than that of the southern cameroon, hence more votes for the referendum.
– In an attempt to calm the Anglophones down, Ahidjo appointed S.T Muna as the vice president, etc.
– The end of the federal system signified at end to the Autonomy of Southern Cameroon and hence an end to their authority over their natural resources.
– John Ngu Foncha had written a letter to the Ahidjo regime stating the negative impacts of the referendum to cancel the Federal system on the economy and development of Southern Cameroon.
– Ahidjo did try to sustain the projects of development Foncha has sighted.
– In 1982 when Paul Biya took over, he completely neglected and marginalized the Anglophones… and this made the southern cameroons unhappy.
– This could have been reversed if the regime of Dictator Paul Biya had let Ni John Fru Ndi who had rightfully won the 1992 presidential elections rule the country. He was cheated and sidelined.
– In 2016 the Anglophones had had enough as all jobs, Justice & educational systems etc. Were being converted to the french system in an attempt to completely wipe out the Anglosaxon system of the Southern Cameroons.
The Conclusion is: “Southern Cameroon has a legitimate claim of Independence “.
biya cannot falsify Southern Cameroon history any longer that why he abducted, tortured and imprisoned ABDU. ABDU is the last straw the break biya’s back.
The truth is out for everyone to see. Why, why, and why is biya killing and committing genocide in Southern Cameroon-on peaceful Ambazonians? Ambazonians cannot get tired of defending themselves even IF BIYA BUYS ALL THE ARMS FROM Russia, China, Britain and France to exterminate Ambazonians. Let biya try the hardest!!! The lion of mvomeka is GRADUALLY reemerging AS A SNAIL. AMBAZONIA AND ABDU SHALL WIN AND STAND TALL IN CAMEROUN AND THE WORLD.