HRW Calls on UN Security Council to Sanction French Cameroun Officials: Says Frank Talks Should be Held On Ambazonia Conflict
By Mbah Godlove.
Human Right Watch (HRW) has entreated members of the UN security council to impose huge sanctions on some French Cameroun officials following the multiplication of human rights abuses carried out by Colonial forces in Ambazonia.
In its latest report dated Monday July 27 2020, the right group, indicted regime forces for attacking a health centre in the Northern zone and for arbitrarily arresting 7 health personnel in the Southern zone.
According to Human Rights Watch, French Cameroun soldiers have continuously indulged in torturing Ambazonian civilians and committing other human rights abuses.
The group mentioned in Monday’s report that the Security Council should consider freezing asserts as well as placing a travel band on some La Republic Du Cameroun officials believed to be promoting the unending conflict in Ambazonia.
Human Rights Watch however blamed Ambazonian fighters for some excesses as they fight for the independence of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia.
The right group says long lasting peace will only be sort in the conflict stricken territory if both parties discuss frankly, with all options on the table.
Who is biya’s cameroun/france and who is the UN? These are two sides of the same coin. The UN has nothing positive for Ambazonia. You need to listen to enablers like santus(lrc enabler) to understand that biya’s brutality is the french way of silencing Ambazonians from the face of the earth. Ambazonians must stand up and force biya out of Southern Cameroon – that’s the only way out (War Draft, Amba Bonds must be sustained). Sisiku is telling biya and his cronies the TRUTH, that’S what MATTERS NOW. No matter what biya does, plus the killing of 22,000 Ambazonians, we can never settle for anything less than INDEPENDENCE. THERE IS NO FOOLING AROUND INDEPENDENCE because one Trust territory (lrc) cannot colonize another Trust Territory (Ambazonia) on this earth. It will never happen!!!
Untill some Africans will come to the realization that the UN is just an extension of the Berlin conference of 1884 where some foolish African leaders go to worship caucasians then we will come to terms with the idea that freedom is earned and not demanded.
So Ambazonians do not loose sleep because someone wants to blame Amba fighters for the criminal excesses of the terrorist troops from lrp. Do not be fool by this system where people speak with both sides of their mouth. At least, most of us have gone pass that stage.
The parasitic thugs from lrp can continue to wallow in their abject stupidity by playing for time, but the reality is that we are long gone come what may.