Hon. Wirba speech


My people, what we need and must take at this point in our history is the lowest political common denominator: THE TWO STATE FEDERATION BETWEEN EAST AND WEST CAMEROON! This is what brought us into this union in the first place! The TWO STATE FEDERATION is the ONE AND ONLY way in which we can preserve and protect our cultural identity within this union, in order to guarantee a free and prosperous nation for our unborn generations of children. It is the barest minimum we can take today for the sake of peace! IT IS WHAT BROUGHT US INTO THIS UNION, IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT CAN KEEP US IN THIS UNION… NO MORE, NO LESS! It is our basic birth right as a people and a nation.

If what brought us here in 1961, THE TWO STATE FEDERATION BETWEEN EAST AND WEST CAMEROON, has now become such a dark taboo subject to our partners in the union, where the mere mention of which now drags us West Cameroonians to the Yaounde Military Tribunals as terrorists; then it is clear to us and the world at large, that what we all took for a union between TWO EQUAL PARTNERS, was, and still is, to our partners, an annexation of a vulnerable state!

We are neither begging for it nor pleading for it… we are rightfully taking it back! It is ours. It naturally belongs to us. Without it there would never have been any union to begin with! Any discussion that that excludes the THE TWO STATE FEDERATION, excludes West Cameroon! That kind of discussion is one in which we must never take part! The annulatiion of the TWO STATE FEDERATION was a tragic and diabolic political maneuver conceived by sick minds and autocratically imposed on our people. We now have the historical opportunity and responsibility to correct this tragic fraud in our tortured history. Such opportunities are historically given to just one generation in a hundred, so we must rise to the occasion and make the best of it. It’s open to us, it’s here for the taking and it’s ours to lose, if we lack the stamina to endure a few more hardships for a little longer.

My people, taking back the confiscated basic rights of any people has never been easy anywhere in the world. You have all seen the panic and violent reaction of the colonial masters from Yaounde! West Cameroon cannot and should not expect to pick up her freedom from a shallow gutter on ESAY STREET! THE HARD WAY IS THE ONLY WAY! PEACEFUL RESISTANCE IS OUR CHOSEN HARD WAY! Resistance is the only way left for people like us who believe in peace and who cherish peace. We need to be united in purpose to do it. We need a collective ‘iron will’ to do it. We need a valiant determination and hard work to do it. We need to love one another to to it. We need to support one another to do it. We need to stand up for one another to do it. We need to be one another’s keeper to do it. And be sure… we will do it! And the time to do it is now!

You, the dignified people of West Cameroon, have made enormous personal and collective sacrifices for us to get here. Thanks for giving all you have to create a better and a free West Cameroon for our children. The biggest of the sacrifices you have made, is our children you have willingly kept out of school for months, as a show of your resistance to 56years of of neglect, mistreatment, humiliation and enslavement of our people. These are very huge sacrifices to make. You have chosen to make them for all of us. Thank you all for doing it for West Cameroon. We are very proud of you!

Why are such huge sacrifices of great importance at this time? Their importance lie in the fact that it is the only way open to us, the peace loving people of West Cameroon, to peacefully seize back our basic rights and freedoms without resorting to bloody conflicts with a colonial blood thirsty regime! That is why sacrificing our children’s education for a while, as opposed to our blood and theirs in a war with our oppressors, is the most civilized way of fighting and defeating our colonial oppressors without spilling blood! Now that we are this close to the final victory, let’s finish the job in peace, and let the world learn from us that there’s a new way of defeating brutal government oppression with PEACEFUL RESISTANCE!

  1. Thank you Hon. Wirba for your thoughts. I believe the best solution would be a referendum. Either 2 state federation or complete independence.

    1. Thank you honorable wirba
      Vous êtes le lion courageux de West Cameroon pouvant résister et dire la vérité devant ce palais diabolique merci lion wirba le bout du tunnel est visible

  2. That is called in simple terms”Nobility”thank you Hon. Wirba,we will fight till the last drop of our blood.

  3. Hon. Wirba, I respect your position, although some of us have since transferred to the independence train. The fight for 2-state can continue, but let’s remember that if granted, history may repeat itself and our grandchildren could find themselves in exactly the same spot we are today.

  4. Thank you Hon Wirba for rekindling the fire of this resistance with these words. Whether Total independence or 2 state Federalism, the fact is that either of them can only be achieved through resistance. And to our parents, students and sponsors of our school going population, be wise, this particular one is our fight. Know that the push for students to go back to school by La Republic du Cameroun and her accomplices is not for the genuine interest of our students. How can a fair government with good intentions for her citizens want students to go back to school after losing over two months of classes? What kind of certificate are they to earn this year.

    The interest of La Republique du Cameroun is 20th May. They are so scared to the marrow what a shame it will be when the world once again sees that Southern Cameroons does not take part in the so call National Day Celebrations. A lie fabricated to make the world believe that Cameroon is a single united and indivisible Country. We must stand firm. They want to use students to match in front of CRTV Cameras come May 20. This we must not allow to happen.

  5. exactly, people should understand that any person living in cameroon now can only talk of a two state federation because if you mention independence while standing in cameroon, you are gone…..and that is the way forward. we all know that the best and everlasting solution is independence, but this can only be openly discussed and fight for, by people in the diaspora except a referandom is considered and supervised by UN – AU

  6. Je ne suis pas Anglophone mais je tire un coup de chapeau à la communauté anglophone. Ce régime diabolique de Biya est ses acolytes ne peut être mis à genoux que par de telles actions. Je suis triste pour mes frères francophones pour leur naïveté et leur lâcheté. Allez de l’avant; faites trembler Yaoundé et l’axe du mal. Ne lâchez pas à ce niveau sinon on vous écrasera dans ce pays. Trop c’est trop.

    Courage Anglo brothers. Thank you Hon Wirba. You actually know why you were sent to the National Assembly. Let Yaoundé tremble!

  7. I disagree with Hon. Wirba. Yes, we came into the union for a federation. But it was abused, subverted and perverted. We have learned of the scheming that resulted to the dire situation we find ourselves.

    We can’t for any logical, emotional or economic reason think they will not exercise bad faith. As long as LRC is in ties with France. As long as LRC is still using F CFA as its currency. As long as LRC doesn’t value the kind of lifestyle the people of Southern Cameroon are aspiring for. We therefore can not in anyway get into any negotiation with them for a return to Two States Federation.

    We should be wise this time to understand that this has nothing to do with our oneness. It is rather the fact that a properly governed country can not be in a federation with a badly governed counterpart. The least we can have is a loosely held confederation that has a very thin Confederate Government. Let it be very clear to all Southern Cameroonians – the Regime in Yaounde will always exercise bad faith because they aren’t thinking for the people of Cameroon. Rather, they’re executing for their masters in France.

    So Mr. Honorable, I beg on you to reconsider your stance. We can get every Southern Cameroonian to stand for the position that will guarantee our freedom from colonial ties only by cutting ties with La Republique du Cameroun. I

  8. No to the two-state federation. What’s wrong with some of our people; haven’t we seen enough from people on the other side to say enough is enough? We want a complete and total break with La republique du Cameroun; anything short of this will be totally unsatisfactory and unacceptable.

  9. Thank so much Hon. Wirba you are the true son of the soil. Please guys give Hon Wirba a break he knows exactly what he is talking he is a man of wisdom. We must apply wisdom to get what we want. Yes We all need our independence but do we just go openly in public and start talking about independence? NO!!!! with the existence of LRC and their hatred. if Hon. Wirba has to stand openly and talk about independence know that in less than no time we will see him no more. Only the diaspora can fight for our independence. Everything in cameroon is politics so we must play along letting the diaspora to fight for independence while we pretend we need two states federation. LRC do not speak the truth all they know is to tell lies for their personal interest so too we must play along tell them the lies they want to hear…. that is politics.
    The only way we can keep the fight as he rightly said is keeping our children away from school. We have gone too far to be decieved by LRC. its too late for them our brothers are dying everyday and being arrested but all they know is to bribe for children to go to school. How can our children go to school with no internet for teachers to carry on research… How can our children go to school after months of absence? you can see that LRC is not out for the interest of our children but their own interest. The best LRC can do is to add the number of learning hours are their heads machines? even a computer needs rest all because of their personal interest.
    Our God will fight for us. A m proud to be a southern cameroonian.

  10. Good Speech,

    Thanks Hon. but always remember that you are more useful alive than dead so please make sure nobody including SDF members and specailly Ni john Fru Ndi knows where you are.

    Stay hidden because Yaounde is ready to pay billions for people like you and to any of your focks that will help them.

    I do not trust Fru Ndi at all and the NEC, they are blocking young people to rise and mainly people who speak the truth.

    Be very very careful.

  11. While i personally prefer a complete break away from this God-forsaken regime, i think Hon Wirba is politically correct in asking for a federation. However, if we must go a federal route, i will suggest a 10-state federation, which will be harder to break than a two state federation. Once the coward francophones in the West, Littoral and North provinces begin to benefit from an effective federal system, they will join the struggle if an when any regime tries to return to a central system.

  12. The Southern Cameroons question shall not be decided by rocket scientists telling us what is good for us. A Referendum shall ask the question do you want Freedom (Independence) or do you want continuous slavery (Federalism)?
    The ballot box shall be the Umpire not Honorable Wirba

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