Field Marshall No Pity On The Offensive: 3 Colonial Soldiers Drop Dead
By Mbah Godlove
At least 3 French Cameroun’s soldiers have been killed in an operation led by General No Pity in Bamali, Ngoketunja County of the Northern Zone.
Earlier this Saturday, June 19, the reputable Ambazonian warlord moved to Bamali where he led a deadly operation against forces loyal to the colonial regime.
Going by a 1 minute 32 seconds video making rounds on Social Media, General No Pity and his troops overpowered the French Cameroun military contingent, killing at least 3.
The Bamali expedition comes barely 24 hours after the discipline and courageous No Pity made a brief stopover in Bambili, where one colonial agent was rounded up.
General No Pity said he would not rest until Ambazonia is liberated from the whilms and caprices of La Republique du Caneroun.