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Dr. MUNZU AND THE WAR ON SOUTHERN CAMEROONS : The Ramblings of my Restless Thoughts that Must not be Read ! – Dr. R. Fai

Interim Government of Buea

Southern Cameroons Presidency

Dr. MUNZU AND THE WAR ON SOUTHERN CAMEROONS : The Ramblings of my Restless Thoughts that Must not be Read !

I have listened to Dr. munzu in an interview in one of Camerooun’s television stations, called the Equinox television.

The first thoughts that crossed my mind were that, while Munzu has a brilliant mind, he is one of those people who continues to put wedges that are nonexistent and prevent a solution to the injustices currently being faced by our people in the Southern Cameroons. Some of our brothers and sisters who have once tasted of soya, have not forgotten its real taste.

Munzu our brother is a theorist who has learnt the white man’s way so well he seems to have forgotten where his allegiance is, and uses words that are meaningless and can be deceitful to drown his own people. He believes the solution to the conflict between Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia and La Republic du Cameroun can be resolved through dialogue where the outcome should be the restoration of an indivisible defunct 1961 Federation.

Munzu seems to reject other options from what should be on the dialogue table, and apparently is savvy to explain the rationale of the rejection by Paul Biya at the beginning of the crisis that the form of state is none negotiable. Munzu argues that not knowing then, what Biya knows now, he will be willing to discuss the form of state. In my opinion, and it is an opinion only, if Biya is willing to discuss the form of State now as Munzu insinuates, because he did not know then what he now knows, then it is possible that he Biya in the near future, knowing what he will know then, will be willing to discuss the terms of the separation between Southern Cameroons and La Republique du Cameroun. How much did we have to lose before we get to this stage? Who is fooling who?

So much water my people has passed under the bridge. Not being a physician, I will nonetheless use common sense to agree that once a malignant cancer begins to eat a part of my body, I should allow that part to be cut off just to save my life, if that were possible, rather than die a painful death because I so much love that part of my body. I wouldn’t go any further to explain. Let those who are wise enough to divulged the meaning of my words do so, for when my thoughts are wandering, I may sometimes get confused. That’s what happens to those of us from the Anglophone ” tribe ” who dig into matters that are too complex for our low IQs.

In Munzu’s discussions with the anchorman of the Equinox television program in which he was guest, the learned Doctor believes Restorationists (those advocating for the independence of Southern Cameroons) can not achieve such independence through war. Ha, our low IQs again in play! He says, he is sure that restorationists are aware of this fact, therefore war can not in his view be a solution. Atlas I have something to completely agree with Munzu on. War can not and has never been a solution to any problem. Those who declared war on our people should have taken note.

Dr. Simon Munzu

Excuse me, perhaps due to our low IQs they perhaps thought we will coward and bow down to his Royal majesty the Fon of Fons and the King of kings ! No one should have been oblivious of the fact that war does not resolve anything. Not even President Biya, the man who whose legacy keeps staring him at the face, from the shores of Ambazonia. The man who has not only violated his oath of office several times, but has also declared genocide to the Ambazonian people using an “inconsequential war” that will finally nail him. A man who shouldn’t be ignorant of a basic fact as so stated by the learned Dr. Munzu, a United Nations expert and possible advocate.
Self defense as adopted by Ambazonians was a stop gap measure to prevent the slaughtering of our people while at the same time making it possible for a solution to be diplomatically sort. A solution that was going to resolve this long standing crisis between to “brotherly neighbors”, most importantly because the United Nations was fast asleep while Biya and his team were steering the ship onto the rocks. Self defense unfortunately broke the tights and awoken the world to the Southern Cameroons plight.

Global institutions unfortunately are like fire fighters, I must say. They only go to where there is evidence that a fire has started. This is not hearsay! These are the facts of the real world in which we live. Shame on us some will say! But of course shame on you the international community!

That said, I believe indisputably, that, the only viable option for the two Cameroons is an independent Southern Cameroons and an independent La Republique du Cameroun or something very close to that. A confederation perhaps, but not a federation. Why are we struggling to like each other so hard, knowing fully well how much we are stinking to each other? Let’s stop being disingenuous!

When this crisis began, I wrote an opened letter to President Paul Biya, begging him to listen to the cry of the people of Southern Cameroons or otherwise live for ever to regret. Ha, I didn’t spell it out so bluntly but came close. Unfortunately like many Camerounese who don’t read, he probably never read my urgent missive, written in the Queens language, or perhaps he read it alright but decided to remain an unrepentant Saul. I should have sent him a video, or a photograph of an imaginary war in Amabazonia, thinking about it now. Everyone watches a good video, or at least takes time to look at a frightful photo and draw hurried conclusions. Anyway, so much water has passed under the bridge, so much trust has been lost between our two people. Our people are aching, no matter what naysayers say.

That said, I do agree with Munzu, that we need negotiations (well, Munzu still talks of dialogue, probably he did not see the memo which said we should abandon that as of yesterday). Negotiations will allow us to revisit the scammed 1961 federal union between Southern Cameroons and La Republic du Cameroon, with the goal being that our people should decide what the future should hold for them. That is, in terms of relations with our recalcitrant brothers of the east in their famous La Republique du Cameroun. No one I must argue, should remove from the negotiations table any option of a possible outcome of discussions between our two people. Otherwise no negotiations will be necessary if options are going to be taken away in a manner earlier suggested by Biya (form of state is none negotiable?), and now his chief explaining officer Munzu (the outcome of dialogue being the restoration of the 1961 federation). Otherwise our people will continue to defend homeland no matter how long it takes to ensure that justice revisits Ambazonia.

As Ambazonians/ Ambalanders, we want all options on the table, and we want new wine in new wine skins. Many of those who have been in the system for far too long have been contaminated and need to get out, and allow room for a new generation of leaders who understand the sound beats of the people’s hearts. People who will be accountable to the citizens, and not to an ideology, not to an international institution or foreign government that despises the real wants of our people. I believe Munzu is not paying his allegiance to our people, his allegiance is somewhere else!

Our learned doctors and professors, and the so-called elites should stop likening the conflict in Southern Cameroons to any other global conflict, because every single conflict is a unique animal, and influenced by contingencies that are unlike any other elsewhere, or ever known. No conflict is a copycat of any other, not South Sudan, not Eritrea, not Catalonia, not the Polisario, not any other.

We the people of Southern Cameroons should know that in order to have peace and justice we must be ready to psychologically tackle what needs to be tackled and go the full length if that is what we must do. I will like to repeat that no outcome of this struggle will be like any other, we have heard anywhere else no matter what our learned scholars say. We must reject intellectual dishonesty and political prostitution, and remember that freedom can be achieved only if we want it so badly.

By Dr R. Fai

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