In a communique released by La Republique’s colonial governor Lele Lafrique Adolphe, today March 8 , the colonial civil administrator has indefinitely suspended the movement of motorbikes within certain counties in the Northern Zone. Such a move takes away the livelihood of the people, and will only radicalised the people more as they become jobless.
The colonial administrator who says he has the statutory provision granting him the authority to implement such a restriction, at the same time using the maintenance of law and order, preservation of the so called peace designated three counties as the motivation for issuing the order.
The wanton communique focused on five key sections
– Suspending motorbikes circulations in Batibo, Widikum, and Balikumbat.
-Throughout the period of the aforementioned order, motorbikes are prohibited from moving about during day and night.
-Administrative bikes will be granted a waiver-meaning the order doesn’t apply to them, bikes belonging to colonial security forces will be authorized to circulate at will.
-Threats of prosecution will be issued against persons caught violating this order. It’s safe to assume confiscation of bikes when seized is also part of the package.
-The colonial SDOs for Momo county and Ngoketunja alongside the security forces have been charged with the strict implementation of the colonial governor’s order.
It would seem La Republique is testing the resolve of the people of the Northern Zone once again with such an order, knowing full well many of the denizens there are depended on motor taxis for their livelihood. As the cycle of violence prevails in Ground Zero, the call for dialogue stalled, the killings continue, grounding motorbikes from circulating is the quickest way to radicalization the youths who thus far might be hanging on the fence. But what else is to be expected from La Republique which has been slow to reason but quick to exert brute force as a solution to every problem.
Neba Benson,
BaretaNews Foreign Correspondent/Analyst
That governor is a clown.
I feel so so bad. Even God who created us, didn’t restrict our movements. He gave us freedom. Why should human beings continuedto be killed, raped, jailed, living in poor conditions and now they can’t even move around. That is hell. Please, let us try harder to contribute to the struggle. Our goal is to reach Buea. Complete independence. God guide and bless us. Grand zero fighters, you are in our prayers daily. Stay safe.
He is a bamleke. That is why it is easy for him to punish and hate us. I call on all to retaliate on their bamleke neighbors or the ones in their towns and villages.
Atem, what’s with you and the Bamilekes? You never spare the tribe in every comment you make. That is gross tribalism, the same thing Anglophones are fighting against. This struggle is not inter-tribal; it is against an oppressive regime, with the goal of restoring statehood. Some Bamilekes are Anglophones. Remember, there hasn’t been a clear-cut definition of an Anglophone by law. Would a Bamileke family that has lived in the Anglophone zone for generations not be Anglophone? I think the difference between an Anglophone and a Francophone should be a matter of feeling and self identification. There are people of say, the Bayangi tribe, born and resident in the Central Region, and who have never been to the Anglophone zones, and only speak French. What do you call those? Francophones or Anglophones? Going by your logic, there would be no Americans of Cameroonian heritage, for example.
It is all alright so long as this man Lele afrique the bami governor of NW is not carrying our boys in large masses to be locked up in his western province specifically in Bafoussam and also if this man called lele afrique is not conniving with his tribes people residing in NW to collaborate with the criminal regime to kill the Amba people. It will also be alright if the bami people in Kumba stop snitching on the Amba freedom fighters by revealing to la republic their movements and actions.
Good response!
Tribalism does not apply to bamlekes, like civil war because they are foreigners to Amba Country. They are not an ethnic tribe or people of our country. You cannot be part of a country that you did not conquer or inherit by legality, the land you live on. That is why the so called bamleke Anglophones fool us as one of us and go back and Mary from their villages in bafusam over 99.999 of the time. When they own businesses in Ambaland, they import workers from bafusam. My hatred for bamlekes is clear and not something to hide. I wil show you pepper when I get the chance. Just wait and see. If you have sense, cut and run now before it is too late.
Brother Atem take it easy for we have some like the Atanga Nji, Musonge, Patrick Ekema, Victor Mengot, Tabetando, Philomen Yang, etc. amongst us who are worse.
By the way who does this “ntongtu” man thinks he is? Rather than building bridges between the Bamilikes and Ambazonians, he is instead burning the bridges to appease the Beti mafia. What a foolish, greedy and mentally deranged old man.
Well said. Brother Atem is exaggerating the issue. I know Bamileke who are very much involved in our struggle. The worst are those elevated slaves you mentioned. They shall be targeted.
We can and will handle our own at the appropriate time. Bamlekes and Camerounese are so called Anglophones by choice. We are Ambazonians by birth.
Brothers and sisters I will caution you all about this Atem Bakia as he is neither from NW or SW. This guy is a beti who is trying to raise Bamileke against us. He is a bulu agent who believe that making Bamileke mad enough against us will give them an edge in this struggle. Washout for this sticking and sleaze guy, he is not your brother; you have been warned.
Asshole colonial devil.
We will drive you our of our mother land.
THERE IS EVERY INDICATION THAT OUR LEADERS SESEKO JULIUS AYUK TABE AND MEMBERS OF HIS CABINET ABDUCTED WERE MURDERED. It could be clearly seen from Tchiroma’s body language when he gave that infamous press conference about the abduction of our leaders right up till present when no one not even the lawyers has seen any of them. AMBAZONIA PEOPLE WAKE UP. La republic do not have our people to show that is why they are acting this way.