My dear friend BB, you were the conscience of our common destiny that was betrayed and enslaved from 57 years ago. You were the spear of hope for our liberation. Your were our fig leaf of freedom from the crushes of the demons of colonial rule and economic exploitation. You tamed fear in the minds of our enslaved people and lit the fire of freedom in the hearts of our generation and generations unborn. You deconstructed academic mediocrity and eviscerated circumstantial pecuniary literature that glorified thieves, murderers, dictators and devil-worshipping of supposed political leaders. You demystified the political arrangement that rewarded criminals and built monuments in honour of false gods. You planted the seeds of justice, freedom, equality for all and the pursuit of happiness in the hearts of all. Your traced our footpaths to freedom. A Prophet that you were, you warned about the genocide that is happening today but also cautioned that the said genocide will not derail the train of freedom of a determined freedom seeking people.

You once told me that a dictatorship is most vulnerable when it’s brutal exercise of power is at its apex and during that moment, murderers will be appointed to preside over the destiny of their victims. When a dictator attends holy places masked in saintly piety, there is reasonable cause to ask the question, so he aspires to be human like the rest of us?

BB, the pain I endured on learning about your brutal and tragic death on the Douala/Yaoundé express grave way along our common friend Dr Hillary Ambe, Kwassen Gwang’gwa and Awoh the driver who was transporting you to the USA Embassy on a scheduled visa appointment will never ever go away. The passage of time has not diminished the pain or abated the recurrent reality of a life without you.

We were soul mates not so much due to the several years we lived in very close proximity but by the fact that we espoused a common liberation ideology for the total liberation and freedom of our enslaved people. We baited the restraining forces of operation and conducted our struggle for , liberation, social justice, freedom for our people and human dignity on our terms and not those defined or decreed by our adversary.

I had the opportunity of knowing many of your students, some who are comrades in the liberation struggle for which you lived and died, I am so proud that God in his eternal grace on your death, allowed the seeds of freedom you planted in your students and our people to germinate into a powerful reservoir of freedom and liberation.

Today as I write these thoughtful words, I can state in all humility, that no weapon, no army , no dictator, can defeat a liberation ideology. If that were possible, fifty six years of genocide and other forms of systemic criminality would have dampened the unstoppable quest for freedom of a people empowered by a popular revolution. This is what you prophesied, this what you wished. So be it.

Thank you BB. May your soul rest in peace.
Your friend and ideological colleague,
Chief Charles Achaleke Taku,
Traditional Ruler and Lawyer. ICC The Hague, Netherlands.

  1. BB may your soul rest in peace along side all those who have suffered the same wicked act from lrc,surely you all are watching over this current struggle with that same monster of lrc,your deaths will never go unpunished,no one will live for ever,the Almighty God comes out the winner in the end!we shall never give up this time!

  2. Let no one be mistaken about this on-going struggle. It is a fight to the finish and we will never retreat, surrender on give up. What is more,it is zero sum; Either we extricate ourselves from the dreadful francophone country of LRC and live independently on our own terms, or nothing at all. No federation of any sort and no further humiliation of our people and the aggressive plundering of our natural resources by the demonic regime of LRC. We may suffer setbacks sometimes as this struggle gathers momentum and advances, but in the end, we will emerge victorious.

  3. It will be an unimaginable betrayal to the souls of the faithfully departed that will come to haunt the collective conscience of all Ambazonians should we dare to do the unthinkable which is to submit to this insane idea of these LRC criminals that they can intimidate us into submission.

  4. RIP brother Bates.

    Just thinking. To all supporters of secession, do you believe that at some point in time LRC will say ok Ambazonian you fought bravely and we acknowledge your struggle now, take the land?
    People this a wishing thinking that has nothing to do with reality. Where in the world has this ever happen?
    Check your history on nations independence I guarantee that you will learn a lot and will stop the nonsenseso.
    Do you know why nations have Army forces? Well to defend the land and this is one of them.
    Stop this stupid secession and go for a win-win solution before it is too late.

  5. Funny that comment by the frog Jojo aka le Patriot. History was for sure not his best subject. Just for information many European countries evolved through independence wars (Italy, Belgium, Ireland, Poland,…). To mention Simon Bolivar who freed Venezuela from the Spanish. My dear Ambazonians we are not the first people who go that way. Our fight is correct.

    Long live Ambazonia.

  6. @George,
    You are absolutely right, I am a Patriot. Now you want to compare yourselves to those big nations! How bizarre you are about history. Let me remind you that before those nations you just mentioned started their revolution, they asked themselves some tufts questions, they have the means, they have plans. You tell me what of these do you have? A revolution is a mission that need a clear mission statement and this mission must have all the 5 Ws: Who, What, When, why and Where. Do your so called General knows any of these? Note that I am also a product of NW, who is very concern about this nonsence you guys started and our communities are now paying dearly.

  7. I will repeat myself you cannot kill one LRC Soldier and they turn around kill 10 of our people. You then kill 3 and they turn around burn our villages, destroy our culture and you then call this a revolution that will lead to independence. Sorry I don’t see anything smart in your actions.

    1. Hahaha. You are a sinner. A liar and ignorant of the highest order. A fake patriot who is looking to get finances from the oppressor.The bitter truth is:
      1. BIR burned Kembong and Kwakwa.
      2. With its paternalism, corruption, bribery and nepotism LRC and Biya destroy our culture and values.

      Long live Ambazonia

  8. BB: We will rid Ambazonia of the bamlekes who betrayed you and told LRC officials about your trip and route to younde which led to your violent murder accident and death. We have a lot of
    Scores to settle with bamlekes and camerounese intruders and illegal immigrants in our country.

  9. @Atem Bakia,
    You’re a robot and I don’t talk to machines with artificial brain.
    Back to George, I don’t said LRC is clean matter fact I don’t like biya and all his chronics. I just like things done right and in a selfless way for the good of our people. Your approache is causing alot of destructions right at the time we had an opportunity for a win-win situation. Anyway your taught process don’t surprise me at all; this is the same mentality that brought us where we are today. You are frustrated and I understand, but instead of engaging in a constructive dialogue, you’re insulting all those who don’t agreed with you. Frustration has taking a tool even on your Hero Mark, he is now afraid that he may never see home again.

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