john chi







The General Overseer of the Ark of God’s Covenant Ministry, Buea, Southern Cameroons, Apostle, John Chi, has sent out a public statement relating to the rising tensions between citizens of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia and the colonial government of La Republique du Cameroun (LRC). The statement came after thousands of questions from concerned Christians and individuals around the world flooded the email box of the Servant of God, asking to know the voice of God on the direction the Cameroons is heading to under the present political imbroglio.

Referencing the Holy scriptures in 2 Chronicles 18:13, the Apostle cited the utterances of Micaiah, a prophet of God that: “As the LORD Lives, whatever my God says, that I will speak.” He added that as a prophet of God, he speaks only what he shall live to see come to pass. The cleric further pointed out that as a servant of God called to serve all and sundry, he has the responsibility to speak to, advice and counsel people, governments and leaders from a none

The Ambazonian born spiritual son of controversial and prominent Nigerian cleric, Prophet T. B Joshua in a public reaction on his official Facebook page , lamented that the Cameroun authorities and some citizens took his prophecies and Godly counsels about the future of the Cameroons since 2014 for granted. This is even after he had officially addressed a copy of what God had revealed to him about the nation in 2014 to the colonial Presidency.

Referencing the Holy scriptures in 2 Chronicles 18:13, the Apostle cited the utterances of Micaiah, a prophet of God that: “As the LORD Lives, whatever my God says, that I will speak.” He added that as a prophet of God, he speaks only what he shall live to see come to pass. The cleric further pointed out that as a servant of God called to serve all and sundry, he has the responsibility to speak to, advice and counsel people, governments and leaders from a none partisan disposition with the aim of uniting and restoring them in Christ Jesus. However, the choice on whether to yield to his prophetic counseling and advice or not, lie entirely with the people, individuals or governments concerned. This is because, man according to him is a free moral agent, and the highest freedom God has granted man is the freedom to make choices on the direction he/she wants to follow in life. It is therefore the right of men to either yield to or reject the counsel or voice of God about their lives and dispositions.

The ability of the people of Southern Cameroons to resist the colonial government for more than a year now and still resisting is prove to the fact that their energy and determination is spiritually driven.

BaretaNews notes that, if the colonial government and president could take for granted such a serious warning and message sent them by an influential religious leader, then GOD has intentionally hardened the minds of the imperialist government officials of LRC for destruction. As it is often said, when God wants to destroy a man, he first of all makes him stubborn and disobedient to His Word.

Since the commencement of this revolution in November, 2016, nearly all front line religious authorities in Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia have written to the colonial government and dictator, Paul Biya, on the way forward; but all their counsels seem to have been thrown into the presidential dust bin. The present state of the revolution is therefore not a surprise to any right thinking person.

The ability of the people of Southern Cameroons to resist the colonial government for more than a year now and still resisting is prove to the fact that their energy and determination is spiritually driven. If GOD therefore be for them, who can be against them? Nobody. Not even a rogue, dictatorial and blood sucking colonial government. The voice of the people is the voice of God and He shall surely see the people of Ambazonia through these trying times and they shall one day sing Hallelujah for defeating 21st century colonialism.

Below is the full statement of the Apostle, John Chi.


In 2 Chronicles 18:13, Micaiah, a prophet of God said: “As the LORD Lives, whatever my God says, that I will speak.” A prophet of God speaks only what he shall live to see come to pass.
Each time Apostle John Chi, an anointed humble servant of God speaks what he receives directly from God, hardened minds tend to turn down the God given message for the people. During the Cameroon for Christ Crusade held in Yaounde on 14 December 2014, the man of God urged the congregation to pray against blood risk, bloodshed and violence as well as against conspiracy at the helm of State. A copy of it was sent to the Presidency. His words:

“This nation Cameroon is God’s own nation. God has never withdrawn His Love for this nation. Since I grew up, I have never experienced a blood risk. I have seen crises in neighboring countries but not this nation. This nation has maintained peace but this is the voice of God for our precious country Cameroon, from God. I see blood risk and violence coming. Pray against blood risk and violence. I see people protesting that will result to bloodshed and violence. I see conspiracy at the helm of State. Pray against conspiracy at the helm of state.
This message is pregnant!!!”

On 25 January 2015, the man of God was again led by the Holy Spirit to foresee impending bloodshed, mass destruction as well as the rise of the spirit of violence in this dear nation. He once more called on Christian Faithful to pray for any form of bloodshed and violence to be averted.
During the Sunday Live Service of July 10, 2016 as the happenings were imminent, Apostle John Chi once more spoke about the message he had announced in two occasions concerning the nation Cameroon and let the congregation in prayer.

The wrath is coming and it will take them one by one. It is high time we turned to God. God is a merciful God. He does not disconnect himself from those who make mistakes. Mistakes are correctable. This is God’s own nation. I shut my words. Write it down. If we don’t come back to God, there is no escape route. That is the voice of God. Write it down.

As if that was not enough, the man of God, in a strongly worded God sent message concerning Cameroon, asked the people to submit to the authority of God in prayer if this dear nation must enjoy lasting peace. His statement:

“It is time for me to speak accurately the voice of God. I want to talk to our leaders and the people of Cameroon. It is time for everyone to come back to God. If not, the wrath of God is coming. I am talking to our leaders and the people of Cameroon. God has been silent. That does not mean he is not seeing what is happening. Delay is not denial. It is time to turn to God. The wrath is coming and it will take them one by one. It is high time we turned to God. God is a merciful God. He does not disconnect himself from those who make mistakes. Mistakes are correctable. This is God’s own nation. I shut my words. Write it down. If we don’t come back to God, there is no escape route. That is the voice of God. Write it down. Circle today’s date and watch what will happen. This is just the beginning. What you see happening is just the beginning. Something is stirring up. It is cooking. Very soon it will explode. We keep talking about peace, peace, peace. We have not seen anything. If we don’t come back to God, very soon, you will see for yourself”

If you as a leader withdraw from any group or party and become a father, you can advise and guide. That will bring unity and restoration in Christ Jesus.

Agbor James

BaretaNews Political Analyst

  1. What we are seeing happening to day ,Is not indifference from what happen to the children of god, in isreal ,God harden the heart of the king,and he become stubborn and his army continue to pursue the children of god and god destroyed them in the red sea with their chariot,there for the colonial camrroon troop should be ready for the wrath of god is opond them.thank god for our able apostle john chi, the hand of god is realy opond him

  2. What gave this struggle it’s weight before September 22nd and October 1st was the manifestations in the diaspora especially at the level of the LRC embassies. I will plead with the diaspora to take on those manifestations even more seriously this time around on a weekly if not daily basis matching it with the ghost towns on ground zero. That alone intimidates LRC governmemy and galvanises ground zero

  3. Only genocide on Ambazonians or civil war is going to liberate us from what I seeing.

    The main agent in this is us Ambazonian ourselves. This thing is suppose to be long over, if only ALL OF US Ambazonian were in our right mind, but we want to see blood, mass killings, demonic treatment of our people before we start running and crying as if we did not know, or there are not enough history that clearly tells us that this is what is coming.

    It is exactly just like what we African did lately concerning Africans been sold in Libya as slaves.
    We knew this was happening ever since but we did noting, only when a European made it public did we fool ourselves with marching and protesting as always.

    Something is fundamentally faulty in the African mind, people who do not take their destiny and future into their own hand early enough, pays a huge nasty price to get it.

    It is already there and all the sings are there but still, some of our people are not listening to what the IG is telling us. I can tell us, it will be nasty, if not the most nasty genocide ever.

    Creation is structured such that it dose not runs on true of false, but on determination and courage. A determine and courageous evil people always wins the most truthful, humble but afraid and not determine people. We Ambazonians have three options: We put our money together and fight them as we want, genocide hoping something happen or get exterminated.

    I’m in total peace the we will get our restoration, the question is, at what price? There is no way I’m ever going to share the same space and time with certain African tribes, they are just too primitive, savage, stupid, animal like and barbaric. They are not suppose to be among humans.

    Long live The Federal Republic of Ambazonia.

  4. TB Joshua clone -John Chi-make your money and dupe gullible souls in peace like your mentor TB Joshua or SHUT THE FUCK UP stupid Graffi ESHIMBI man!

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