This evening, the people of Molyko Buea have been visibly shocked of an inferno. Reports say several shops In MALINGO MOLYKO BUEA have been ravaged by flames following a fire outbreak. The shops are located opposite the 2nd POLICE DISTRICT, around MALINGO. No casualties for now but material damages could be enormous. Buea has no fire fighting Brigade and the one constructed in neighboring Mutengene is still to go operational..Reports Nfor Hansen, Equinox Journalist
BaretaNews notes that dwellers are using local means to stop the inferno. The people of Molyko have been left to themselves without any help. The local population is fighting to put the fire off. Buea is a small concentrated city. Issues like firefighters are supposed to be stationed at the city council. We are told that even police officers were busy taking photos and videos.


Had it been it was students or the opposition protesting in Buea, we would have had the truck with water cannon spraying water on protesters. This is an incident where the police are supposed to intervene with water canon to quenched the fire so as to stop it being spread. A lot of shops have been damaged. These are young Cameroonians with probably no insurance policies, all their goods are gone. How will they pick up? We are told the cause of the fire is unknown. Fire outbreaks have been common in most cities in the Cameroons especially in Douala affecting markets, no investigation are being done to avoid such, yet again and again we receive the same scenario


It is our understanding that the case in Buea will go the same way with no investigation to stop the future act. Major cities in Cameroon should have these fire brigade operational. Cameroonians should be trained in it. The government should invest in this otherwise local councils should develop these and make it priorities for unforeseen contingencies

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As written by a commentator on BaretaNews, he wrote ” It is a shame and disgrace that a town like Buea in Cameroon in the 21st century doesn’t have firefighters, properties and businesses all burnt down. How do this business people carry on now?? What is the Buea council doing? The Mayor can only think of welcoming “An American Boy and spends time in a Hotel with prostitutes while the people of Buea lack and suffer from such an incident. I repeat it’s a disgrace to this Gangster regime of Biya and his Boys…Even the police were busy taking videos and pictures. When will this Country be free? When will the Cameroons smile?? Rubbish Regime! ”


BaretaNews at this point in time offers its sincere wishes to those affected and prays they pick up as soon as possible. We stand with you people.


God is still saying something.

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