President BHICam

BaretaNews caught up with Vicky Fokala. She is a TV host, an entrepreneur, social activist, actress, designer, make-up artist and founder of the Miss Natural Beauty Queen Pageant contest. She has an amazing and strong presence on social media. BaretaNews caught up with her to tell us about Bavijeo Hope Initiative- BHICam. Read on.

  1. Good Day and Welcome to BaretaNews

Thank you, sir

  1. Who is Vicky Fokala in a nutshell? My audience will love to know

I am just a young girl turning into a lady with her hands on her heart. I am an entrepreneur, CEO of FG Touch-an event planning and makeup company. I am the founder of Miss Natural Beauty Queen Pageant. I am a TV host, event house, actress and I am co-founder and president of the Bavijeo Hope Initiative, an NGO based in Cameroon but with co-founders spread around the globe.

  1. What is your impression of BaretaNews?

I have been a fervent follower and supporter of BaretaNews for almost 4 years now and I can say without mincing words that this is a good thing that happened to social media info-education. News hungry persons and activists for change in this country like us can count on BaretaNews for first-hand information on events and happenings in the Country. It is also a platform where we can come together and have objective debates. So thank you for this platform. It’s a gift.

  1. Thank you very much. You mentioned you are the President of the Bavijeo Hope Initiative, what is it all about? What spurred its creation and what are its objectives and vision?

Yes. The Bavijeo Hope Initiative Cameroon-BHICam is a Non-profit and Non-Governmental entity created by young Cameroonians pained by the happenings in our society especially amongst the vulnerable youthful population. Our aims and objectives are focused on re-branding youthful minds from moral decadence but also others such as:

  1. Empowering the people of Cameroon by education to be self-independent and strive to be dignified beings.
  2. Work together with other human rights NGOs, to advance the rights of vulnerable communities, who are subject to discrimination and human rights abuses in different parts of Cameroon, through counseling, education, monitoring, reporting, awareness-raising, capacity-building and national/international advocacy.
  3. Implement projects that advance the rights of vulnerable people, such as women, children, orphans, people with mental and physical disabilities, who are subject to different forms of human rights abuses in different parts of Cameroon, as well as, health related concerns, the HIV/AIDS control and prevention campaign and peer education.

And our Objectives includes:

  1. Promoting moral education amongst the Cameroonian people
  2. Promoting the respect for universal standards of human rights with emphasis on universality and interdependence of human rights.
  3. Providing a public regional forum for the exchange of ideas and concerns on human rights, peace, and substantive democracy.
  4. Exposing human rights abuses within all educational institutions. Human rights are abused in dark places and the abused persons are forced into silence in their own country. By organizing regional dialogues, producing research and publications and undertaking advocacy campaigns, BHICam will seek to expose such abuses.
  5. Building a communication network of regional forum of human rights and peace activists and develop a publications program on peace and human rights issues.
  6. Undertaking programs and campaigns to generate awareness and counseling to the Cameroonian people especially the youth, displaced persons, orphans, people with mental and physical disabilities etc.
  7. Strengthening the peace-building capacities of these particular constituencies – Minorities, Women, Children, Youth and the media.
  8. 5.We assumed a lot of associations already existed with same objectives as BHICam, how is BHICam different?

BHICam is different in that we have found a way to be closer to the people we are targeting. We speak almost from a near victim point of view and can better understand them and know better how to meet their needs. We are different in that we pride ourselves to have first-hand information and experience on matters such as those we address, however, like we said, no man or association can be an island in this battle to change that’s why we are open to working hand in gloves with similar associations for the betterment of our beloved country.

  1. How can one join BHICam? Where can one find BHICam?

Joining is easy. We have a Facebook platform that allows you to join. In just a click you can be part of the family and have information as well as support our projects. To further participate as a registered member, we will just need to have you registered in our books by a presentation of some necessary documents. Our website is coming up in few weeks time

  1. What about the registration process?

The process is quite easy. The bureau members will have a meeting to look through those applying to join and then make a decision. Remember that we are working in an entity of change so we want to at the very most avoid persons of doubtful disposition.

  1. Any projects in the near future?

Oh yes by every means. One of BHICam’s main objective is to cater for the needy and less privileged. This new academic year we will be visiting the Saint Benedict of Hope Orphanage in Abangoh Bamenda with a token of our love. We will communicate a fixed date subsequently. On that note , we will be very glad to receive any further assistance to support the package we are to offer.

  1. What are the short and long term goals of BHICam?

Apart from catering to the needy, BHICam has the “one orphanage, one entrepreneur ” project that will be coming up soon. In our quest to make young Cameroonians independent as dignified beings, we understand that gifts to orphanages will not suffice to make the difference so we plan on training at least a child in a trade of their choice and setting them up fully so that they can be their own entrepreneurs and subsequently create jobs and be able to give back to society. Besides that, we also plan on having talks and seminars and training workshops in many educational institutions amongst others.

  1. Is BHICam having a Board already? Who are they?

Yes, we do have a bureau set up already . There is my humble self as president.
Mr. Akame Gerald as vice president
Ms. Bari Fanso as Projects Officer
Mr . Jerry yangiyoh as Administrative Secretary
Mr. Otto Akama as Vice- Administrative Secretary
Mr .Mark Bareta as communication Secretary


  1. What is your own personal view of the Cameroons we find ourselves?

The Cameroons is a melting pot that will melt and wash completely away if the status quo remains unchanged.

  1. Any last words ?

We are hoping that BHICam will meet its objectives but we also know that we cannot do it alone. We need hands on deck as many as God will touch hearts to offer. You know there is a saying that if you want to go fast go alone but if you want to go far hold a hand. A broomstick easy to break but a whole broom is cannot be easily broken so we need each other.

  1. Thank you for talking to BaretaNews

Thank you for the honor of having me. It is my prayer that BaretaNews will call and break every glass ceiling in this world of information. May God’s 3G (good, gracious and glorious) hand never depart from your every endeavor.
Thank u sir. God bless our strive.

God is still saying

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