Prophet Suleman today Sunday 23rd October has said he saw a Black Sunday after this recent incident that has caused havoc in the Cameroons. He is calling on all Pastors in Cameroon to rally their members and fast for straight four days without interrupting, if not a Black Sunday awaits Cameroon worst than what happened last Friday 21st, October.
Recalled that on Friday 21st October, Cameroon had a serious accident at Eseke which lead more than 150 people dead and 600 more wounded.
President Biya who was away from the Country has declared Monday 24th October a national mourning day. SDF MP Hon Nintcheu has called on Biya to resign, Kah Walla CPP National President is calling on Cameroonians to join the STAND UP FOR CAMEROON MOVEMENT to save the country.
You can listen to the prophet prophecy here
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