BaretaNews, some media organs, activists have been listed for accreditation. If accredidated, they will have full access to a number of privileges at the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, State House Press Core.
According to a Press Release signed by the Press Secretary, Dr Nicolas Nguh Santos, the media organs, as well as bloggers, will be given full access through live videos or voice calls, to ask questions or make recommendations to the President, during Press Question and Answer briefings.
“They shall serve as primary communicators on behalf of our 8 million citizens who want to get the Acting President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, Dr Samuel Ikome Sako, with questions or proposals. We therefore, call on our citizens to channel questions, concerns or proposals to the Acting President through these persons being considered for Accreditation,” the release read in part.
The Prelease went further to state that, “ If accredited, these persons shall focus on questions related to the Acting President’s Policies, State House Business, other areas of Concerns or emergences needed to be addressed by the Acting President. This is because all persons accredited have to beware that the most of the general questions on events or happenings on ground zero, Interim Government, and other cabinet communication responsibilities are handled by the Secretary of State for Communication and IT, Secretary Chris Anu, in another broadcast called ‘Interim Government Updates,” the letter read.
Read Press Release In Full…
By Lucas Muma,
Managing Editor – BaretaNews
Keep, keeping it up. The right move and very well welcome.
THERE IS EVERY INDICATION THAT OUR LEADERS SESEKO JULIUS AYUK TABE AND MEMBERS OF HIS CABINET ABDUCTED WERE MURDERED. It could be clearly seen from Tchiroma’s body language when he gave that infamous press conference about the abduction of our leaders right up till present when no one not even the lawyers has seen any of them. AMBAZONIA PEOPLE WAKE UP. La republic do not have our people to show that is why they are acting this way.