Camair-co has been suspended from going to Europe due to safety concerns and extremely poor managerial organization. Information suggests there is a lot going on with the present management and Edouard Akame Mfoumou who is the PCA (President de conseils d’aministration) is preventing the change of the General Manager
The company is going down because they (Jean Paul Nana Sandjo, GM and The PCA are running a private business there. How do you expect Camair-Co to survive when the current DG is a former supplier of Camair and using his position as DG to pay himself with any little money that was his carried over debts from Camair? Camair-Co is going bankrupt soon.
Paule Assoumou Koki who is the director of Cameroon civil aviation authority CCA signed the document banning Camair-Co travelling to Europe. Attached is the signed letter delivered to BaretaNews by a source.
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