Short waves from Ambazonia
1. La Republique says they are going no where. They insist that Ambazonia is their farm and they must continue to annex, harvest until thy kingdom come. This is why they have under very tight security installed a new DO in Batibo.
2. Search for the arrested DO for Batibo continues. It is suspected that La Republique attitude is geared towards to the fact that the arrested DO is an Anglophone and there is a “Je Ma Fool” attitude from them. They seem to be happy that this is happening to one of our own.
3. Banga Bakundu, a community along Kumba-Buea has come under heavy attack this morning. Reports from ground Zero indicate there was heavy gun fire last night between restoration forces and annexation forces. This led to two annexation forces being sent to the world beyond. Denizens only got up to find themselves in the bushes as reinforcements came from Buea county, capital of Ambazonia
4. BaretaNews has in its keeping pictures of the one contractor who was shot in Buea with his wife last two nights at saint Therese Junction Molyko coming from a party. The wife is currently undergoing treatment. If you see the pictures of how this man head was shattered, you will pick the next available gun to revenge. We cannot at this hour share this picture on Facebook but we can share to you on Whatsapp so that you can tweet. For those with our Whatsapp number please write and request the photo. We need to document all these photos.
5. Unconfirmed reports reaching BaretaNews desk say la Republique are arresting young guys in Ndian, carry them in boats, kill and dump their bodies offshore. BaretaNews cannot independently verify this information. We are making it public so that those from that area can do calls and require to know what is happening. This is so because lots of person from that area are reportedly being missing for days and no one knows their whereabouts.
This is BaretaNews short waves from Ambazonia. Stay tuned
1 comment
Another monstrous lrc killings ,our people must understand that war has been declared by lrc onto them, some are in denial, lrc continue their barbarism,so where are all the SCs self defense funded groups to defend communities from those colonial leaches?that captured SDO should have been eliminate ago rather than hostage as he is a SCs slave traitor, same must happen to this arrogant replacement and all the rest lrc in the counties lets see if they will have the guts to take a vacant colonial post in the English regions