Bamenda: History teaches us that 1st October is Southern Cameroons Independence Day. We cannot dispute that. The right to self-determination is a human right and Southern Cameroons have got that right too. Today, we all stand tall with all those who believe in the right to self-determination. We salute all those who are fighting for the course to see an independent Southern Cameroons- Republic of Ambazonia. It is a legitimate course.
We keep praying for consolation to all those languishing in La Republique prison cells. Be hopeful knowing that justice shall prevail someday as the fight continues. To all those who are currently fighting, keep believing in your dreams and fight to make it a reality. May the souls of all those who have gone before us marked with the sign of glory as a result of this course rest in peace.
Information reaching us from Southern Cameroons say troops have occupied every major city in Southern Cameroons. While we think this is good news because it creates more awareness, La Republic should be ashamed for stopping a people to celebrate their day.
However, Kinnaka TV went downtown Bamenda today 1st October 2016 to talk to Southern Cameroonians. You may want to listen.
Mr Ayaba Cho Lucas, Ambazonia Governing Council Chairman, gave an assuring message to Southern Cameroonians, he wrote ” I have assured the Advisory Council and the Executive Council that based on my assessment, we will soon be capable of ending the occupation of our homeland. I want to make one more promise to you all; We will not only end the occupation but we will inspire and help Camerounians to overthrow the Biya regime. We have a blue print plan for our liberation. We have a post-independence stability and reconstruction plan. You may not like me but you should trust me. AS LEADER OF THE STOPGENERATION, I WILL OVERSEE the liberation of Ambazonia. It’s my promise to my Children to leave behind for them and others a better place than I met. This is my word until my last day on earth. God bless you all..”
BaretaNews will like to conclude that Colonialism divided Africa, drew up boundaries and we had no choice. Because of that countries were developed and as a result La Republique was created differently from Southern Cameroons. Like any other country, Southern Cameroons too have that right to be independent because, like La Republique and other countries in Africa, Southern Cameroons was a UN Trust territory. What would have happened if, on 11th February 1961, Southern Cameroons had the third option and voted for Independence? So the idea is that Southern Cameroons was never part of La Republique, they join based on some conditions, in fact, they gained their own independence by joining, if that is not working, they can pull out. Those are facts and that is history. Any other idea of a One Africa etc is just opinions
God is still saying something