It started with the National Executive meeting on Saturday, September 24, 2016. On Sunday, September 25, this heavily attended National Council meeting (95 delegates) opened with devotional service led by Rev. Jonah Ndi Jato. His message was taken from Psalms 37: 1-8, 37.
He spiced his message with a vision he had and on appealing to the National Chairman to kindly pass his message to the SDF Chairman Ni John Fru Ndi, his reply was simple and emphatic, “If God has sent you as he sent Jonah, don’t look for an intermediary, do it yourself”. And I did and Chairman Fru Ndi was very happy to receive my message. I urge you people to stand firm. Have no doubts when speaking the truth. Have no fear when working for the freedom and happiness of God’s people… . Trials and temptations, difficulties and challenges must come. But know that victory is beyond the dark clouds. Look up to the Lord who gave us this land… our heritage and fear not. He ended with a solemn prayer calling on the Lord to chair the meeting and protect all from claws of the evil one.
This National Council meeting was dedicated to the grand launching of the British Southern Cameroons Sovereign Independence Referendum. The message was fit for such an historic occasion and mission. It was redemptive, irredentist, confidence assuring and inspiring.
The Grand Launching was done in two phases by two illustrious sons of the land visiting from the USA – Sammy Ngwa and Rogers Akeumbom.
Each made a brief speech declaring how elated and inspired he was to be among the activists in the war front and to see and feel the zeal of determination to be free from foreign domination of la Republique du Cameroun. We living abroad have no lessons to teach you but we have to learn from you who under extreme difficulties, barbaric repression, crushing poverty, you make such sacrifice to be free. As we leave you we go with renewed spirits to work extra hard, mobilize our compatriots to play a deserving role for our freedom and independence. We have been hearing from our National Chairman, Nfor Ngala Nfor to whom we are all grateful for his steadfastness but being with you since yesterday and interacting with our people and seeing the arrogant and menacing behavior of the occupier the urgency of fighting for national freedom sinks in us more concretely. We will do our best and you will see the difference.
Mr. Rogers Akeumbom launched the “Justification for Holding the Referendum” and Sammy Ngwa launched the Referendum, each with a cash price while promising to do more.
This was followed by taking the Oath of Fidelity to the national cause. This was conducted by the National Chairman. Each compatriot stood with a Referendum Card and Form in hand. Justifying why this historic mission was limited only to the sons and daughters of the soil which he likened to “kontry fashion and sacrifice” for all to live in enduring peace, happiness, prosperity and dignity, he read from Ezra 4: 1-3. To overcome challenges that are bound to come he prescribed “Mouth to Ear Starting from Your Own House” as the abiding strategy. He declared the delegates, leaders at various levels in attendance “YOU ARE THE POLITICAL APOSTLES OF THE NEW DAWN”. And he called on all selflessly to go to every nook and corner of British Southern Cameroons in faith, confidence and determination.No village or LGA should be left out. It is an act of national self-determination and it concerns all.
The referendum is to cause the UN to right the wrong done to British Southern Cameroons in 1961 which has caused us untold suffering under la Republique du Cameroun. But wherever there is opposition, like Christ admonished the seventy disciples, shake off the dust, thank the person and leave quietly. No foul language! Be patriotically and dutifully humble and as wise as the serpent and as courageous as the lion. You stand on the rock of legitimacy and legality, so fear not! In taking the oath all pledged to get not only two million but two million plus.
The Chairman called on those with cameras to use the social media and spread the news across the globe.
As if to bless the action the Lord sent down rain. To give an opportunity for social interaction after such a charged historic and momentous act, prayers were made for item eleven as the rain continued to water the land.
As if not wishing to be absent at such a historic moment in the life of a neighbour, the occupation forces in the characteristic nature of their upbringing, rushed in with their guns when the rain ceased. But as mature, self-disciplined, self-confident and responsible people we were neither moved nor disturbed by their rude and crude intrusion. The assertive calmness, with which we sat determined not to bow to their dictates, even when their boss was called by phone, certainly disarmed them.
The Lord being in total control, no one was tortured, no one was arrested, they checked
SCNC, Communication Department, Bamenda