When I first heard a decree was signed (December 13th, 2018) to release people connected with this crisis, I was cautiously happy even before I saw the full text. And I strongly believe like me, many people were happy, considering the fact that we are all invested into looking for ways and means of ending this war and starting meaningful dialogue.
But after a full reading of the said decree, I must say I am very disappointed and still in shock that either LRC is not ready to end this war now or they have no clue at all how to end this war while many people are still dying, including innocent children and women.
No one arrested in North West or South West in connection with the Southern Cameroons crisis is charged with misdemeanor (minor offense). As a matter of fact, everyone abducted or kidnapped starting from Barrister Agbor Balla to Mancho BBC to President Sisiku Ayuk Julius Tabe was charged with offenses ranging from terrorism to treason.
So to claim today that 289 people arrested in connection with the Anglophone crisis and charged with misdemeanor will be released is completely misleading and carefully calculated to manipulate public opinion.
We want an end to this war. We want genuine dialogue to discuss the root causes of this war so we don’t hand another war to future generations. We want peace and security for all and not just the reach and the people East of the Mungo River.
We want freedom and liberty. And above all, we want the right to life and self-determination to be restored and guaranteed to all of God’s children.
Freedom and liberty and the right to life are not Government’s gift to the governed. They are God’s gift to mankind.
Now, to create a perfect atmosphere for healthy discussion and resolution of the ongoing conflict, LRC must first and foremost:
1. Release everyone abducted in connection with this crisis without discrimination as to level of crime committed or omitted.
2. Call a ceasefire and demilitarize all Anglophone territory.
3. Call for an all inclusive dialogue with all stakeholders in the presence of a credible third party like the USA not nations with too much vested natural resources interests;
4. Or call for a referendum in North West and South West to decide the form of government they want or do not want to be part of.
5. Disarm all civilians armed to harass, fight or kill anyone supporting or promoting the ideology of Ambazonia.
6. Make a proposal and a commitment to rebuild all homes and villages burned down in NW/SW and compensate everyone who has lost his business or life or limb as a result of the brutal and inhumane reaction of the military.
7. Also compensate families of LRC military personnel who have been sent to die in this useless war which should never have been declared in the first place.
Thousands of Anglophones have been abducted, thousands more have been killed and buried in mass graves with thousands more suffering in bushes and on foreign soil.
Show some real love to your people and silence the guns Mr. President. Now is time for the war of words. No more killings. Make the right call and let the real debate begin.
I’m very ready to offer my services free of charge and to play a role in facilitating dialogue and negotiations (if dialogue and negotiations are genuine) if we must end this war right now and give all our people peace, security and hope.
Dr. David Makongo
Southern Cameroons will have the last laugh. Bathelemy Biya can sign any piece of paper that he wants, what interests me is the complete freedom of the former British Southern Cameroons, which is non-negotiable and will come to be. I wish Bathelemy lives long enough to see the world’s newest free democracy take flight.
Vexing indeed for Biya to continue throwing crumbs in hopes that Ambazonians will fall for it. Clearly it is yet to dawn on the guy that this revolution is real and his authority over our land and people is eroding.
Macron is in France making concessions to protesters while Biya stays in Etoudi acting tough. The truth is that there is no escaping a round table sit down to negotiate terms of a peaceful separation of the two countries, be it today, tomorrow or in years to come. Long live the F.R. of Ambazonia.
Dr. Makongo with all due respect, you are the last person to refer to us as having any relation with this etoudi wife killer buffoon. We have never been and will never be part of LRC.
Biya can continue to wallow in his own excrement as much as he wants, the crux of the matter is that we are not an expendable people for him to toy with us as he wants. Enough is enough of his foolishness.
All Mr Biya’s actions tend to have ulterior motives. This one is no different.
I was wondering where it was until I saw the releases from the UK about how they are sending aid to victim children in Cameroon.
One of the statements mentions Cameroon’s commitment in the fight against terrorism in the Lake Chad Basin and encourages other partners to contribute.
The funds in these initiatives could be the target of Mr Biya’s latest ploy.
I call it ploy because, unlike Dr Makongo, I did not need to read the details before realising that there was less to it than met the eye.
Mr Biya cannot claim any capital for signing decrees to release people waiting for trial in front of the military! If anything, the decree only highlights the injustice of their initial detention. Nor could targeting of “anglophone” prisoners for this largesse be seen as anything positive, for it explicitly acknowledges the discrimination and marginalisation that anglophone were rounded up for protesting! In that light, there is even less justification for the leaders continued incaceration.
Mr Biya is not looking for a solution contrary to his purported wish, as relayed by his minions, “to continue to work for peace”. Absolute rubbish – or completely predictable – as he has had this repeated by his various minions during his whole mishandling of the “crisis”.
First he sent his RDPC cronies to visit other cronies in the NW and SW, usually under heavy protection, and claim that these jaunts are “seeking solutions”. He also sends his militia to burn homes and worse as a scheme to “bring calm” to West Cameroon.
He has not noticed, or has chosen to ignore, the illogic of putting the leaders in unlawful detention while, letting it be claimed that he is trying to pursue dialogue.
It is almost as if, the prerequisite of any of his actions is to check that it will not work!
We must discount Mr Biya as a part of the solution. He has nothing to offer, being an architect of the problems himself.
The sooner we come to terms with that reality, the sooner we can take the right measures to achieve our state.