As early as 5am, Thursday April 5, 2018, gunshots where already heavy in Belo, Boyo County, Northern Zone of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia. Restoration forces, were engaged in a serious gun battle with colonial forces of la Republique du Cameroun (LRC).

According to reports, LRC military invaded Belo, after being tipped off about a training camp of Amba forces. Their arrival in the area caused huge fighting, leaving casualties on the sides of la Republique with the colonial la Republique Forces resulting in summarily executions of civilians who ran for safety in the bushes

Frustrated LRC forces destroyed villagers’ property

Thursday April 5, 2018 was an unforgettable day in the lives of inhabitants of Belo, extending to road users. The tension in that part of Boyo County in the Northern zone was unprecedented, mind-blowing, deadly and frightening.

As the day grew older, the restoration forces devised a means to paralyse LRC forces intervention. They divided themselves in groups and spread all over Belo. While some were engaged in exchange of shots with the colonial forces, others went to Anyajua village and destroyed the bridge leading to the village.

This strategy seemed to have trapped the military that could not use vehicles to cross over, while those who had crossed trekked to come back.

In the cause of shooting, scores of LRC forces were killed. More reinforcement came from Mezam County, but could not match-up with the prowess of the Amba fighters. Unconfirmed information say over 50 LRC fighters were killed, and two trucks burnt down.

Frustrated with the huge defeat, LRC military resorted to terrorising innocent citizens in and around Belo.

Civilians killed

“We were returning from an interior village where we went to accompany a sick relative. Upon arriving Belo, we heardgun shots from every direction and a voice speaking in French, ‘Hey! Vous etes qui? garrez vous la et descendez du vehicule’ , asking us who we are and ordered us to step down the vehicle and hand over the keys. We alighted from the car and they ordered us again to bringour vehicle to where they were standing. We were three of us, all men. I entered the car and drove few metres where the over 50 military men were standing. We came out and were told to off our phones, present our ID cards and lie down which we did. While doing so the Soldiers continued firing shots in the air indiscriminately. They went to our car and searched it telling us that if they find anything suspicious, they will shoot us and dump us in bushes. My whole body was wet; I quickly took holy water from my pocket and sprayed on my body asking God to intervene. As if God heard my prayer, we saw about 15 other vehicles heading to Bamenda and other areas, they were all stopped by the military, at that time we were over 200. I said to myself even if they want to kill, they cannot kill 200 innocent civilians. The other newcomers were also asked to do same exercise we did. After spending close to three hours, the military allowed us to go to our various destinations, sending us away with deafening shots in the air. As I drove along, we saw more reinforcement coming down from Bamenda about four pickups with Elite forces dressed in mufti, they were certainly descending to Belo. We later arrived Bamenda around 2 PM,” A driver told BaretaNews

Back in Belo, a Police Officer popularly called ‘Commissaire’ was mistakenly shot by LRC forces and rushed to the Mbingo hospital where he was operated upon for over four hours. Eye witness account says, he was walking with his assistant in civilian wear when the colonial forces mistook him for the restoration forces, because the zone was declared no go area.

A stray bullet killed a young boy who was sitting in their compound. Dillon Ninuh died on the spot. Others were also short at Anyajua

Belo covers a surface area of about 346 square kilometres. The Belo municipality covers 29 villages with 96 quarters and has a population estimate of 88,664 inhabitants. There are basically 5 ethnic groups in the municipality. These are: The Koms, Mbessas the Fulanis, the Mejungs and the Mejangs.

By Lucas Muma,

Managing Editor – BaretaNews


    1. I believe this story is fake example from article ‘More reinforcement came from Mezam County’ this is not realistic LRC will not get reinforcement from Mezam which will take minimum 4 hours to arrive while reinforcement from Bamenda or Bambui will take maximum 45 minutes. i know Mezam county and Boyo divisions very well.

      What do you profit with this propaganda articles? Even if there has been an incident it won’t be of the magnitude you claim here.

      BTW did you see videos of my own political defence group on FB? I told you guys i will get one during Easter. We need money please donate directly to the guys. FOOOLS

  2. Please, please, some one should give us the email and Twitter accounts of all UN, AU, EU officials, the french president and british prime minister. We need their accounts to send individual alerts on what is happening in Ambazonia – West Cameroon. All Ambazonians should go on the offensive and individually from all continents to tell world leaders of biya’s annihilation of our people.

    Biya is not going to stop killing Ambazonians until everyone is dead.

  3. There is no other solution that what was suppose to have happen in the first place.

    The population of Ambazonia is only going to grow and it can not be contained nor can LRC exterminate all Ambazonians.

    Any thing other than our total liberation serve only to strength our position and give us time to materialized the unstoppable.

    LRC is already operating at over capacity, Ambazonians has not even started.

    If money and military sophistication was the determining factor in any war, then this world today would be ruled by the SS, Gestapo and Nazi’s.

    LRC has not just only failed, it failed from the moment it decided to assimilate Ambazonians, this is why we are seeing this and this is going to continue till Ambazonians are free.

    What we are experiencing is the failure of LRC, an experiment that was never in the first place suppose to be initiated. With all the prove in front of their face, they can’t stand it. LRC can not stand the fact that what it set our to accomplish with a tiny group of people over a period of 60 years is a total failure. They can not stand their own evil, so they want to force us by all means to accept their evil. That is never going to happen.

    The biggest mistake LRC ever made in its arrogance is to kill our people, they will forever regret that.

    No entity can stop time or erase the memory of events out of man’s mind, this is why the only way out is separation, nothing else.

  4. You guys keep fooling yourselves, you hate simple reality. Granite, your ADF is there to protect, why worry, continue fanning the flames of destruction.

    1. “jojo the joker” rather than wasting your time in this forum, cowardly hiding behind the ugly face of your old white french woman, you son of a bitch would better spend your time being on CRTV convincing biya and your fellow frenchee niggas to live Anbazonia territory and people alone because the Amba people are not interested in your fake union. Amba people are strong willed people and not as small minded as your chicken self.

      1. He is so insane that he says thing without realizing consequence, he is a fool that has been fooled by people who are not fools but claimed by him to be fooling themselves.

        If we are fooling ourselves, then his presence here say clearly that he has been fooled by people who he claim are fooling themselves.

        I honestly prefer to fool myself that rather be fooled by a fool.

        1. @Malis, Only cowards are afraid to speak out and stand for the truth! Fame without sound judgement is vain.
          The end time for the so called struggle is near. Soon you all will remember!

      2. @Saa,
        Fuck you idiot and for your information you should note that the word niggas is no longer use even in America.

  5. Malis thank you for that write up. Ambazonians are only in the-testing phase of the revolution. By this time next year no LRC soldier will want to cross west of the Mungo

    1. Please donate directly to my boys in batibo, did you see the video on FB? I promised i will get a political defence group during Easter. FOOOLS . more political groups are coming up and we will drain all your money and make you miserable in Europe. Let’s see how long you can donate.

      1. Pls give me the address of your asylum camp in Spain. I will not bring money but some bottles of 33 export. I assume that is what you francophones prefer.

        1. Foolish George, 33 export is at least 400fcfa how about palm wine you Bush people consume all day long? Stupit dirty niggas.

  6. Saa jojo is not waisting his time here. He is paid. Its a job for them. By the way Jojo is not one person its a group of francos who are paid to spend the whole 24 hours a day on this website. They are doing their job please just ignore them.

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