Sisiku Ayuk Tabe






Unveiled Interim Government of Ambazonia; Expectations, Shocks, Suspense and the Way Forward


After almost a month of waiting, anxiety and speculations by the freedom driven people of Ambazonia on the possible candidates to be nominated to fill the proposed departmental portfolios to complete the Interim Government (IG); the long waiting of the people finally came to an end late night, 24th November, 2017, with the publication of the full list of IG appointees by the Interim President (IP), Comrade Sissiku J. Ayuk-Tabe. It is a government with many unexpected surprises and also interesting suspense.

The IG is made up of a home based Vice President whose identity remains concealed for security reasons, 7 Secretaries of State and their under secretaries, 7 Ambassadors, 2 Chairpersons of Commissions and their deputies, and 2 Directors and their deputies. Most of the appointees are already known revolutionary technocrats who have been in the revolution since the movement began in the 1990s and late last year. Among the appointments, there are surprises and suspense in the positions of Vice President, Defense and Homeland Security, and Education.

Many had speculated and expected the Interim Vice President, to be named as, Comrade Wilfred Tassang considering his Vice Chairmanship role in the defunct SCACUF Governing Council. He was however unexpectedly but deservedly appointed Secretary of State for Education, while the speculated appointee for that position, Dr. Elisabeth Ambe, owing to her fantastic role as Head of Department for Education, in the defunct governing council, was appointed as Under Secretary of State for Education. The position of Vice President was given to an undisclosed Comrade, who is based on ground zero. This is a shocker and suspense to many Ambazonians who are now weighing different home based options on who could be the possible Vice IP to the IP. Another department with surprises is defense. Though the name of the appointee has not been disclosed for security and strategic reasons, the Ambazonians have however been made to understand that the person concern is a Military General. BaretaNews rightly thinks that this is the biggest strategic winning move from the IG. It does not only put enough fear into the minds of La Republique knowing that the government is home based, it also cements the already bonded relationship between AMBAZONIANS both home and abroad.

The people are therefore left to wonder if the said individual is a General with La Republique du Cameroun Arm Forces or with a foreign nation. But how is it possible that a Southern Cameroonian could have risen to the position of a General in any military in the world without public knowledge is another question begging for an answer. Other departmental positions whose appointees have not been disclosed for security and strategic reasons include; the Under Secretary of State for Defense and Homeland Security, and the Director of Intelligence and Deputy. The list of IG appointees is also void of some notable leaders of front line movements who were expected to have shelve their differences and joined the IP’s solicited Coalition of the Willing, to move the revolutionary train to its final destination, which is Buea.

It will not be an over statement to say that the full government has been greeted by the people with great euphoria. They cannot therefore wait to see the full team of the IG get to work. As earlier stated by the IP, the revolution is at the nation building stage and it is the believe of this Platform that these group of individuals have been called to make commitments and sacrifices in nation building towards achieving the single goal of complete restoration of the independence of Ambazonia. By so doing, they shall also be inscribing their names in the annals of the history of Ambazonia. Furthermore, even as the complete team get into action, the Secretary of State for Defense and Homeland Security must galvanize all self-defense groups into a collaborative platform. This should be done with sincerity, objectivity and mutual respect for each other. It is now an issue of Ambazonia first before anything else.

BaretaNews also cautions the people to keep their speculations about undisclosed departmental portfolios to themselves and avoid making statements, especially on Social Media that may undermine or endanger the security of any comrade in the homeland.

Agbor James, BaretaNews Political Analyst

  1. We welcome our new interim government. La Republique is already frightened. It’s not a fantasy. We build a new nation.

  2. Congratulation my President. May the good LORD who has called you guide and protect you. All you need is reassure your relationship and constant fellowship with Him and all will (though tough ) go well. Even as you serve man, your allegiance should be first directed to God, then it will be accepted by those who are out to build this new nation of our. Don’t listen to nagative criticism but to what are positive. God is your strength.

  3. Brilliant!! patriotic SCs must be proud, have faith in this New era where good will,hope and leadership is coming from people who care about their citizens,persinally for the first time in my life I belong to a new nation where I can can be proud

  4. When I think about the appointment of those that I recognize on that list, I conclude that a lot of thought and scouting was put into it and my guess is that as much thought was put in those I do not recognize. May they lord shower them with everything that it takes to finally reach Buea.

  5. We the people of the Federal Republic of Ambazonian have to help these people accomplished their task, they are nothing other that us all as a government.

    We wish them all well.

  6. Congratulations to Your Eexcellency Sissiku J. Ayuk-Tabe and your new team. First I pray that God guides and direct your thoughts, words and actions. I like you to know that what the people of Ambazonia ask of you and your team is that you shine as that beacon of hope and prosperity once lost, but now rekindled.

    Long live The Federal Republic of Ambazonia

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