If you so desire to do a census of international hypocrites, the Libyan slavery scenario, a true reflection of 21st century claims of one and sundry of a world in which human lives have the same values and do your roll call. It looks like all the hypocrites have answered present either by their talking or by their silence. Do you need help to identify the first 10? Then read on.

Any claims that the business has just been recently discovered is a joke. How is it that this same press channels that know everything about every hidden human on earth, even the hiding places of all those whom they desire to eliminate had no knowledge of the business on black Africans in Libya. And by the way, why do they choose to expose only Libya when the same thing is happening in the whole of the Muslim Middle East as well of the Arab northern part of Africa? The reason is obvious: to seek to block the entry of “these black Africans” to the western world, a world that is open only to African raw materials. The real intention is to give the impression that it was only Africans selling other Africans which is partly false. If it were not, then where have these “black goods” finally ended if not in Europe and America? Some of the survivors even say that this was a market of human parts, and for who else if not for Europeans and Americans? Have they had enough? No one knows. But the Western media claims that it was not known is a farce.


There were claims from the leaders of France and the US as well as their allies that Gaddafi was a terrorist murdering his own people. Even when the murdered leader gave in to dialogue, those hypocrites rather opted to murder him, beefing up the international press which defends the status quo of western hegemony to paint him black. Since the murder of Gaddafi, has the international criminal tribunals as much as called them for any prosecution? No! It is true that there are in France and the US, voices crying out for justice now as they were at the time rejecting any outside intervention in Libya, but they are an absolute minority.
To say nothing of the design to nib in the bud the pan African dream of Gaddafi for Africa so as to maintain French economic, political and cultural rape of the continent was the real objective. All their present day claims are first degree exhibits of hypocrisy.


These fellows who for the most part are stooges of the European Exploiters of the resources of their nations are suddenly claiming too that they were not aware. What a shame? They too are rushing to Libya to collect their nationals. What a stupidity. Were they not aware? Are they not the ones that made and continue to make life difficult for the ordinary people to survive in their societies? Are they not the same blanked wetters who loot and steal and store in foreign countries and banks for themselves and their families leaving the poor like scavengers with no means of survival? Show any African leader whose extended family is in want. Yet they claim to show concern over their brothers and sisters reduced to a condition unworthy of human beings. This is called hypocrisy.


A certain cream of African stars too have not been left out in this contest for international hypocrisy. Men of reputation like Alfa Bondy and Richard Bona are few, the type that speak to the corrupt African leaders of their evils without any equivocation. These are the ones who have consistently taken the side of the masses crying out on their behalf. These we respect.
There is however a cream of other stars who dine always with these black African ruling class that survives by literally sucking the blood of the masses. Some of them are even into public cultic pacts with these rulers. This is why coherent logic cannot justify their joining of the chorus to cry out under the present crisis. They are hypocrites. Any pan African who makes blanked condemnations of the evils perpetrated in all the other nations with the exclusion of their nation of origin are hypocrites. And they are showing up in their numbers.


It beats common sense that the Libyan government too is trying to give the impression that she was not aware. Who could ever believe this. This is not normal.


One of the things that is so shocking in the crisis is the instrumentality of the U.N. as a body with credibility in the sustainability of world peace and security. When the government of Yaoundé Cameroun went on rampage and still is, killing, looting, maiming and throwing into the dungeons anyone they met whose only crime is that they originate from The British Southern Cameroons, a territory that the British decided to offer for annexation by La Republique du Cameroun, this same U.N. asked the same killing government to self investigate her actions. No doubt, the U.N. is asking Libya to investigate into the slave trade in which she was the centre of heinous crimes against humanity to self investigate her job. How is this possible?



For more than one year, what looks like an extermination of the moral person of the British Southern Cameroons entered its most chronic phase and anyone who shows sympathy for their murdered and battered ones has met with the wrath of the government of Yaounde. The underdogs of this extermination campaign have “a priori” been variously called terrorists, dogs, enemies secessionists and so on. They have met with hot death at home, on the streets and in their villages. Even as we speak, thousands are in Nigeria as refugees. It is curious to remark that in the territory of La Republique du Cameroun very few daring ones have as much said a word or two about the crisis. Yet in the wake of the Libyan slave crisis, follows from La Republique du Cameroun stabbed workers of the diplomatic circles of Libya. Do you know what this means? Just one thing: namely that the lives of Africans slaves in Libya are much more valued than the lives of those who have met hot death from their government. This thought makes water gush forth from my eyes unrestrainedly. This hurts. This is hypocrisy.

Where are those international human rights organisations now? Where are those religious authorities and Non Government organisations that often claim to be the voice of the voiceless? Where are those African page boys who line the streets when terror strikes in Europe and America? Where is that international social media steam that picks up crisis issues in the universe?

The Libyan slave trade revelation: a veritable theatre for the manifestation of international hypocrisy.


1 comment
  1. Most in the world today know why Sarkozy wanted Gadhafi killed. But did we see any African country recalling its ambassador from france. NO!!!
    Yes, Libyans have done bad things to Africans. However, we should not forget that although they are Arabs, they are equally victims just like us.
    Until we get rid of traitors like Paul Biya, Denis Sassou Nguesso (the skin beecher), Faure Gnassindbe, Pierre Nkurunziza, Ouattara, etc. nobody anywhere in the world will ever take us serious. Our destiny is in our hands and we should stop making excuses and to start taking actions.
    At least the army in Zimbabwe has shown the world that Africans are not simply docile for someone who is mentally incompetent to think he can just play around with the presidency as he thinks fit. The respect for the sanctity of life displayed by the Zimbabwean army should show the terrorist organization called LRC army what a laughing stock they are in the eyes of the world. Even when the Zimbabwean people surrounded the residence of Robert Mugabe, the army did not resort to killing civilians like these hoodlums from LRC who will shoot first and then ask questions later.
    Is it not ironic that Mugabe who was widely respected over the African continent for standing tall to racism will allowed himself to be rendered irrelevant in the end?
    Anyway, Ambazonians we are fighting a just war which is to restore what was mischievously stolen from us by the french leeches with the tacit complicity of that post office boy called Ahidjo.
    It is for this reason that we Ambazonians should not relent for ours is a fight to liberate ourselves from mental slavery. In our homeland, we are catching hell; attempting to cross the Mediterranean sea, we are made a spectacle for the world; outside in the west, we are catching hell. Are we suppose to fold our hands and be used and abused by others or just roll over and play dead? Hell No!!!Unless we want to pass for the Atanga Nji, Patrick Ekema, Musonge, Ghoghomu, Elvis Ngolle, Peter Abeti, Achidi Achu, Philomen Yang etc.
    Over fifty six years of disrespect from LRC is too much. History will judge us harshly if we let Biya and the cpdm gangsters get away with their criminality in our land.
    To God be the Glory.

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