Penal Code Revision

Yaounde’s Midnight Incantations Against the Resolutions From EU Parliament: An Exercise in Futility.

The recent resolutions from the EU Parliament on the ongoing colonial conflict in the Cameroons, clearly appear to have put the Yaounde genocidal and colonial regime in a serious state of perplexity, disorientation and political anxiety. The said resolutions, though generally considered by Southern Cameroons revolutionary leaders as not weighty enough in line with the colonial and political issues at stake in the country, recommended among other things, the need for the current conflict between Yaounde and Buea to be taken before the U.N. Security Council for a final resolution – a view that coroborates an earlier suggestion from US Diplomat and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Tibor Nagy.

The EU resolutions were passed after almost three years of deliberate failure by the hardened hearted genocidal Biya regime to yield to the numerous national and international calls for inclusive dialogue on the root causes of the 3 years colonial war that has claimed the lives and properties of thausands of innocent Ambazonians and rendering millions of others internally and externally displaced.

The confusion and anxiety within the ranks of the Yaounde colonialists arising from the EU parliamentary resolutions is seen from the many tantrums its agents have been throwing to the EU Parliament and its supporters since the said resolutions were adopted in plenary. It aĺl started with an outburst from the the rubber stambed colonial Senate, where its ailing President, Senator Niat Njifenji, lambasted the EU law makers for plotting an external intervention into the internal affairs of a sovereign state like CameroUn. He concluded his attack with an open invitation to the executives of the EU law makers to come hear CameroUn’s own side of the story.

It is important to note that this sudden reactionary and crying baby position by the colonial Yaounde Senate, which the embattled opposition SDF has distanced itself from, is coming after several failed attempts by the opposition colonial law makers to get the conflict discussed in plenary but were consistently hushed down and even witch hunted. Isn’t it polititically hypocritical that a Senate that has consistently refused to allow debates on the conflict for three years running is now throwing tantrums at the EU Parliament for debating same issues and passing resolutions?

The attack dogs of the colonial regime have also been sent out through the compromisd French Cameroun Press to demonize the EU and other countries or organisations that appear to be showing some level of sympathy with the innocent and victimised people of Ambazonia. Their gumbo driven tabloids in the past days have continously been inundated with abusive and propaganda headlines attacking those they consider agents of CameroUn ‘s destabilization.

In a rare and strange outing on state propaganda television, the crtv at midnight breaking today April 23, 2019, the colonial minister of communication and government spokesman, Rene Emmanuel Sadi, continued making incantations against the EU law makers for plotting to desterbilize CameroUn. The propaganda minister continued with his government’s frequent chorus of the republicanism of thier army and the indivisibility of Cameroun.

According to him, CameroUn has a Republicant army which respects laws. That Ambazonia restoration soldiers have been terrorising the population, reasons why people have prefer the colonial military to save them – a gross contrary position of what prevails on the ground. Minister Rene Sadi ironically noted that the situation in Southern Cameroons is gradually under control, as the disarmament commission is currently working to disarm and rehabilitate the Ambazonian restoration fighters.
He also reiterated the chorus of their incantations that CameroUn is one and Indivisible, and an independent state that will not allow external forces to meddle into its internal politics and politicies. To Rene Sadi and his colonial government, the EU’s resolutions were biased, unfounded and sponsored by persons who want to destabilise and destroy CameroUn.
The midnight defensive and reactionary position of the colonial regime equally came to corroborate an ealier statement by the colonial octogenarian President Paul Biya during the day on his official Twitter handle that:

“We have only one Fatherland. It is our duty to defend it and lead it; all of us together, on the paths of greatness and prosperity for everybody.”#PaulBiya #Cameroun#Cameroon#OneAndIndivisible#ProudCameroonian
— President Paul BIYA (@PR_Paul_BIYA) April 22, 2019.
BaretaNews, as the people’s platform and a revolutionary voice of the Southern Cameroons people reminds the Yaounde colonialists that; as CameroUn is an independent, sovereign, One & Indivisible nation, so too is Ambazonia, a sovereign, independent, One & Indivisible nation. All forcefully and illegal attempts to continously and colonially hold on to the sovereign state of Southern Cameroons in this era of the Never Again Generation are all exercises in futility.

We must continue to remind the Yaounde colonialists and those who care to listen that; French Cameroun and Southern Cameroons are two sovereign states that found themselves together in an illegal Confederation. This was through the personal choices and wishes of the Southern Cameroons people and not by any political compulsion from Yaounde or Paris. It is French Cameroun, in her bad faith and colonial intentions that went ahead to basterdize the terms of the informal union and officially separated from the union, with further advances of political and socio-cultural assimilation and colonial enslavement of the Southern Cameroons people for over 57 years now.

Yaounde must equally be reminded that Both French Cameroun and Southern Cameroons had their independence on different dates and thus cannot be one country. This is an established indisputable historical fact. There’s therefore no legal or moral basis for the people of the Former UN trust territory of the British Southern Cameroons now Ambazonia, to continue to be a colonial appendage and slaves of French Cameroun. Not in this generation of enlightened and spirit filled Ambazonian revolutionaries
French Cameroun and her colonial enablers must learn to face the reality at this point in time. It’s no longer business as usual. No amount of intimidation, civilian massacres, burnings and looting of Ambazonia villages by terrorist colonial forces can deter a determined freedom hungry people. Not even the use of the Kah Wallas to water down our international in routes can slow down the revolutionary momentum and people’s resolve for total freedom. 2019 is not 1961 and French Cameroun must learned to understand this once and for all and begin preparing the minds of her politically hypnotized citizens for a CameroUn without Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia.

James Agbor,BaretaNews Political Analyst

  1. the unpatriotic dotage regime has primitive arrogant people who only understand dictatorship instead of learning from their old bad habits into making positive changes,the EU must stop all funding to these beggar,embezzling Cameroon government for their negative response in solving the anglophone problem, unlawful arrests and not following international laws.For 50+ years they deceived the world to believe that Cameroon is peaceful,one and invisible as the people have no good electricity and lacking in technology,with satellite the world has been watching their barbaric terrorists army abuses of Human rights, biya is being given fake news by his appeasing evil advisers who are suppressing daily killings of unarmed anglophone civilians and the burning of villages on the ground even though the world can see images.The world and diasporas are exposing the abuse of human rights in Cameroon,everyone including all the government most senior civil servants are frightful of biya and the cpdm big wigs,he is being praise even with his war crimes,his has no care or compassion for the citizens,the cpdm party is banned in Ambazonia, they have corrupt every system in the country, reduce the people to beggars,voiceless and unpatriotic, they have form pockets of elites and the military to bribe,abduct, kill, torture, corrupt and intimidate civilians who opposes the government,Ambazonians on the ground together with the diaspora will fund and fight this war biya declared till total independence, french Cameroonians should fight for their own war of fake decentralisation & federalism,known Ambazonians sidelining with the regime will be sent packing with their entire families to the francophone regions soon.

  2. bieya, the despot of french cameroun’s migraine headaches only increase.


    The people’s platform and a revolutionary voice of the Southern Cameroons people reminds the Yaounde colonialists that; as CameroUn is an independent, sovereign, One & Indivisible nation, so too is Ambazonia, a sovereign, independent, One & Indivisible nation. All forcefully and illegal attempts to continuously and colonially hold on to the sovereign state of Southern Cameroons in this era of the Never Again Generation are all exercises in futility.

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