Interim Government of Buea
Southern Cameroons Presidency

Ambazonian Forces On Ground Zero Must Remain Vigilant, Bad seeds have Invaded their Ranks.

To say the war for Ambazonian independence has been completely rosy, will be total dishonesty which is not part of any Ambazonian fabric. As days go on, every faction on the struggle have been plagued with one crisis or obstacles, thereby tarnishing the image of the genuine struggle. We can perfectly move on if we arrest these situations. One of such disturbing obstacles have got to do with Forces on ground Zero.

It is true that as the Yaoundé invader widens his spheres on the territory, many especially young people of communities in the Southern Cameroons have created self defense groups to stay safe. However, it has come to the notice of BaretaNews that not all the guys on GZ are genuine. Some few criminals have been going about giving a bad name to the Forces on GZ. Reports indicate that the situation in urban towns like Bamenda, Kumba, Buea, Muyuka etc is becoming notorious. 

These non patriotic and ill sponsored forces  who are controlled by who only God knows are fighting tooth and nail to blackmail the forces that have dedicated their lives for the freedom of the Suffering people of Southern Cameroons. Some whom we understand are sponsored by elements of the La Republique régime and others who are in a quest to enrich themselves have embarked on a mass abduction and Ransom taking campaign.

We must make this point clear and like never before. Since the Pioneer President of Ambazonian, H.E Sisiku Julius Tabe started his leadership and right up to the Interim President, Dr Samuel Sako Ikome, sanity and administrative orderliness is what they have often stressed on. There is no room  for anyone to use the innocent blood of an Ambazonian for personal gains. It’s totally forbidden and unacceptable in the New Republic.

Those who go about perpetuating these evils whether on whose tickets, have their days numbered.  We must maintain a society of respect, Love and hold to heart all virtuous aspects relating to human rights like never before. Kidnaps, Looting, Ransom taking, Thievery, maiming, and other vices aren’t characteristics of the Ambazonian movement. We use this chance to inform the international community that, any of such isn’t of Ambazonian. The forces sponsored by the IG and other movements for Independence are well disciplined. 

Therefore any contrary forces must be captured and dealt with according to Ambazonian laws. We are sick of hearing about Fake Amba news. They are sponsored by the oppressor.

We acknowledge the job 7kata Forces of Bafut did some weeks ago by arresting “Fake Ambas”  and doing a press release to that effect. We encourage other Well established forces to follow suit and bring back some sanity.The people of Ambazonian have suffered alot already and every fighter must have as prime objective , Defending his or her people, not otherwise.

We in a special way pay Patriotic hommage to those who have dedicated themselves to the right course of the struggle and those who have fallen on their journey to the Promise Land, Buea

Sumelong EkaneBaretaNews

  1. Young camerooun soldiers are dying for bieya, the senile despot of french cameroun.

    Cameroun’s despot’s running dog, atangua Njip is trying to stir falsehood on ground zero by co-opting his former gangsters as Amba Boys who he claims laid down their arms and now ask to be reintegrated into society. No one is fooled by this running dog, even the European Union and African Union. All to the shame and dismay of the yaounde criminal regime as they squirm on their seats thinking they still control Ambazonia. bieya the french cameroun despot believed that in 2 weeks, his dog of war will force Ambazonia into silence. Today bieya sleeps with his hands and arms between his legs wondering how he will end the war he declared. his supposed well trained bees as Ton, the french cameroun troll calls them, are not able to silence the rag tag army of the free people of Ambazonia.

    Our francophone brothers are wondering aloud how their best trained dogs of war are being routed and buried in the jungles of Ambazonia with no trace and no explanation from french cameroun criminal government. Things are getting darker each day as the despot is being asked to explain himself to the UN, AU and EU for waging a war on peaceful and unarmed Ambazonians. francophones are ashamed of their senile despot.

    1. President does not owe the UN, AU, and EU any explanation. Mr Biya is accountable to Cameroonians.

      The United States of America has the best army in the world, yet American soldiers die in battle or combat. It’s too simplistic to think that well trained soldiers do not die in battle or combat. However, they do not die like flies like your terrorists and their “generals” do.

  2. Absolutely, the “ambazonian movement” (armed separatist terrorists’ movement) is characterised by indelible and unmistakable diagnostic characteristics, inter alia, kidnappings, ransom taking, thievery, maiming, raping, intimidation, brutality, and barbarity.

    The “shit-no-wipe-lass” terrorists are not fighting for a “new republic” or “independence for ambazonia”, the ONLY self-motivating factor is enriching themselves through banditry, thievery, intimation, and above all, kidnapping other Anglophone Cameroonians for hefty ransoms (the jewel in the crown). How many squared metres (m2) of land have they captured for 2 years? Non!!! The terrorists are the young, and uneducated or poorly educated, who were mostly unemployed, worked on their parents’ farms, worked on building sites, rode okada, etc. but who could not earn say 100,000 fcfa in a year. That all changed, when the amba terrorism and nonsense presented them with a unique, golden opportunity to become rich overnight (nouveau riche) by stealing and seizing money from and kidnapping other Anglophone Cameroonians for hefty ransoms with reckless abandon. The so-called armed struggle has become the GOLDEN GOOSE that lays the GOLDEN EGGS! Sumelong Ekane, you could think it very absurd of the brainwashed and “drug-gulping” terrorists, but it was a step that was masterfully calculated. A “shit-no-wipe-lass” terrorist can now make 10, 15, 20 million fcfa in a matter of hours or days (less than a week) by kidnapping business persons, persons with relatives in the West (“white man country”), etc. So, the so-called struggle has morphed or metamorphosed into a very profitable criminal enterprise. And you’re part of that enterprise!

    And the criminal cabal – Ikome Sako, Ayaba Cho, Chris Anu (now officially under FBI investigation), Tabenyang, Akwanga, and so forth have all profited and continue to profit from the so-called ambazonian struggle. The money Akwanga has made, collecting ransoms (via his SOCADEF) from kidnapped Anglophone Cameroonians is estimated at 200, 000,000 (two hundred million) fcfa or US$ 400,000 (four hundred thousand dollars). Akwanga and his SOCADEF collected 6.5 million fcfa from Rev. Fr. Jude Thaddeus Langeh and other Claretian missionaries who were kidnapped and tortured for 7 days in Munyenge. The foodstuffs (worth 500,000 fcfa) they were carrying to distribute to the poor parishioners were seized by Akwanga’s SOCADEF terrorists. Five hundred thousand fcfa was also seized.

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