BaretaNews continues its daily dissection of the Bishops letter to the President of the Republic. In this edition, the Bishops briefly and clearly situated the history of Southern Cameroons to the President Paul Biya. The Bishops indicated that though the call for complete Independence was the loudest in Southern Cameroons following the Mamfe 1959 conference, the United Nations manipulated its way and paradoxically refused the third option during the 11th February Plebiscite. An option which the people of Southern Cameroons clearly wanted. This is what the Bishops had to say in their brief historical write-up.
“…Most of the territory known today as the Republic of Cameroon was a German protectorate from 1884. However, German Kamerun also included British Northern Cameroons, which elected to become part of Nigeria in the plebiscite of 1961. This protectorate was divided into British and French Cameroons in 1916 and confirmed, with some slight modifications, by the Milner-Simon Agreement of 10 July 1919. British Cameroons, which was comprised of Northern and Southern Cameroons, was one fifth and French Cameroun was four-fifths of the entire territory. They were Class B Mandated Territories of the League of Nations until 1946 when they became United Nations Trust Territories.
British Cameroons and French Cameroun were separate legal and political entities and historians have postulated that although this partition was said to be temporary Britain and France instituted two different administrative styles and systems which were to impact on any subsequent movement towards eradicating the provisional nature of the partition and facilitating reunification.(3) After the Second World War, the United Nations (Article 76, b) explicitly called on the British and French to administer their respective spheres of Cameroon towards self-government. It called on the Administering Authorities to “promote the political, economic, social and educational advancement of the inhabitants of the Trust Territories, and their progressive development towards self-government or independence as may be appropriate to the particular circumstances of each territory and its peoples…”
Before the London Constitutional Conferences of 1957 and 1958, three political options had emerged in British Southern Cameroons, namely independence as a separate political entity, independence in association with Nigeria, and independence by reuniting with French Cameroun. The Mamfe Conference of August 1959, which was called to hammer out consensus among Southern Cameroonians on one of the options, did not succeed to arrive at a consensus. The three political options persisted, with the most popular being independence as a separate political entity, the next being association with Nigeria and the least popular being reunification with French Cameroun.
Paradoxically, the UN General Assembly Resolution 1352 (xiv) on the British Cameroons’ Plebiscite of 1961, clearly ruled out the separate independence of Southern Cameroons(4), the most popular of the three options. This was thanks to the British who tactfully blocked every chance of the Southern Cameroonians voting for independence as a separate entity, convincing the United Nations that Southern Cameroon was not economically viable and could only survive by leaning on Nigeria or the Republic of Cameroon, and recklessly steering the Mamfe All Party Conference of August 1959 to ensure that the parties did not achieve consensus(5). In fact, the British wanted Southern Cameroons to gain independence in association with Nigeria. Consequently, the two questions adopted for the plebiscite were:
1. Do you wish to achieve independence by joining the independent Federation of Nigeria?
2. Do you wish to achieve independence by joining the independent Republic of Cameroun?
Southern Cameroonians were apprehensive of this move and put pressure on John Ngu Foncha to lead a delegation to London in November 1960 to include the option of independence as a separate political entity. The request was rejected. Nevertheless, according to United Nations Resolution 1541(XV) Principles VII and VIII, Southern Cameroons was qualified to achieve independence either through association or integration which “should be on the basis of complete equality between the peoples of the erstwhile Non-Self-Governing Territory and those of the independent country with which it is integrated. The peoples of both territories should have equal status and rights”. It was with this understanding that on the 11th of February 1961 British Southern Cameroons voted to join French Cameroun while British Northern Cameroons voted to join the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
The Foumban Conference of 17th- 21st July 1961 agreed broadly what the “marriage” between the two Cameroons was going to look like. The Yaoundé Tripartite Conference of 2nd-7th August 1961 put this agreement in legal form. Worthy of note here is the fact that the draft 1961 Constitution was never presented to the Southern Cameroons House of Chiefs (SCHC) and the Southern Cameroons House of Assembly(SCHA) for deliberation and approval as should have been the case. Further, it was signed by President Ahidjo on the 1stof September 1961 as President of the Republic of Cameroon when the Federal Republic of Cameroon had not yet come into existence. Be it as it may, the two territories came together in this union as a Federation of East Cameroon and West Cameroon (1961 Constitution, Article 1-1).(6)….” Bishops of Mamfe, Kumba, Kumbo, Buea and Bamenda write
To be continued…..
Stay tuned.
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Some black legs
SMU Office of Academic Affairs Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 4:44 AM
To: community
Dear SMU Community,
Below is the timetable for January 2017 block. You are expected to register for courses ONLINE using the attached codes before Tuesday January 3, 2017. Classes shall begin on Wednesday January 4, 2017. You shall be further updated if ONSITE lectures will resume on that date. In case of any difficulty, please contact the Instructional Technology Specialist (ITS) of your school. I shall NOT respond to any mail from any students.
Wishing you a prosperous new year 2017 in advance.
SAEH EDUCATION Education 200 GEN 150: Introduction to Science and Technology (Drs Ekah/Ndale/Malum) geuozp
300 EDU 340: Issues and Trends in Special Education (Mr. Tabeta ) zo5w6f
400 GEN 410: Business & Entrepreneurship (Prof. Asongu/ Mr. Enow & Mr. Tongte)
EPY 420: Mental Health and Well-Being in the Classroom (Dr. Tani) 06unckz
EAD 420: Comparative Education (Drs. Wirdze/Asangha) sbutli
CUR 420: Curriculum Theory and Practice (Mr Tabeta) cwjeeoz
ARTS AND HUMANITIES Communication 200 GEN 150: Introduction to Science and Technology (Drs Ekah/Ndale/Malum) geuozp
300 COM 340: Rhetoric and Social Influence (Dr. Njang) uo4ibk
400 GEN 410: Business & Entrepreneurship (Prof. Asongu/ Mr. Enow & Mr. Tongte)
COM 420: Interactive Communication and Research (Dr. Mbella) 99oywd
Philosophy 200 GEN 150: Introduction to Science and Technology (Drs Ekah/Ndale/ Malum) geuozp
300 PHI 340: Epistemology (Mr. Muyamah) vomoba
400 GEN 410: Business & Entrepreneurship (Prof. Asongu/ Mr. Enow & Mr. Tongte)
PHI 420: African Philosophy (Mr. Peter Nyuyse)
Divinity 200 GEN 150: Introduction to Science and Technology (Drs Ekah/Ndale/Malum) geuozp
300 DIV 340: Dogmatic Theology (Mr. Dinyuy)
400 GEN 410: Business & Entrepreneurship (Prof. Asongu/ Mr. Enow & Mr. Tongte)
DIV 420: Biblical Theology I (Creation and Eschatology) q68sxs
SBPP BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION All Business 200 GEN 150: Introduction to Science and Technology (Drs Ekah/NdaleMalum) geuozp
All Business 300
400 BUS 340 – Principles of Finance (Varte Nana)
GEN 410: Business & Entrepreneurship (Prof. Asongu/ Mr. Enow & Mr. Tongte) g842os
Accounting 400 ACC 440- Accounting Information Systems (Ms. Tah) hipiqwj
Banking and Fin FIN 440- Global Finance (Mrs Lukong Regina) eex3xg1
MGT 440 Managing In Creative Industries-Mr. Enow/Mr. Tongte t289x4
Project Mangt PRM 450- Project Management Tools – Mr Sengka Elvis t6c0abm
Insurance INS 440: Credit & Risk Management – Ms. Damaris 3js3sn
Taxation TAX 440: Accounting Information Systems (Ms. Tah hipiqwj
Marketing MKT 440 – Consumer Behaviour – Mrs Rita Ngu dfq7767
HRM HRM 440 – Labor Law –Mrs Ngwa M /Ms Asah Juliana gekt995
Entrepreneurship ENT 450: Consulting to Growth Companies – Mr. Elvis Sengka tn207r
Sustainable Dev DEV 440: Environment & Development – Mr. Joseph Muyamah 8yavk3t
Logistic & Supply C OSC 440: Managing Products, Service & Technology Development – Ms. Delphine Bih 09qqii5
Port & Maritime M PMT 440: Maritime Security and Risk Analysis – Mr. Felix / Mr. Ngwa 225dg5
GEN 150: Introduction to Science and Technology (Drs Ekah/Ndale Malum)
400 PBP 340- International Relations and Diplomacy – Dr. Dereck g1quw5
Criminal Justice Admin 400 CRI 440- Rape & Sexual Assault Investigation
Dr Peter Njang i0ddgm
Human Right, Peace & conflict S HPC 440- Political Economy Development and Globalization – Dr. Dereck/ Mr Dinyuy 7w8lqw
Local Govt Administration GOV 440- Governmental Accounting – Mr. Enades Forwe ct8uew
Public security Admin ADM 440- Administrative Law – Dr. Asobo 8z0y1g0
Public Admin Sec SEC 440 – Security Governance: Actors, Institutions and Issues – Mr. Dinyuy Michael efpbai
APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Nursing 200 GEN 150: Introduction to Science and Technology (Drs Ekah/Ndale/ Malum) geuozp
300 NUS 325: Geriatric Nursing (Mrs. Takang Olive)
400 GEN 410: Business & Entrepreneurship (Prof. Asongu/ Mr. Enow & Mr. Tongte)
NUS 425: Community and Family Health Nursing- (Mrs. Takang/ Prof Atanga) c60p97y
Public Health & Medical Science 200 GEN 150: Introduction to Science and Technology (Drs Ekah/Ndale/Malum) geuozp
ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Medical Laboratory Sciences 200 GEN 150: Introduction to Science and Technology (Drs Ekah/Ndale/ Malum) geuozp
300 MLS 315: Medical Parasitology and Mycology (Dr. Ndaleh/Mr Njem)
400 GEN 410: Business & Entrepreneurship (Prof. Asongu/ Mr. Enow & Mr. Tongte)
MLS 425: Integrated Clinical Laboratory Cases (Mr. Njem Peter)
Pharmacy Technology 200 GEN 150: Introduction to Science and Technology (Drs Ekah/Ndale/ Malum) geuozp
300 PHA 330: Medication Dosage and Safety (Dr. Ajonina) lv4j69g
400 GEN 410: Business & Entrepreneurship (Prof. Asongu/ Mr. Enow & Mr. Tongte)
PHA 425: Biopharmaceutics and Principles of Clinical Pharmacokinetics (Mr Arnold) a6j9ve
Mech Eng., Civil and Arch. Eng., Comp. and Elect Eng., Industrial Eng. Software Eng., Network and Telecom Eng. 200 GEN 150: Introduction to Science and Technology (Drs Ekah/Ndale/ Malum) geuozp
Computer Network and Telecommunications 300 CNT 320 Telecommunication Systems I (Ms Antoinnete) lxtn59
400 ICT 420: Introduction to Networking and Operations (Pro Ningo) o3vixri
Software Engineering 300 SWE 325: Web Technologies
(Mr. Arnold) va0u9r
400 ICT 420: Introduction to Networking and Operations (Pro Ningo) o3vixri
Mechanical Engineering 300 MEE 310 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery (Dr. Ekah/Mr. Ngopi) dgilwy
Civil and Architectural Engineering 300 CAE 315: Construction Materials (Mr. Tala) wet65b
Computer & Electrical 300 CEE 320 Digital Logic and Computer Structures (Mr Malum) jvhzus
Mechanical Engineering 400 MEE 430: Power Generations (Mr Ngopi) xftrzi
Civil Engineering 400 CIE 425 Prestressed concrete (Mr. Ebeso) bgsq4z
Architecture 400 ARE 420: Urban Planning knqw4f
Computer & Electrical
CEE 423: Electrical Power System (Mr. Fofang)
Information and Communication
Technology 400 ICT 420: Introduction to Networking and Operations (Prof Ningo) o3vixri
APPLIED SCINECES Agriculture 200 GEN 150: Introduction to Science and Technology (Drs Ekah/Ndale/ Malum) geuozp
300 AFW 320 – Arable crop production – Mr Njock 28abcca
400 FST 410 – Post Harvest Technology & Management – Mr. Njock/Dr. Takow
Geology & Mining 200 GEN 150: Introduction to Science and Technology (Drs Ekah/Ndale/ Malum) geuozp
300 GME 325: Petroleum Geology (Mr. Embui V) xb3yla
400 GME 455: Geological Hazards (Mr. Embui V) ccx1jv
Environmental Science 300 ENV 345: Environmental Legislation and Management- Dr. Asongwe e4010c
SAEH EDUCATION Master of Education (MEd) GEN 510 – Seminar on Graduate Studies (Dr. Wirdze)
EDU 640 – Research Methods in Education (Dr. Asangha) wt3h7nw
ARTS AND HUMMANITIES Master of Arts in Communication (MA Com) GEN 510 – Seminar on Graduate Studies (Dr. Wirdze)
COM 640- Communication Ethics (Dr Lum)
Level 500 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ALL Master of Business Administration (MBA) Level 500 GEN 510 – Seminar on Graduate Studies (Dr. Wirdze)
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ALL Master of Public Administration (MPA) Level 500 GEN 510 – Seminar on Graduate Studies (Dr. Wirdze)
ALL Master of Business Administration (MBA) Level 600
Accounting ACC 660 – Forensic Accounting Dr. scott/ Mr. Enadex qvyn20
Fin. MGT FIN 660 – Personal Financial Planning Prof. Scherenburg 6xtsv9
B&F FIN 660 – Personal Financial Planning Prof. Scherenburg 6xtsv9
HRM HRM 660 – Compensation & Benefits – Prof. Asongu/Mr. Elvis Sengka
INS & RISK MGT INS 650: Actuarial Science -Prof. Scherenburg/ Mr Felix Dinga 1h6vqb7
Entrepreneurship ENT 660- Small Business Development – Dr. Sundjo/ Mr. Joseph Muyamah li9md6
MGT ENT 650- Organizational Theory – Dr. Sundjo/ Mr. Peter Nyuyse fcjtqp
MKT MKT 660 – Consumer Behavior Prof. Asongu/Rita Ngu uwyczk
OSC OSC 660- Operation and Supply Chain Management – Mr. Nkem Sixtus 02qga7o
PRM PRM 660 – Project & Grant Writing -Dr. Sundjo emw9djp
SUS. Dev. DEV 660 – Comparative Environmental Law – Dr. Asongwe
ALL Master of Public Administration (MPA) Level 600
CRI. Jus. Admin CRI 660 – Criminal Justice Administration -Dr. Njang goal5m
HRP& CON Studies HPC 650 – Funding of Human Rights Activities – Dr. Asobo Napoleon baicmx
Public Security Admin. SEC 660 – Security Operations Theory and Practice Dr. Derick tmliasa
SHHS APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Master of Science in Nursing (MSNE/MSNP) GEN 510 – Seminar on Graduate Studies (Dr. Wirdze)
NUS 640- Professional Advanced Practice Role Development & Health Care Issues (Prof. Atanga) wt3h7nw
Master of Science in Clinical Psychology (MSCP) GEN 510 – Seminar on Graduate Studies (Dr. Wirdze)
CEP 630– Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics- (Dr. Langmia) wt3h7nw
Master of Science in Physician Assistant (MSPA) GEN 510 – Seminar on Graduate Studies (Dr. Wirdze)
PAS 635– Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics- (Dr. Langmia wt3h7nw
ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Master of Science in Med. Microb & Parasitol (MSMMP) GEN 510 – Seminar on Graduate Studies (Dr. Wirdze)
MPH 640– Environmental and Occupational Health (Dr. Sama) wt3h7nw
Master of Public Health (MPH HEP/HSO) GEN 510 – Seminar on Graduate Studies (Dr. Wirdze)
MPH 640– Environmental and Occupational Health (Dr. Sama) wt3h7nw
SSET APPLIED SCIENCES Master of Science in Agriculture GEN 510 – Seminar on Graduate Studies (Dr. Wirdze)
AGR 640: Plant Pathology (Dr. Takow) wt3h7nw
ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Master of Engineering in Civil & Env’taL Eng. GEN 510 – Seminar on Graduate Studies (Dr. Wirdze)
CAE 620: Seismic Design (Mr Ebesoh) wt3h7nw
Master of Engineering in Computer & Electrical Engineering GEN 510 – Seminar on Graduate Studies (Dr. Wirdze)
ENG 620- Computer Architecture and design (Prof Ningo /Mr. Malum/Mr Arnold/) wt3h7nw
ALIED SCIENCES Master of Science in Geology & Mining GEN 510 – Seminar on Graduate Studies (Dr. Wirdze)
GME 610: Ore Deposits (Dr Vishiti) wt3h7nw
Master of Science in Sustainable Development GEN 510 – Seminar on Graduate Studies (Dr. Wirdze)
DEV 660 – Comparative Environmental Law – Dr. Asongwe wt3h7nw
Marcelus U. Ajonina, PhD
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Saint Monica University
PO Box 132, Buea, SW Region, Cameroon
Tel: (+237) 669 999 710/ 696 334 051