Decolonization of Southern Cameroons







Top UN Official Confirms A Possible Independent Southern Cameroons

By Eric Tataw for National Telegraph, USA.

A long-serving UN official has confided in National Telegraph that Southern Cameroons has the right to be an Independent Country. While insisting we withhold his identity, the diplomat however hinted that procedures must be followed. He explained to National Telegraph’s Editor-in-chief, Eric Tataw that Southern Cameroons must follow the Montevideo Convention. He went on that as at now, Southern Cameroons is already on track with this Convention adopted in 1933 on the Rights and Duties of States.

He further told National Telegraph that the Convention requires Southern Cameroons must declare it’s intentions which she did on October 1, 2017. He however added that a referendum is imperative. Our interviewee again remarked that according to the Convention, the seceding country must belong within clearly defined boundaries with a permanent population, this to him, Southern Cameroons already has.

Another remarkable revelation is that as country wishing to secede, Southern Cameroons must have a government as he cites the Southern Cameroons Interim Government as a commendable step. He however added that such a government must canvass for friendship and get into relationship with other sovereign states so that each recognizes her at their discretion.

Our source stated firmly that Southern Cameroons has all it takes from the authenticity of its History, Maps and Boundaries to secede from the Republic of Cameroon. He however noted that the UN doesn’t have the authority to recognise a state while highlighting that Southern Cameroons must start the process itself by first and foremost sending to the UN an application letter plus a declaration showing will to respect the UN Charter.

He further told National Telegraph that the application letter and declaration will be followed by a review of the Security Council before the 193 members of the General Assembly would vote with a two-thirds majority for Southern Cameroons to be admitted and recognized.

He then cornered National Telegraph that reports from Amnesty International and other media reports on a somewhat Genocide going on in the area, number of detainees, the Refugee situation as shown by Nigerian authorities and reports of militarization, amongst others are exactly like the case of South Sudan before she gained Independence from Sudan on July 9, 2011.

He ended that Southern Cameroons has a fine and perfect case but must follow procedure and Independence will follow, adding that Southern Cameroons residents have a great role to show resistance to continuously echoe their case to the UN and other countries as a people who want sovereignty.

Eric Tataw, National Telegraph, USA

  1. My contri people. We shall spread that news all over Ambaland. Every Ambazonian must inherit that. We are on the right track. I know that some of us say that there is no need for a Referendum since we already achieved independence on 1st October 1961. But in my opinion the loud call for a Referendum will even more push the criminal regime of Mr. Biya. They are already so desperate that they started to kill their own gendarmes to prove their own people that we are terrorists. What a shame.

    #IndependenceNow #AmbaReferendum

  2. It has always depend on us Ambazonians. The issue of the past decades was us not knowing the true history of who we are.

    This has all changed.

    There is no way LRC can win, not even internationally. Anything they do is only going to favor us, this is the beauty of the situation. Right now they have called all those who they can call for help and it’s not working. Their arrogance is coming back at them, those who gave advise to LRC from the very beginning of this struggle were drunk, they messed up all the chances that LRC could have benefited from. No international law, no international court can favor LRC.

    LRC is now like a man with inferiority complex that without thinking gives out big money for promises that can never be meet. If money could solve this problem, then it would have been dealt with by now. Ever one is running to LRC trying to cash big money as much as they can before LRC finally realizes its foolishness.

    No nation will ever face this situation that LRC is facing but somehow LRC thinks they can get help form them. LRC is been promises things that can never be meet, told to do things the will never favor it. And this is what I love so much.

    The great and peaceful people of Ambazonia can not be stopped, we have forever a very solid case and we are more than ready.

  3. This is what I have been saying.Let every Ambazonian continue to contribute and think like Ambazonians. Give progressive ideas not complaints, celebrate victories and distribute them worldwide. What lrc cannot do, they are losing miserably. I have distributed the recognition of our INDEPENDENCE by the city of Lowell, Massachusetts to the Canadian Prime minister, Canadians, Nigerians, Ghanaians, South Africans etc. Let every Ambazonian pick up a copy of UN Res 1608 (xv) and distribute this victory to all nations that voted for us, this is in line with the above article, then the UN will have no choice but to grant us membership.

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