penal code

George Orwell once said “In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics.’ All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia”. As a free thinker, I recognize the need for breakthroughs, new mindsets and the ever popular call to ‘think outside of the box’. As concerning this topic, the Box is the Anglophone problem, but I am obliged to think outside the box by looking at the problems among the citizens of Southern Cameroons. I agree 100% that there is an Anglophone problem, however, we should not pretend as if all is well among the Anglophone community which is going to take us nowhere if left unsolved. Take for instance the regional barriers among the Anglophones

1) For a considerable period of time there has been an existence of regional loggerhead between the indigenes of the North West and South West regions. Some people have blamed it on the Biya’s regime accusing it of using the tactics of “Divide and Rule” as an apparatus to obstruct Anglophones from having a common ground. However, I believe the blame is to be shared between the regime and “us” since the regime is instigating a strategy which works in her favor. We were also required to put forth a counter strategy to rebuke the divide and rule agenda.

The notorious “Cam no go slogan” is still alive and strong among Southern Cameroonians. A small institution like UB have been and is still being used as a battlefield between the indigenous people and the so called outsiders. Even with the creation of a University in Bamenda we could all witness an elitist struggle within the North west elites as the respective elites were clamoring for sections of the university to be built in their localities. I don’t think there is any region in Cameron that has experience inter tribal wars in contemporary times like the North West region and parts of the Manyu division precisely Akwaya. We can never forge ahead with such disunity based on ethnicity

2) It is true not every Anglophone is oblige to support the struggle of the SCNC, but my worry is that the said group is loudest in immigration offices across western nations than the reality on the ground. Most people who have used the said group to pursue their personal gains abroad are the same people condemning the movement as a lame dog fighting a loose battle. Believe it or not a greater percentage of what the Anglophones have realized today is thanks to the pressure set forth by the SCNC. Yes, it’s true the movement is witnessing a diversion of ideology between the moderates (pushing for Federation before secession) and the extremist (pushing for Instant secession).It it but normal to have such school of thoughts within every movement. Let’s imagine a scenario where southern Cameroons achieve her independence. What will actually happen within our mist in respect to power struggle marching our ethnic and regional lines.

I am not a prophet of doom, but I believe we need not to wait for such moment before thinking about possible solutions to eradicate the division among us. If we want to grow above our present position then we have to stop seeing everything from the lens of ethnicity. Man is greater than his ethnic group, if not God would have created ethnic groups prior to creating man If we are not able to solve our differences, it would be a near impossibility to confront our common enemy in tackling the marginalization issue. while I feel delighted that many Anglophones can see the truth and recognize it, I also belief greater participation by Anglophones, generated via institutional reforms and a revived civic responsibility is imperative in solving this mishap.

Proposed Solution:

The need for an All Anglophone Conference (AAC) We need an All Anglophone conference more than ever. Members of the civil societies , Chiefs , Fons , Stake holders regardless of their political affiliation need to come together to explain, share and seek for solutions to achieve oneness among Anglophones. Our strength should be drawn from our weakness .There is no doubt this would reawaken Anglophone Cameroonians from all works of life to understand the reality as well importance oneness. If we are not united, we are bound to fall like a house of cards and repression will remain our portion.

Timah Rene Motangu

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