This developing story is coming from Cameroon Intelligence Report. BaretaNews shares as written:

A student hostel known in Cameroon as Mini Cite has been set ablaze by unknown Southern Cameroons militants in Bamenda, the chief city in the North West region. Intelligence sources say the building was home to some 85 Francophone students studying in Bamenda. In a similar development, the Principal of GBHS Nkambe came under attack and his car got burnt.

Our senior North West correspondent hinted that the population has started countering violence with violence as the army reportedly went door-to-door arresting young men and women and confiscating their mobile devices. Gun shots were heard late in the night in what has been described as a diabolic harsh ploy by the Biya regime to wipe out an entire generation of Southern Cameroonians.

This item is still developing

By Sama Ernest

  1. All individuals living in #SC must respect the Curran laws of SCACUF cos dissatisfied,disgruntled & angry youths don’t want to hurt pple, but will goto any level to stop violators of their inalienable rights and struggle. They more this rogue gangster regime remains greedy, and provocative the more they push the youths to extremes and the inevitable might start happening.

  2. Very very great news on the fight back.

    We need to get machine guns to BSC/Ambazonia as soon as all is in place to start shooting back. The war already started some 56 years ago and only one side (LRC) was/is armed. This will be an easy war for us to fight as we already have more than enough of what it takes to go to war (anger, hate & thirst for revenge,). Francophone traitors living in our country as “so called anglophones or bamelike anglophones or bassa anglophones.., etc, my shit hole!), the difference between you an us is that you have a country in LRC and we our fighting for ours. German Cameroon, this German Cameroon that! Who told you Germany had/has the right to map out Africa. By the way, Gabon was part of the “so called” German Cameroon too and why don’t you go take them! Before the Germans came, there was no Nigeria, cameroun or Gabon. Africa was made up of kingdoms, some more powerful than others and kingdoms won and lost territories based on “survival of the fittest” (by inheritance or conquest in historical wars). The true brothers and sisters of BSC/Ambazonia are our those from the now defunct Gongola and Borno states that the bristish fooled their Fons to convince them to join Nigeria, just so the british would be able to tell the UN that BSC/Ambazonia is too small to form a country. Otherwise, our country would be even bigger and we are encouraged to ask for their return in the future. So, all you so called bamelike-Bassa-Yaounde-Hausa citizens from LRC, you should note that you cannot have it both ways. You only have one way and one country – La Republic du cameroun. Give me a break! You “so called anglophones from LRC” did not inherit or conquer any territory in Ambazonia/BSC! So, shut up! I guess you are just as “anglophone” as the Igbos, Yorubas, Ogojas, Ibiobios, Ethiopians, Ghanians and all the many foreigners like you, who migrated to or their fathers migrated to BSC/Abazonia. Right? This is not a free for all, baby and we shall dissect you traitors out! Also, those of you half BSC/Ambazonia and half LRC who are hiding behind your BSC/Ambazonia father’s last/family name to fight for your self interest, federalism and giving the wrong impression that you are a full Ambazonian speaking for us, we easily find you out, as only a mad person or someone like you can ask for Federalism. Your BSC/Ambazonian relative who married or had a child with a LRC citizen was/is one of the traitors who did not take our struggle seriously and thought this struggle was a joke. Otherwise, he/she should have known that they were planting the seeds for this type of betrayal. As far as we are concerned, such relationships should not have happened and you should not have been conceive. When we succeed, mariages between Ambazonians and camerounians should be forbidden and not recognized under Ambazonian law. Ambazonian be told to marry and have kids with citizens of all nationalities, except LRC (cameroun) You are warned!

    1. Dear Atem, the solution can never be war. But what you propagate is war. Moreover you put all Bamileke, Bassa and other tribes in the box of traitors and enemies. You do exactly what the wicked goverment wants. They want to use ethnically tensions to distract us. Let me tell you something the world is not black white. There are many shades of grey between both colours. There will be always good or bad people but that is independent from the belonging of a certain tribe. Don’t let us follow the devils way of tribalism. Unarmed civil disobedience shall rule over war.

      1. You are right. Read also the theory of self -defense. It is an inalienable right. A dead man is not afraid of death. when you can be killed, arrested, tortured at will by La republic, then to stoop lying down is morally not acceptable. If we were whites or Arabs or even Nigerians, this rubbish would have been on the next level.


        The fight is against the regime not against the Bamileke’s etc who also suffer ame fate but in a different angle from the despotic regime.

    2. Good point. I told a LRC man trying to woe me that I relate only with men who have similar heritage like me, and he asked me if my Kenya fiancé has any common culture with mine? I told him we are all anglophones and I Rather date him than a beti man like him as I considered him an alien, he was disappointed but that is what it is

  3. @ George ” unarmed civil disobedience shall rule over war” WHEN? Are you aware that the two remaining uncaptured consortium leaders are already in asylum champs somewhere in nigeria while some one like Hon Wirba, dispite the fact that he is an elected MP must also disappear because of an arrest warrant, is that the civil disobedient that will rule over war?. Yesterday more than 500 men were being arrested and taken to torture champs in the west Region of La Republique. Do you know that the pains those guys will undergo while many will also die is more than dying with a gun in your hands. If any ghost town was called by francophones in samgmalima or Ayos and any anglophone from Buea or Bamenda refuses to obey, will that person sleep the very night in those towns? you people should rethink your strategy or you stop the struggle and remain slaves for ever

    1. I strongly support your idea. one time when I was in sangmelima and we had a similar debate on the school boy that was brutalized in limbe on ghost town day while going to school and its was the talking point everywhere and I questioned them that if its was here in sangmelima that you guys had a grievance and ask all to respect and they don’t do will you people not kill or send away that person from your land as I know their attitude? its high time we start thinking on how to come out of this mess.

  4. Walla Richard.

    Infact, we southern Cameroonians have a right to fight to the last blood in order to achieve our statehood. 55 years, is a long time indeed, and we will not continue to suffer in the hands of the Republic of Cameroun with their arrogant and aggressive attitude. We have to continue to resist to achieve our total independence.

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