In a press release to the public by the Secretary of Communication Chris Anu on Thursday, March 22, he unequivocally stated how the Interim Government is aware of the colonial government’s intent to pull a ”fast election” in the territory of Ambazonia in spite of the ban placed on any foreign elections on its territory.

Elections billed for Sunday, March 25th is being secretly conducted in certain communities within the Ambazonia territory. Lebialem county, for instance, the colonial Divisional Officer together with his entourage were ambushed while returning from a polling station in a village called Esoh-Atah.

The Secretary of Communication is calling on all Ambazonians to be on the lookout against this ”outlawed and criminal act” of elections to be held in the territory of Ambazonia by La Republique due Cameroun. He warns every ”wannabe Senator and Councilor” wanting to vote to be put under round-the-clock surveillance. Urging the monitoring of their whereabouts between now and Monday.

Chris Anu, reiterated that the Interim Government’s position on the elections to be organized by La Republique in the territory of the Southern Cameroons, Ambazonia to be ”illegal and constitute” what he calls ”an infringement of our sovereignty as a people and as a nation”. He issued a warning to Senators, Regional Councilors, and Councilors vying as candidates, those who’ve put money and power over the ”total freedom” of the Southern Cameroons and the future of Ambazonian children to decide where their allegiance lies after Sunday’s elections.

A clear message was sent to senatorial aspirants from all political parties who defy instructions will have themselves to blame.

All through the course of this crisis, homes, villages have been burnt to the ground, people-old people roasted in their own homes by La Republique’s soldiers. Brothers and sisters have been killed and buried in mass graves. Some 3000 others are wallowing behind bars, Sisiku AyukTabe, Tassang Wilfred and others are still incommunicado and after more than 2 months, they are yet to be charged with a crime.

Questioning to ”patriotic duty” of his fellow compatriots who see the so-called elections more important than the blood of those who’ve died, those behind bars and the children out of school. Chris Anu of the Interim Government dared defaulters with the message ”if you are not for us, you are against us. Business, as usual, is over.”



Neba Benson,

BaretaNews Foreign Correspondent/Analyst

  1. Nonsense, shit…You will find the brave cameroonian army on your way.
    We will protect cameroon integrity with our blood and heart.
    Your propaganda and so called self def*** mean nothing, you stay abroad and write nonsense.
    Stipude ANUS Chris

    Long live cameroon
    Vive la republique du Cameroon 1 et indivisible

    1. You la republic coward. What is your problem? you sucker. I will track you down through this same medium that you are hiding your stinking self and throwing your stupid comments. Hope your relatives are all in la republic not in Ambazonia ground zero. You coward with the stupid screen name of ‘cashmire’.

  2. Nonsense, shit…You will find the brave cameroonian army on your way.
    We will protect cameroon integrity with our blood and heart.
    Your propaganda and so called self def*** mean nothing, you stay abroad and write nonsense.
    Stipud ANUS Chris you will be caught and extradited to cameroon and face trial just like ZIZIKU and others
    Long live cameroon
    Vive la republique du Cameroon 1 et indivisible

    1. First of all learn English East Camerounian neighbour. Second, you LRC army is very weak. Your defense minister Beti Asomo and his army generals embezzle billions of CFA which are suppossed for their foot soldiers. The moral of the soldiers is quite low. In Mamfe those LRC boys beg for food. To make it clear for you and your stupid bunch of french idiots from the other site of the Mungo river.

      1. You cannot beat an guerilla with a conventional army as long the guerilla is supported by the people.
      2. Even your army has sophisticated weapons similar to the USA (drones, tanks, rockets) you cannot beat an guerilla army.
      3. Very soon you will feel that this nonsense war your master clown Biya has started against us costs you a lot of money.
      4. Forget about your AFCON football bullshit in our territory. I think Maroc will be a much better host than you thieves and criminals.
      5. Your East Cameroun can remain 1 et indivisible as Ambazonia remain one.
      6. Our president Sisiku Ayuk Tabe Julius will not face trial in your cangaroo court because it would expose all the lies your government has told you for the last 56 years.


      1. @George maybe you should look back and ask yourself what ambazonia has achieved for the past 15months apart from causing more loss of life, property destruction, scamming, lies telling and the list goes on.

        How many promises have you made and how many have been implemented on FB and on the ground? Do you think ranting of social media will give you a new country?

        This guy called Chris Anu i listened to him some few weeks back when he categorically stated that no one can hack the citizen levy payment system on and he even went ahead to say it’s using PayPal payment gateway which can never been hack, i told myself this guy because he owns a website he thinks he know a lot about information technology, this is just an example how you guys have brain washed the okada guys in NW and SW with lies and you think you have a country. Dream on, let’s see how long you can support this stupid ideology, boko haram tried for almost 10 years,

  3. George
    Then come to cameroon and do what you doing abroad we see stupid.
    You will stay abroad for ever because there no Ambazozo in cameroon, unless you go in deep ocean and discover Ambaland there.

    Long Live Cameroon

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