Azong-Wara Andrew
P.O. Box 311, Buea,
South West Region, Cameroon
Tel: +237 762 460 280
24th September 2018
Thro: The Registrar
To: The Chairman
Cameroon GCE Board
Mr. Chairman
I write this second letter to you after that of 24th May 2018 with a great pain in my heart.
On 23rd July 2018, the GCE Board published results for 2017/2018 end of course examinations. Results slips were issued accordingly. A good number of “successful” candidates have used those slips to obtain admission into Higher Institutions of learning both at home and abroad. Curiously the Registrar has through social media and local press invited students to return those slips for replacement. This is a shame and an embarrassment that is clearly unacceptable for our National pride. It is now common knowledge that the GCE results for 2017/2018 and those of the previous year have been marred by unprecedented irregularities, stretching from leakages of questions during writing to the issue of faulty results, which have left both candidates and parents disillusioned and bewildered. Clearly, the new slips carry different results. Who knows how many more recalls are still waiting to be issued? For the same Exam!
Mr. Chairman, I humbly request that you
1. Set up a Commission of Inquiry to ascertain the extent of the damage caused to the examination this year and authenticate the results which the Board is now intending to make public;
2. Suspend the exercise of issuing new results slips until the Commission completes its findings and establishes the validity of the slips;
3. Dissolve the current Council of the GCE Board firstly for allowing a Registrar who was not regularly appointed to handle the odious task of examinations of the Board, (Rf. my earlier letter to you on the violation of GCE Board Texts); and secondly for failing to exercise its responsibility as the Supreme Governing Body of the Board. This Council must not be allowed to further wreck the Institution and frustrate Anglophones and their children in these very perilous times;
4. Return Mr. Dang Dominic to MINESEC for re-deployment;
5. Reinstate the exercise of oath taking by all personnel seconded to the Board from wherever.
I should bring to your knowledge that request number 4 is not unprecedented. The Pioneer Chairman of the Board, Mr. S.N. Dioh refused to install an Officer appointed by the Minister in January 1994, returning him instead to the MINESEC because he had been appointed in error. I made the point in my first letter to you that the appointment of the present Registrar had not been made through the proposal of Council and it had, therefore, violated the Texts of the Board.
Further, the request made in 5 is consistent with a requirement instituted when the Board was created. All the officers appointed to the Board were required to work on oath which ensured that they would do nothing to compromise the integrity of the Board or the credibility of the certificates it would issue. The first and only such oath was administered to us in the High Court in Buea by Justice Moma Macaulay in January 1994. The two Registrars after me skipped the oath. But, partly because of their conscientiousness and partly because they benefitted from the diligence of the staff I left behind, they discharged their duties without negative consequence on the Board. These staff took the oath with me in 1994. The exercise is now imperative.
As Pioneer Registrar responsible for laying the Foundation of the Institution I have been readily available to advise my successors. I am now guided by that same readiness to offer advice where necessary to make the above request.
Mr. Chairman, I know you possess exceptional qualities to bring sanity to our revered educational institution. If you choose to be indifferent about this request, the future will certainly charge you with complicity to destroy the GCE Board.
Yours truly
Azong-Wara Andrew
Cc: 1. H.E. Philemon Yang, Prime Minister and Head of Government.
2. H.E. Prof Pauline Nalova Lyonga, Minister of Secondary Education