Paul Biya’s Murder of a White American Missionary & the Twitter Frenzy U.S President.

Are we going to see Donald Trump’s first Tweet on Paul Biya’s Murder of a “White” American in the War in Southern Cameroons?

The point-blank execution of a U.S Christian missionary in Ambazonia by Biya’s forces has gained a lot of traction on the international media space, including news agencies within the United States of America. One of the United States’ popular tabloids – the Washington Post has even recommended that Mr. Paul Biya, colonial president of French Cameroun, be held accountable for the ongoing atrocities in Southern Cameroons.

Bloody images of the executed missionary are already spread across the social media after medics at the Bamenda regional hospital tried in vain in an attempt to rescue the life of the victim. At this juncture, it wouldn’t be wrong to note that; if the Twitter frenzy U.S President, Donald Trump doesn’t send out his first tweet on the ongoing war in Ambazonia after seeing these gruesome images of his fellow compatriot, the missionary Charles Wesco, murdered in a foreign land, then he is not a serious American President.

Americans have always made the world to believe that the life and wellbeing of each and every US citizen matters very much and even more important are the lives of “White” Americans. The peoples of the Cameroons are therefore anxiously waiting for Trump’s official first bomb tweet against Paul Biya. This is because the victim is not only an American citizen but is also a brother to a US lawmaker and a Christian Missionary (considering Trump’s affinity and constant defense of his Christian Faith).

On our part as Africans or Cameroonians or Ambazonians, there is no one to speak for the innocent masses. The lives of the people in Africa in general, do not matter at all. Innocent People have been gruesomely eliminated by terrorist dictators across Africa including Paul Biya and all we can hear from world leaders and international diplomatic circles is; “we are closely monitoring the situation.” On their parts, most African Presidents who are not a party to the atrocious killings have consistently remained silent. Consequently, citizens on their part can do nothing than to post these gruesome images on social media and type Rest in Peace RIP).

The none importance of African lives is why President Nana Akuffo Ado of Ghana, has remained eloquently silent after Paul Biya’s terrorist forces executed a Ghanaian missionary, Pastor Isaac Attoh in Batibo some months behind.

This is why most Christian leaders and especially leaders of the Catholic church and the Vatican have repeatedly remained silent over the targeted execution of their priests, Seminarians, and congregants by their Communicant “Christian” Paul Biya.

That’s why it is still business as usual at the University of Bamenda after the execution of staff and students by regime forces. The university administration has not been able to muster the courage to tell the public exactly what happened to its staff and students, especially the recent case of the ruthless execution of the Director of Academic Affairs, Prof. Paul Mbufong.

That’s why the United Nations and the African Union, in whose jurisdiction the senseless war clearly falls, have been suspiciously silent, as Paul Biya’s many ruthless atrocities in Ambazonia continue.

As Dr. Ayaba Cho Lucas, leader of the Ambazonia Governing Council puts it; “History shall have it on record that the silence in the face of our tragedies had consequences on perfect strangers”

Ambazonia Shall be Free.

James Agbor, BaretaNews Political Analyst.

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