The indivisibility of Cameroun is nonsense when Southern Cameroons aka Ambazonia was initially rejected by Cameroun in the vote at the UN.

UN Resolution 1608 (xv) as submitted by the Fourth Committee, A/4737, and as amended orally by Guinea and Liberia, adopted by the General Assembly on 21 April 1961 gave the following results. By roll-call vote of 64 to 23, with 10 abstentions


Against Independence

On the other hand, here are the countries that were against such a union, citing the violation of the Trusteeship agreement, and noting that there would be future political (constitutional), socio-cultural and economic problems: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroun, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Leopoldville), Dahomey, France, Gabon, Greece, Israel, Ivory Coast, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Niger, Paraguay, Senegal, Upper Volta, and Uruguay.



Countries that voted for the INDEPENDENCE of Southern Cameroons.

Afghanistan, Austria, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Burma (now Myanmar ), Byelorussian SSR (now Belarus), Canada, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic), Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Federation of Malaya (now Malaysia), Finland, Ghana, Guinea, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Japan, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukrainian SSR (now Ukraine), Union of South Africa (now Republic of South Africa), USSR (now Russia), United Arab Republic, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Yemen, and Yugoslavia.

Without Positions

They included Columbia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Italy, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Spain, and Togo. Sources of the information are from the Resolution 1608 (xv) as submitted by the Fourth Committee, A/4737, and as amended orally by Guinea and Liberia, adopted by the General Assembly on 21 April 1961, meeting 994, by roll-call vote of 64 to 23, with 10 abstentions

God is still saying something.

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