Independence day speech of the Acting President Ambazonia






Fellow Ambalanders,
My Dear countrymen,

Twenty one gunshot salute to all our restoration forces. We keep advancing and giving hope to the people of Ambaland because of your relentless efforts to liberate the oppressed people.

We have all been eye witnesses to the exceptionally cultured behaviour and courageousness displayed by our restoration forces on the field in recent days.

Congrats! With little or nothing to rely on, you all have shown the world that you are ready to defend Ambazonia and it’s people from the claws of the Paul Biya’s monstrous regime. A deadly gang if ignored can wipe out humanity without remorse. You all have shown the world that with truth as your breastplate, determination as your helmet, unity as your weapon and God as your shield you shall send the occupier and free Ambazonia.

It is not a surprise for us to see our forces manifest maturity in their duty to defend homeland. In spite of the yaounde orchestrated blackmail recently masterminded by Atanga Nji Paul, I have always been convinced our boys will never fail us.

When I saw the young brave soldier parading, mobilising and stirring excitement at Guzang market yesterday, I was proud. Congratulations once again, you made us all proud to be Ambazonians. Keep soaring in good works.

We have a duty to show the world that we can defend ourselves and create an environment that will breed prosperity and security for all. Facts don’t lie! We shall never let anyone to define us. We will tell our own story in a noble way and we will ensure the victory sooner than later.

Let us stay our focus in our commitment to sustain ground zero. If we increase our zeal, we will receive many more testimonies like what we got from Wum, Zhoa, Esu and Weh yesterday.

As you ride on this course in the midst of many uncertainties, remember, “First they will ignore you…, then they will laugh and fight against you, then you will win!”.

Finally, I thought I should seize this opportunity to solicit to all our activists, bloggers, journalists and well-wishers to shout this abroad and let the world know that we are not terrorists. Our unanimous outreach and strategy will surely put the Biya government to shame in due time.

Thank you!
God bless you,
And may God bless our Nation!

Dr. Samuel Sako Ikome
Acting President
Federal Republic of Ambazonia

  1. Yes sir, They Make Us Proud.

    I can only imagine what it is.

    I love the peace, protection, hope, … that our restoration force brings to our people.

  2. Yes. For those who are not already married to Camerounese, stay clear and not fall in love with or marry any of them from now on. While we will decide what to do with those who married and or had kids with Camerounese before October 2016, those who did so after October 2016 shall have to explain and will be severely dealt with.

  3. the toad is being exposed in daylight.

    Now the biR phenomenon is being questioned in Nigeria, Chad, Central Africa and the world. How can biya’s highly trained professional army such as biR succumb to a RAG TAG, ILL EQUIPPED, NEVER TRAINED, HIGHLY UNPROFESSIONAL AMBA DEFENSE FORCES (THE ADF)? Shame, humiliation, disgust, confusion and disquiet is the only reason biya finds it very difficult to call off the war he declared on Ambazonia. Proud, arrogant biya never expected his biR to take less than one week to squash Ambazonians. At moment the only people biR rapes, kills and tortures are the weak, young girls, the old and children while AU, France and the UN looks the other way hopping biya will declare victory. It’s not going to happen.

  4. Thank you DR. Sako for the motivating words to our heroes on ground zero. We understand that your responsibilities are daunting, but more needs to be done to give these warriors the effective tools that they need. They can’t be defending the homeland with dane guns against the LRC hoodlums called Rapid Intervention Brigade who come after our boys and girls with AK47 and machine guns mounted on trucks.

  5. SATA PUNK ASS baboon and child molester! You will be tried for crimes against humanity, genocide, starvation, and slavery. Shut The Fuck up with this your PUTATIVE republic and cause recognized by nobody and set up by nobody. SHUMBU.

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