Independence day speech of the Acting President Ambazonia






I Mean Business When I Say No Ambazonia, No Cameroon – Acting President Dr. Sako Samuel

The Acting President (AP) of the Interim Government of Ambazonia, Dr. Sako Samuel Ikome, has reiterated his stance as concerns the Ambazonian Independence Movement; that there will be no Cameroon, if Ambazonia is not let go by the colonial regime in Yaounde. In other words, the AP is simply telling the colonial regime and the international community that Ambazonians under his leadership are determined and ready to resist the colonialists and their agents to the last man standing and will accept nothing but the complete restoration of the stolen statehood of Southern Cameroons Ambazonia.

Dr. Sako, said this through a statement issued on his Facebook page this Monday July 16, 2017. The Acting President decried the unending genocidal onslaught of the blood sucking colonial regime of Paul Biya, aimed at completely annihilating the people of Southern Cameroons.

“Once again, with plenty of distress, I present a convocation to the International community and the authorities that be; The 85 years old Dictator Paul Biya of French Cameroun is clearly following his script to extinguish the people of Ambazonia” He said.

Recounting some of the genocidal atrocities of the regime in Ambazonia, the President notes that;

“Barely a month ago, Paul Biya of French Cameroon sent his trigger-happy soldiers on a mission to Menka Pinyin who summarily executed over 40 young men and women. The atrocious actions of the French Cameroun Military have been on an increase and I wonder why the world is simply playing spectator.”

“About three days ago, he sent his thugs to the Bamenda University, Bambili campus in the Northern zone of Ambazonia to carry out another carnage. These callous uniform men took 5 innocent armless students out of their rooms and shot them dead. We have been reliably informed that one of the students even pleaded for his life, showed them his identification card as a student, but yet could not obtain their mercy.”

“These are the same students they forced to go to school, in spite of my Government’s incessant call to keep them safe within a highly militarized zone.

Without remorse, these untrained soldiers of Biya took out an entire family, a man wife, their children, grandparents and other families around the same neighbourhood in Batibo.”

The President continued by reminding the colonial dictator Paul Biya that these atrocities of his, are only helping to rekindle the revolutionary fire burning in every Ambazonian. The blood of thousands of Ambazonians spilled, the thousands rendered homeless, and the sufferings of the Interim President H. E. Sisiku Julius AyukTabe and others abducted can never go in vain.

“As we transition from a push back to a push over, Let it be known that no amount of brutality from the French Cameroun authorities and it’s military can halt the quest of the people to fight for their freedom.”

The AP concluded by offering his government’s sincerest condolences and prayers to families, friends and communities that are victims of this carnage, especially the victims of the past weeks.


James Agbor

BaretaNews Political Analyst

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