All Anglophone Cameroon Parents & Guardians
Dear all,

We have once more noted that the authorities in Yaoundé care very little about native NW/SW children.
While we are crying and denouncing the destruction of our children for close to fifty years, Yaoundé is scheming and hatching plots and plans to complete the destruction. What does the Head of State mean by bilingual science and technical teachers? Where and when were they trained? Where did they do secondary education?

Our people, this is not the sign we asked the government to show us as evidence of its commitment to solve the education issues we tabled. We see this as a wicked attempt at piercing an ulcer.

A man does not solve a problem that he does not recognize. Yaoundé has failed to acknowledge the problem. The unions and teachers who suffer the most when our learners are turned into slaves have unanimously rejected Yaoundé’s bilingual teacher’s offer.
We have requested that the 2billions should cease from being an announcement to a solution and that recruitment of bilingual teachers be corrected to read “recruitment of indigenes of NW/SW regions to be trained in the higher teacher training colleges of Bambili and Kumba”.
Note that 1000 is an insignificant number. How many of them will be French teachers to enable our colleges to have just 1 per school? Ndian division has only 07 French teachers for 25 colleges. How many will be physics teachers etc?

Dear people, we have come this far. If we retreat now without government’s commitment to solve the problem, then we have auctioned our children.Mine are not for sale.nAm sure yours are not. I love my children. Am sure you love yours too and perhaps even more. Together therefore, let us stand up for them. The teachers and students strike enters week three on Monday Dec 5th. Let us make it work.
We are very close to the solution.
God bless and prosper the our children.

Bamenda, Dec 3rd 2016.
For the unions,
Tassang Wilfred,

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