Letter to my Francophone brother







Which Ambazonian is Still Dreaming of Defeating the Colonial Regime in any Elections?

It is no news that the colonial regime of Mr. Paul Biya plans to organize Parliamentary and Presidential elections in both La Republique du Cameroun (LRC) and her rebellious colony of Ambazonia, purportedly in October, 2018. While some so-called presidential candidates of Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia origin are galivanting around pretending to be seeking for the support of the masses, the colonialist President and his bloody party appeared not to be bordered. Of course, they have already and comfortably too, secured the senate, without any parliamentary group in the opposition. As usual, the results of the so-called parliamentary and presidential elections have been concluded to their favour are cooling in the drawers of limping ELECAM.

That is why there are no concerns as to who will represent and sell the fake ideals of the blood sucking CPDM party. No one appears to understand what is going on as concerns the presidential candidature of the rogue party. Biya as candidate for the so-called Presidential elections or not, the gerontocrats are already the winners.

The colonial regime is therefore not concern about creating an electioneering atmosphere in Ambazonia. It is preoccupied with escalating the war on Ambazonia, massacre more people and reclaim her colony for continuous exploitation and squandering of the resources. Whether the potential voters in Ambazonia are all massacred or not, whether they all run to Nigeria as refugees or not, it is none of their business. The results sheets of the yet to be organized farce in the name presidential election, already show that voting took place in Ambazonia, and Ambazonians overwhelmingly voted the extend the mandate of the scoundrel CPDM party.

It is therefore laughable, when some Ambazonian born colonial slaves parade themselves as Presidential candidates who intend to unseat the colonial regime of Paul Biya from Etoudi. Most laughable is the sycophantic support being displayed by some supposedly educated and reasonable Southern Cameroonians who have been witnesses to the history of the Cameroons and should know better.

The questions that have remained unanswered by these so-called Presidential candidates and their supporters are; On what bases are they standing to become President in a foreign country like LRC? or have they been assimilated and integrate in the colonial state of LRC? If not, when did the union between the two Cameroons become legalized giving them equality in citizenship with the Camerounese, and eligibility to seat in the Presidential palace of Etoudi? How many Senatorial seats did they grasp as opposition that give them a strong base for a Presidential victory?

If Mr. John Fru Ndi, the only Ambazonian who surprisingly got the support of the Cameroonese, could not occupy the seat of President of LRC, after winning this same Presidential election, how do these 2018 Ambazonian candidates intend to even win votes and govern LRC when Ambazonians are clearly seen and referred to by 90 percent of LRC citizens as enemies of the state? In an election that for now is only visible in LRC, how do they intend to get the votes in their supposed support base of Ambazonia? Do they have the muscle to go and campaign not to talk of organizing elections in Lebialem County for instance?

Until these questions are convincingly answered, it will be utopic for any Ambazonian to believe that these guys masquerading as Presidential candidates can become President in LRC, not to talk of even using their presidential office to provide justice to Ambazonians, so far as the present political imbroglio is concern. Southern Cameroonians must therefore see these so-called candidates as jockers, using the collective destines of the people to seek for greener pastures in LRC.

Making Ambazonia ungovernable and bringing the colonial regime to its knees is a MUST for Ambazonians. Economic sabotage and self-defense actions are the only necessary ingredients that will force the bloody regime to bow in Ambazonia. They already declared war on the people and have been killing, maiming and burning since then.

Consequently, whether the people defend themselves or not, the colonial regime has deployed its terrorist soldiers to kill indiscriminately. It will therefore be better and honorable as courageous Ambalanders, to killed by the bloody regime while defending homeland, than to be burned alive while sleeping or caught by a stray bullet while hiding in the bushes. Thankfully, courageous Ambazonians of Lebialem, Belo, Batibo, Widikum, Meme, Kupe Muanemguba and Manyu Counties and local governments are already living up to the task of self-defense. As other counties gear up to catch the flames, the diaspora has the moral responsibility to provide the warriors on the ground with the necessary support in all ramifications.

Ambazonia MUST be FREE

James Agbor, BaretaNews Political Analyst.

  1. We should not deceive ourself. The Muna family benefited a lot with the deal their father S.T. Muna made with LRC. He sold his conscience and he sold us. Right before his death he realized that Ahidjo and later Biya abused him as a tool to deceive Southern Cameroonians. And I am wondering that there are still people in our communities who believe if someone in the village becomes minister or prime minister everybody will benefit. No my dear people it is only the appointee and his family. And they will do everything for that person or instituation who brought them into this position. If for instance LRC razes Bachuo Ntai to ashes Chief Tabetando will say nothing. So people wake up. Don’t go into this trap.

  2. The guy call Jojo here is Ebako. Tabetando and Atanga Nji will die by suicide. Read this and believe me.
    Elitist politics has kept us underdeveloped for more than 56 years so, we are using the gun to cleanse all these elites. The day is coming when all our brothers who are killing our own people will be shot and some will comit suicide.

  3. A foregone conclusion that the sham every five years (in Ahidjo’s case) and every 7 years (Biya’s time) that passes for elections have the results already stamped in favor of the east Cameroonian. Which begets the question, was why even participate at all? Wouldn’t the priority of a caring and responsible government be that of first resolving the Anglophone crisis? If this isn’t reason to continue fighting for Southern Cameroon’s interest and it’s freedom because no one else cares, what is?

  4. Im just receiving intel from my source in Lrc MINDEF that GEN. RENE MEKA has proposed the use of bombs but they need an excuse to brandish,reasons for the fake video attack on the colonial governors convoy in lebialem county.This is too avenge the lost of the helicopter brought down by the red dragons.I want every ambazonian to know that the neo Nazi regime of lrc is preparing the implementation of the final stage of the holocaust and we can only survive if we apply the following
    1) Trench warfare shld be applied now in every county.this the best way of every village against intruders(length 40meters,width 15meters,depth 8meters)this should be at all entrances leading to all amba villages and fill these with very sharp and poisonous metals or wood
    2) Bubbi traps should be set everywhere and on every trank especially in deserted villages.
    And all these traps should be poisonous.Food stuffs,Breverages that cant be carried away shld be poisoned as well for those killers to eat and die.
    3) Kidnap or eliminate all sonara workers of both amba and lrc origins.But left to me sonara is of no use to us as the French master tricked illetrate Ahidjo and built a refinery which cant even refine our own crude oil but the one imported from FRANCE bought from the SAUDIS.Now u tell me of what use is sonara?
    4)The IG most make available a MOST WANTED LIST to all ground forces,to avoid the kidnap of insignificant figures like the social affaires delegate. They shld concentrate on the administrators,mayors,paliamentarians and brigade commanders.After all LRC published his list before going to action,therefore we most also come with our own list
    5) JOSHUA OSI and AKERE MUNA shld be banned from AMBA territory as they propagate falsehood

  5. I swear by all the gods in Amba land that the day restoration forces would destroy SONARA would signal the end of the end of the BIYA regime in 72 hours.

      1. Destroy or Sabotage will have the same effect, Just that the latter will require more to get it back on two feet. In both cases, we don’t need boots on the ground. A few rocket propelled grenade (a shoulder-fired anti-tank weapon system that fires rockets equipped with an explosive warhead) will do the trick. It also will take care of helicopter gunships. Go to http://www.mytriptobuea.com to make this a reality. We don’t have to be saying this, some of you want the AIP to tell you this but you will never squeeze this out of him. When this will happen remains Ambazonia’s state secret. Have you noticed the slow but steady escalation. Ground zero has begun making their own decisions independently of diaspora. I saw on twitter an Ambazonia Restoration Army ARA track that was littered in Ambazonia calling for freeSissekoGhostTown last Monday.

  6. Bali Nyonga, we should be careful what we are discussing in this forum. We should avoid at all cost to not divulge pertinent information to these LRC criminals that they will use against us.
    At our time and choosing, we will do what is necessary to minimize collateral damage but at the same time inflict maximum loss to these LRC criminals. There is no turning back. The time is now or never.

  7. United SCs defense groups must continue to make the entire regions ungovernable, diasporas must continue with diplomacy and fund ground zero,the goals must be SCs independence, cpdm and biya must be remove,erase in the two regions to create a civilised SCs, reclaimed all the exploited resources,any SCs calling for dialogue now with the murderous french Cameroon is a evil traitor,where is bibixly, Sisiku,pa Tasang and all the other abducted? they will never be forgotten together with those vulnerable who has been murdered,driven as refugees,their entire homes and lively hoods burnt down,their village were never developed in 58 years by the colonial regime,yet they had the guts to burn down, patriotic SCs in this strugle don’t give a damn if the old murderous, stagnant puppet biya stay as a dictator in lrc not SCs,any SDF leader will never be allowed to command the people in this liberation as the party under pa Fru had been compromised in 57 years which is giving room for french Cameroon exploitation, colonisation, brutalisation and marginalisation and all the evil needs towards the People of SCs

  8. Ebako alias Jojo if only you know with whom ur throwing insults then u wld shut ur trap.Don’t make ask my Russian hacker frnd track u and put ur real face and identity here, bcuz as u know u have enough enemies already.when my contract in Yemen is finished I wld personally track u down like a dog that u are

  9. Bali Nyonga, to err is human. However, your steadfastness in this struggle is a source of inspiration. We have to be mindful of the fact that unity is strength and is the only way that we will be able to bring some of our wayward brethren’s to stop sitting on the fence. “Forward ever, backward never”.

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