Breaking News: Lebialem Boils
BaretaNews uptown office in Menji Local Government Area is reporting that the newly appointed Board Chair of the GCE Board, Prof Ivo Leke Tambo, who this morning led a delegation to Lebialem in defiance of the order of the land may have been picked up by a joint operation of the Tigers Of Ambazonia and the Lebialem Defence force. We are told the delegation met their waterloo as they left Alou to Menji to celebrate Biya’s appointments of the GCE Board Chair. The people did not only deserted them but a joint patrol of restoration forces acted to enforce the laws of the land.
Unfortunately for Mr. Fogab Pierre, former Mayor Of Alou, he was shot and wounded as he tried to remove barricades on the road mounted by restoration forces. He should be receiving treatment hopefully. We learned the few gendarmes in the said delegation escaped into the bush and ran for their lives. The rest delegation have all ran, most of them going back to Dchang. Some of them (officials) we are told have been arrested by the restoration forces .
The restoration forces acting in Lebialem have earlier warned that it is not going to business as usual. They said Lebialem is under the control of Ambazonia and they shall not tolerate anything La Republique in their land. We are keeping developments on this.
Mark Bareta
17/3/2018, 13:00 PM Amba Time.
What drives those appointed idiots? I am so fed up with that delegations. They just come to bribe our people. No more la Republique in our homeland.
Long live Ambazonia
there will soon be an end to the kidnap of innocent civilians same way the arrest of the FB leaders have ended the conclave hosting in Nigeria.
The Lebialem people rejected to march for this appointed professor. Thus he bribed East Camerounian students from Dschang to march for him. That made the people mad. We’re fed up with that corrupted and criminal system introduced by the french plantation manager.
LRC shall stop those actions in our homeland.
@homeboy: as soon you take 5000 franc bribe money to march for someone in a strange area you are not innocent anymore
George continuous ur nonsense. Mark baraliar talk rubbish. Last time soldiers showed us those machetes n traditional gun seizure here as wanpons u guys cry n said no it’s just traditional tools for farming n celebration. Go see the video of this kidnapping Mark baraliar glorify. Those young boys have knives n those exact gun. When they get killed by soldier, Mark baraliar will come n tell us how lrc is killing civilians. Keep on sending this boys to their death while sitting here in the West.
Are you still in Ndian? Because now you say “here in the west”. You expose yourself as a liar. That makes you not credible. By the way Professor Tambo was accompanied by gendarms armed with AK47s. They run crying into the bushes. Yes the boys have knifes and cutlasses. Have you ever heard about the meaning of “dual use”. Fertilizer can be used to grow trees or to bomb houses. But would you forbid farmers using fertilizer?
Are peaceplants weapons for you? For the army of LRC peaceplants are the most feared weapons. Only grenades from helicopter gunships will help.
You are not in good position to talk about running when your operation is Hit and Run. By the way two wrongs don’t make right, if Biya killing gives you a right to also kill makes you a terrorist also.
Biya is a dictator yes, he has be rigging the country yes, but we have always be one country that was colorized by Germany, but because of the first world war the winner divided us in 1920 and give as protectorate to Britain and France and at independence we were reunited. Period.
The south today want to create a country because of oil.
Why are you so impressed that no other nation is looking at you seriously?
Also to win the support of foreign nations requires you to first win the support of your countrymen and you do not have that support.
As you have raised an army to push for the separarion of Cameroon, your countrymen from other regions of the nation are holding their ground and there is nothing you can do about it. No amount of killing, kidnapping and intimidation would change any minds.
What is with Neukamerun? We were governed together by the Germans but too short for nation building. The coastal area around Victoria was first colonized by the English. You are an illiterate in terms of history. So stop your french Camerounian nonsense of one and indivisible. Conduct a referendum in the Southern Cameroons and you will know if we have support.
@George, you are becoming and idiot by the day. What normal human beings will support a kidnapping of students? Mark is ashame to said that more than 30 students were also arrested. Since you are so good of explaining tell me that this is not terrorism? This is how Boko Haram started and I can ensure you that soon you will not have a place to hide even overseas.
I understand that you ran out of arguments. Focusing on terrorism without explaining the cause of that.
over 50 years with elitists politics there are no drinkable water, electricity, schools, jobs, roads and hospitals so, what is the benefits of the so called “Elites”?
Let them stay in Yaounde
@Ndema, I am with you on this, the country as a whole is suffering and our common ennemi is Biya. Why not focusing on Biya? Why doing this to our own people? This is how terrorism start and you all should be very careful of these Nigerians descend who aims is to destabilize Cameroon.
I can read alot of desperations in you so, I rather go high while you are going low. Have a nice day.
“Nigerians descend” aha. JoJo you finally take off your mask and expose your true thinking about Southern Cameroonians. And you want to live in federism with us? I guess that is just an excuse to win hearts for LRC. Once a liar always a liar.
I ask you again. Who is the real terrorist? Who started killing unarmed protestors? That stupid professor wanted to celebrate his appointment with bribed students from Dschang. His own people rejected him. Of course the guy who appointed that idiot ordered the killing of those people. That is why the people are upset. Don’t come with your nonsense comparison with Boko Haram. In contrary to Boko Haram those young boys are supported by the people.
@ Jojo, AKA internet troll; if you want catch mami goat, instead catch e pikin.
Again; if you want catch mami goat, catch e pikin.
@Jojo you seem to be an intelligent guy. Plz how do we target paul biya according to your strategy? I have never seen Paul biya do any of the acts he is accused of, but i see my others do it for him. I believe if you take out his tentacles, you incapacitate him. Don’t you think so? Don’t you see this strategy is working? He is now making confused decision, his country is ungovernable and his rating scale is droping and his system of governance is being more exposed to the wrold. How would you have done it better? Taking away his followers will gradually render him powerless and/or he would have less people to carry out his diabolic acts. What do you think?
The same way they don’t want to leave Ambazonia, the same way they are everywhere we go. What is going on with these LRC’s for God sake? I guest loneliness needs company, but we do not entertain criminals.
A culture that will spend trillions to bribe but can not build a one dollar toilet for themselves, crazy people with empty pride.
Ambazonia is gone for Good, for ever.
Well who is the criminal now? Ur restorations so called force r begging for money in exchange for the kidnapping of citizen. It’s smell boko haram tactics to me. Soon the hold world will see u as such n u will make the old dictator Biya look like an angel
You have already proven that you are not credible. Get the events in order. Then you see who is the real terrorist. People started to fight back after the mass killings of 22nd and 1st October. But you East Camerounians try to mix up the timeline. By the way the money will be distributed to the Southern Cameroonians whoes houses were burned down by LRC. If the regime pay because that professor is an Ambazonian and less important than a French Camerounian soldier.
I think all lrc government officials know what is happening in Ambazonia – that lrc soldiers are daily killing armless Ambazonian citizens. lrc government workers have refused to acknowledge biya’s folly by putting their heads in the sand. biya on his part is only appointing black legs in Ambazonia to frustrate their independence. biya and his stooges should know by now that AMBAZONIA is a foreign country and will never be part of lrc. The sooner the truth sinks in and all lrc bir evacuates Ambazonia, the more they are ridiculed by armless Ambazonians. Biya in his arrogance declared the war!!! He shall fight it till he dies. As he leaves for China to get more arms to continue his killing spree on Ambasonians the UN, AU, France and UK watch with relish. If bir with AK 47s cannot protect government officers in Ambasonia, why would they trust the lion man to protect them. This is going to be a long war which lrc shall never win in the court of public opinion or in the international court of justice. lrc has played for time and failed. LONG LIVE AMBAZONIA IG AND their determined defense forces.
Thanks Sunshine. Ambazonian for life.
@Moh, That makes two of us internet troll.
@George, go tell your nonsense history about areas in Cameroon been first colonized by British to uneducated people. You should be ashame to even bring that argument here. Oops… I forgot that you’re all virtual people and that reality means nothing to you. No one is forcing you guys to stay in Cameroon, you are free to leave, but neither NW or SW belong to you; don’t force your stupid will on people, just go away with your funny state somewhere else. You want a referendum? One was already done and there is no going back. Who is not aware that you have already register more than 2 million biafras for this!
LOL Since you already know the possible outcome of referendum you want to reject the real will of my people. You are not in favour for the people but to keep the ill fated colonial construct called Cameroon together by neglection. You are a prototype of a french Camerounian. There will be never a democratic living together with you East Camerounians.
My history is correct. Prove me otherwise. Was it not Alfred Saker who founded Victoria? I guess soon you people tear down his memorial at downbeach. LOL
You have been a liar and denier in the past and continue in that way.
@George what make you think that you are more Anglophone than others? This is the type of arrogance that brought us at this stage. Your are using the word my people, really!!!! Shame on you when you put your people your so called people life at risk. Tell me how many members if your family are now on ground zero fighting? You are nothing, but a pathetic who want to benefit from others dead.
For your information, your history don’t hold any waters, just as you don’t to talk about Cameroon before 1961 you are cherry picking the 18th century to talk about Alfred Saker the founder of the ciry of Victoria, the current Limbe wirh the help of Hamaicans settlers under Fernando Po. Who doesn’t know this history that is taught in 3rd grade? I want you to learn about the discovery of Cameroon by Portuguese in the 15th century. From there you will learn real history and will stop all the noises.