internally displaced

Assisting Internally Displaced Persons in Ambazonia Has Become an Urgent Necessity

As the colonial terrorists of La Republique du Cameroun (LRC) continue to annihilate Ambazonians in the homeland, razing down local villages and communities, it has become extremely important that every Ambazonian with good conscience, respond in one way or the other to the increasing needs of the growing number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

Of course, all the IDPs cannot be assisted at the same time, but it has become necessary that the neediest ones in the affected communities are identified and given the necessary aid to tell them that Ambalanders in the diaspora understand their plight. However, it is a necessary temporary pain they must go through in order enjoy long term gain, which is Ambazonia.

It is based on the above necessity that BaretaNews, the people’s Platform has taken a giant step towards supporting the IDPs. The establishment of BaretaNews Internal Displacement Support Initiative (BIDSI), which has as mission; “to come to the aid of Ambazonians who are sacrificing to see a free Ambazonia” is to help in the attainment of this objective of reaching the IDPs with the necessary assistant.

In a press release announcing the formation of BIDSI, BaretaNews CEO and Ambazonian revolutionary, Mark Bareta stated that the role of the organization is;

“to provide sufficient support to all Internally Displaced Ambazonians (IDA), whose houses and communities have been burnt. The initiative shall work with already known identified group (s) and religious personnel to help displaced Ambazonians. The initiative shall concentrate on children, pregnant women and the old; providing aid like baby tents, pesticide sprays, caps, medical supplies, clothing, sanitary pads, solar lamps, food, amongst others”

BIDSI shall be managed by a five-member Board of Directors, with two from Ambazonia and the rest from the diaspora. Funds shall be raised using all lawful means, and the initiative shall cease to exist on the day Ambazonia is free.

In an approval response to the pioneer chair of BIDSI Mark Bareta, Prof Carlson Ayangwe, Foreign Affairs Secretary of the Interim Government of Ambazonia welcomed the initiative and noted that;

“…It is another concrete demonstration of our mantra: ‘One for All, All for One”. It shows we are each other’s keeper and that we Ambazonians are a caring people.”

“As the rest of the world continues to neglect, ignore or maybe despise us, we have continued to demonstrate a caring spirit and support for our fellow citizens chased beyond our frontiers and constrained to live the uncertain and precarious life of refugees in refugee camps.”

“I verily believe we can extend this same outpouring of a caring spirit to internally displaced Ambalanders. As the months roll by this might well evolve into an obligation to assist our most needy citizens forcibly uprooted from their Ambaland communities.” He added.

While some Ambazonians are making efforts to push the revolutionary movement forward, It is absolutely regrettable however, that some in the revolution have chosen to join anti-revolutionary elements to arm-chair criticize and make jokes of everything and efforts being made by different leaders and persons to advance the revolutionary course. The plights of suffering of the masses mean nothing to them. Individuals persons and leaders have become the enemies to them, rather than LRC, the real enemy.

History is the highest judge. It shall remind every revolutionary and anti revolutionary individual of what he/she did or fail to do to advance the genuine course of a People. Are your activities in this revolution advancing or regressing the revolutionary course?



James Agbor

BaretaNews Political Analyst

  1. A good move forward. But why only 2 chairpersons from GZ? The diaspora must support and it is already supporting tremendously. But in my opinion there should be parity. Especially when it comes to decision making the people at GZ knows better. One more thing. To silent people who shout out scam and East Camerounian paid trolls make your actions as transparent as possible.


  2. U mean scammer at his best 😂😂😂😂 watch him get fater and fater with others money,Poor fools. As usual crazy george is always there to clap stupidity

  3. Is this initiative only for IDP or for EDP too? Both groups need support. The revolution is vital.

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