In the face of all the abuses of the culture, system and the peoples of West Cameroon ( NW and SW); With the multiplicities of injustices meted on the people of West Cameroon, especially as articulated by the various groupings of former British Southern Cameroons in very peaceful manner;
With all the evidence at our disposal evident that there is a huge conspiracy to eliminate the Anglophone legal system and its common law values;
We have statistics showing that 60.7% of Magistrates in the South West are francophones; 98% of Bailiffs in the South West are francophones; 52.3 % of Magistrates in North West are francophones; 100% of the newly appointed bailiffs in the North West are francophones; yet in Francophone regions, we have very negligible number of the Anglophone magistrates and bailiffs…two of them are to be found in the Yaoundé and Douala courts, making 1.9%!
These statistics prove that more francophones are sent to West Cameroon key jurisdictions and only an insignificant number of Anglophones sent to the key francophone jurisdictions. This is the same scenario at the Parastatals, Military courts, prisons, administration etc talk less of the government and its structures. It is worthless enumerating these atrocities against a people who have been held hostage and in bondage by colonialist conspiracy.
The Global Information Network calls on the civil society and other groupings in West Cameroon to take their responsibility and stop looking up to a moribund and waning United Nations or the African Union
who have remained complacent in any issues concerning the plight of citizens and peoples of former British Southern Cameroons.
In the light of the above, the Global Information Network( GLOBINET), a Human Rights Defense Group affiliated to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), associates itself with the fight of the Common Law Lawyers and challenges all civil society activists in West Cameroon to stop doing business and join the Lawyers to put an end to the prejudicial reign of two successive French colonial regimes in the Cameroons.