The former United States Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs from 1989 to 1993 who brokered an end to the Eritrean-Ethiopian War in 1991, and conflicts in Angola and Mozambique has for the first time weight on the “Anglophone Crisis” by tweeting. His tweet calls on Mr.Biya regime to return to Pre-Ahidjo Federation that was illegally abolished as the only solution to the “West Cameroon” Crisis. Read On


Former US Ambassador Herman Jay Tweets:
“#Cameroon government must understand that only solution to West Cameroon crisis is a return to original federal system that was illegally abolished during Ahidjo administration”

Who is he?
Herman Jay “Hank” Cohen (born February 10, 1932) served as United States Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs from 1989 to 1993. He brokered an end to the Eritrean-Ethiopian War in 1991, and conflicts in Angola and Mozambique. He served in the Foreign Service as a consular officer, attaché, and political counselor until his appointment to the post of United States Ambassador to Gambia and Senegal in 1977, serving until 1980. He later served as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research from 1980-1984, a Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Africa on the U.S. National Security Council from 1987-1989, and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs from 1989-1993. Cohen served as a senior advisor to the Global Coalition for Africa before becoming a professorial lecturer at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies for twelve years. Currently he is president and CEO of Cohen and Woods International. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Hyperdynamics Oil and Gas and as a consultant for ContourGlobal.

BaretaNews Statement:
Increase the cost on the occupier by investing heavily on self defense. Invest more on economic sabotage by employing the Haity Example. It is until these two things are done to substantial level that language will change. Do not bother about what the former Ambassador writes above. It is because of our resilience that they are talking though not the right language. They knew these things after all CIA as far back as in the 80s had warned of what is happening today. We must ensure that the West exploitation of our resources is affected, that is only when more and more of them will start talking. So Ambazonians, support foot soldiers more, boost their morales and be patient to wait to see how things will change. Ambazonia shall be free. It will be a long walk but we will get there.

Mark Bareta.

  1. Nothing short of total and complete independence of Ambaland. It is clearly shown that these frenchee niggas are not people that we the Ambazonia people can coexist with.

    1. @Spirit,
      What a shame we cannot even coexist among ourselves. This diplomat knows what he is talking and that has always been my position. This return to federalism is a win win for all.

    2. and we don’t also want to coexist with FB thugs like you and chiefs like Mark baryta using the struggle to scam people. Don’t over react, many nations have condemned the killings in Syria but nothing has changed. Cameroon decides what is good for the country terrorists have no say in how a country should be structured

  2. The only federalism Ambazonians might accept would mean:
    1. We completely manage our own resources
    2. Exchange of the SONARA staff with our people
    3. Managing schools and universities, lot of frenchies must go back to East Cameroun
    4. Gendarmes (cos it’s french system) shall leave Ambazonia, no check points anymore
    5. Ambazonians have full control over there judical system
    6. Local tax system
    7. Local parties sitting in our own parliament in Buea
    8. Territorial reform, re-establishing of counties
    9. All delegates have to leave Ambazonia
    10. ….

    I guess to much for our french neighbours? The train has left already.

    Long live Ambazonia

    1. @Geaorge,
      For once I am 100 percent with you. All you just mentioned is the american and canadian sryles federalism, the best in the world. I hope our brother and sisters look at it the same way.

    2. and we don’t also want to coexist with FB thugs like you and thiefs like Mark baryta using the struggle to scam people. Don’t over react, many nations have condemned the killings in Syria but nothing has changed. Cameroon decides what is good for the country terrorists have no say in how a country should be structured

    3. George you are right your response should be posted all over and to this Ambassador. Let him then tell biya to resign and an Ambazonian rule for the next 112 years.

      1. 4 years + 1x renewal thus max. 8 years, no french bullshit anymore, and only in Ambaland, East Camerounians can do whatever they like

  3. George: You show here again that you have family roots in Cameroun. You always have a hard time taking a natural Amba stance like the one Spirit took, which is our stance. The federation this clown is talking about was fake and through illegal means. Total Independence or Death. Only a fool would not like to have his or her own country and accept half bread. Cross over the.

    1. Atem Bakia,

      Here is the fundamental question:

      1) What has Ambazonian gained from the 57 years fake and illegal association with La Republique?

      2) What will Ambazonian stand to lose from La Republique if it has its own independent country?

      We are not turning back. Even if it takes 500 years to get a free homeland. The solution is simply: Complete Independent for Southern Cameroons.

    2. Bro you haven’t understood anything. Okay to make it clear for you. Me I stand for complete independence. Federation is non acceptable for the froggies. I just mentioned minimum conditions. And those conditions are not bearable for them.

  4. After all what they have done to us and are still doing to us, after we have already pick up weapons and can see how effective it is against them, after we already have a government, this is not what we are fighting for. One can not federate with animals.

    All we are doing now is fight and pushing the colonizer, oppressor, terrorist, slave master our of our homeland for good. We known the cost and we are paying it everyday.

    The only way for these LRC terrorist to win is to stop time and they can not. No amount of weapons, terror or manipulation can work for we are on the soil of our motherland.

    At the beginning of this struggle, this was an option, not now. No way are we even going to biologically mix with them at all.

  5. Federation is the worst option for France. France will rather let Ambazonian go than open the discussion about federation.

    To legally attempt federation you have to go to the status of both territories on 30th September, 1961. This was the day before the effective independent day of Southern Cameroons.

    You will need to follow the steps the U.N. had recommended.

    First you will need a constitutional conference to define the terms of the union and the constitution of the new country. The U.N., U.K. government, la Republique, and the Southern Cameroons government have to meet for this purpose. That was a requirement from the U.N.

    The name of the country was going to be the United Federation Republic of Cameroon as per the U.N.

    Everything has to be negotiated from scratch. Both sides must agree on everything.

    The people of Southern Cameroons are definitely going to demand a new currency, that La Republique gets out of Francafrique and probably a change in the federal capital of the country.

    France will not accept any of those conditions because she will lose La Republique. Remember both parties have to agree on everything, otherwise there is no union and each party goes its separate way.

    You see why France will rather let Ambazonian go than open the discussion about federation? The discussion about federation is a discussion to creat a completely new country from scratch.

    1. Exactly. The french have never understood the idea of federation. East Camerounians would lost too much. I have strong doubts that it work with them. In my opinion we need a two stage approach. In the first step LRC must demilitarize Ambaland, release all our political prisoners and start prosecuting its own military for the human rights abuses. In the second phase LRC and the Ambazonian leaders shall start negotiations. There must be a referendum held in Ambazonia. It must be free and fair under supervision of the UN. If the people vote for independence there must be negotiations about sharing of state depts and there must be a certain time e.g. 2 years for separation. People can learn from Czechs and Slovaks or Malaysia and Singapore.

    2. @Amba,
      You put it right, but who is France to stand against what people are deciding? Dialogue must take place and those who are for secession must stay flexible and be ready for a win win situation. I personally see a lot of benefices with a federal system. Those who don’t believe just have to take a trip to either the USA or Canada and see how each states run their own affairs. I am against secession because each family either in NW or SW has offsprings in other regions and separation will brings alot of hardshps and complications than we think. Just look at what happened in East and West Germany or what is going on now in North and South Korea. Biya don’t represent the francophone and we need to stop all stereotypes and give a chance to dialogue.

      1. “I am against secession because each family either in NW or SW has offsprings in other regions and separation will brings alot of hardshps and complications than we think.” This argument is insubstantial at best. There are existing international boundaries for both LRC and Ambazonia. There is a knowledge gap here in comparing two distinct countries with already existing boundaries going their separate ways and the case of Germany in which a wall was introduced in the middle of a country, cutting through family homes putting living room in one country (East or west Germany) and the bed rooms in another. People will decide where they live, Ambazonians like me will chose the land of freedom Amba

      2. France owns La Republique. So La Republique cannot do anything without permission from France.

        The people of Southern Cameroons have no business or link with France. We decide what we want.

  6. Ambazonia has never been part of lrc. Lrc is in complicity with the United Nations to colonize Ambazonia over 56 years. The UN has remained quiet in spite of the genocide in Ambazonia. Ambazonians will for ever remain slaves to lrc if there is anything short of lrc getting out of our land (Abazonia). Let Ambazonia not be fulled the second time. French cameroon is only good at repression, rape, incarcerations and killing. Please, please, you don’t want to live with barbarians.

  7. Brother George, what debt sharing are you talking about? Powercam,Produce Marketing Board, Victoria Sea port, Cameroon Bank, Yoke hydro-electricity Plant WADA farm, Ombe Technical College, various Caterpillar machines for road Maintenance, Tractors in West Cameroon for agricultural work and many things that these LRC criminals stole from us and are continuously pillaging and plundering our resources and you dare to talk of debt sharing?
    From the aforementioned, we can see that talk of federalism with these LRC monsters is like saying that we have acknowledging to be in perpetual servitude.
    Have we suddenly forgotten about the grand mothers who were burned alive in their houses; the decapitating of unarmed civilians, firing live rounds at civilians from helicopter gunship; our mothers, sisters, brothers and fathers who are now refugees; the burning of towns and villages; the raping of our sisters, daughters and mothers by these LRC terrorists masquerading as soldiers; the terrorizing of civilians and then families being forced to pay exorbitant sums of money as well as the breaking into the houses of Ambazonians to steal monies and properties?
    How much injustices do we need to be subjected to in the hands of these french slaves of LRC before we come to the realization that enough is enough especially as some are already insinuating talk of Federalism at this juncture?
    Have we not suffered enough for fifty-six years and counting?

    1. My brother Mukong, unfortunately we will have to also proof that LRC will not go broke if we leave them. That is why we will share the debt, including the IMF loan they received and are using against us. There will be a kind of agreement that resources will be shared for a certain period of time to enable them pay debt.

  8. Mukong knows the history and bondage Ambazonians have been through with these lrc thugs for 56 years and counting. Some Ambazonians are still very gullible – they tasted french wine and would trade it for their freedom by waddling back into a federation with lrc. Any federation with lrc will only solidify the continuing enslavement, killing, raping and incarcerating of Ambazonians. Besides, lrc does not and will never understand what a federation is. Those Ambazonians thinking a federation will solve any issues we have are day dreaming – these are people that cannot be trusted for 56 years!!! Until Ambazonians wake up from their slumber, lrc will mercilessly continue to plunder, rape and kill them. lrc is a country and system that worships a corrupt idol and will stop at nothing to carry out its evil schemes. The genocide and burning of towns and villages in Ambazonians will never end until lrc is forced out.

  9. You all have a point, but these are all dreams. This is a very long shot and I really don’t see any of these become reality unless you are ready to wait for another 100 years. LRC is not even ready for federalism as we speak. War is what Biya was looking for to stay in power for life and you just gave him that opportunity. Going for the easy one that most could have agreed with was the first step, but you choose to be greedy. Good luck with your hit and run strategy, but note that this alone can’t give you independence.

  10. THERE IS EVERY INDICATION THAT OUR LEADERS SESEKO JULIUS AYUK TABE AND MEMBERS OF HIS CABINET ABDUCTED WERE MURDERED. It could be clearly seen from Tchiroma’s body language when he gave that infamous press conference about the abduction of our leaders right up till present when no one not even the lawyers has seen any of them. AMBAZONIA PEOPLE WAKE UP. La republic do not have our people to show that is why they are acting this way.

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