500000 Laptops ELECAM Bait For University of Buea Students

Barely a few days to the end of voter registration for La Republique Du Cameroun ‘s planned elections next year, the colonial regime is desperate to get Southern Cameroonians register in the electoral register at all cost considering the massive boycott of the system by our people.

Consequently, as a strategy to swell up the electoral register, LRC colonialists are currently doing a biometric registration of students in UB in the name of registering students in preparation for laptops distribution. It is important to note that this exercise is coming just one week after the VC had called on students to complete the information on their online profiles notably, the region of origin and date and place of birth, to authenticate their status for laptops distribution. But its like they discovered they couldn’t use the online biodata for ELECAM since there are no finger prints of students online. Consequently, a new biometric registration of students has been launch in each Faculty where they collect finger prints, pictures, dates and places of birth and places of residence, all in the name of registration for laptops distribution.

The colonial masters should prove to us that this is NOT a disguise voter registration exercise by answering the following questions. Did students need biometric registration to collect 50000francs presidential grants yearly? If its for laptop distribution, why not just ask each student to bring their school receipts and then you authenticate their status as students at the accounting office? Do the new laptops need students photos, finger prints and other biodata as passwords to leave China or Yaounde to Buea?

This action is coming at a desperate attempt to swell the electoral register for next year Elections. However, the people of Southern Cameroons have said there shall be no elections in Southern Cameroons if things are not fix up with the current struggle

UB students shouldn’t be disgracing themselves. You are all bigger than that grand deception.

1 comment
  1. If they care they should even import their citizens and register. But the simple truth is that there shall be no elections within the treaty defined territory of BSC in 2018 even if the entire army of LRC were brought in to cover every inch of the territory. Any SCnian who is contemplating on either registering, planning to vote or to be voted for, could safely take residence in LRC territory for no elections, whatsoever, under ELECAM shall take place in BSC.

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