Dieudonné ESSOMBA’s Sensible Write-up with Colonial Minded Recommendations

La Republique du Cameroun’s intellectual and scholar, Dieudonné ESSOMBA is worried about the increasing deaths in Mr. Biya’s declared war on Ambazonia. But his recommendations do not reflect the dream of West Cameroon seekers, not to even talk of Ambazonians. Have an interesting read of his writeup below.


Deaths ! Still dead! Always dead! And a few days ago, the Governor of South-West himself almost passed, his procession having been strafed twice during the installation of a prefect.

The worst thing about this situation is that these events appear more and more ordinary. In any case, we are no longer in these vast movements of emotion that marked the beginning of armed conflicts.

It is a terrible evolution, and the worst that can happen to a country: to integrate as a fact the dismantling of the State by a Secession.

However, things were clear from the start: the Secessionists would never lower their weapons, and will continue their fight until eternity, because in their head, they fight an occupying power, just like the UPC, the SWAPO , the ANC, the FLN and other liberation movements.

It is not a question here of judging whether they are right or wrong, because we are not in court. And it is absolutely useless to recite the great philosophical principles or public morality. It is about taking note that they are bored and that we do not have the operational means to reduce them.

It was a terrible mistake to believe that this movement could be stopped by force. It is not BOKO HARAM formed of foreigners and conveying an anachronistic ideology. It is not a simple rebellion claiming to take power by force and that one can extinguish by beating them or by attrition.

It is a Secession, that is to say, a refusal of a segment of the national community to be part of the whole following a certain pattern, and that you cannot do anything about it. No country in the world can forcibly maintain a community representing 20% ​​of its population in the links of a unitary state. This is valid for everyone, but it is even more so for African countries and Cameroon. For example, Angola, whose formidable military power and fabulous wealth is known, suffers terribly with Cabinda, which represents only 2% of the entire population!

The armed secession is here, and it will never disappear from Cameroon. Because, it is not in nature of secessions to disappear: they feed on the hatred that is transmitted from father to son. Fathers’ successes increase daring and failures increase their hatred. It’s an infernal spiral that we never go out.

It is very unfortunate that the people who surround the Head of State have not fully understood the particular nature of the Secession, which, once again, claims to be a liberation movement and as a result can not be resolved by a descent of the gendarmes, as they thought, against common sense and especially, the severe warnings.

Unfortunately, the wine is drawn, it must be drunk and apply the only relevant solution that is necessary in this kind of opportunity: to oppose to the secessionists a local enemy, having at least the same legitimacy, also mastering the environment, and presenting the same fierceness, the same pride, the same determination. And this enemy is a local state. It is the local state, with elected leaders, maintaining an intense political life, with its barons, its ministers, its intrigues, and a local administration, and a local police that confines this kind of movement to a residual level.

With federal transfers of 250 Billion to a State strengthened by local recipes, the authorities whose eyes glisten gluttony are better able to subdue these people who prevent them from managing their money in peace, because they know each other, family by family, clan by clan, tribe by tribe.

Beyond its functional superiority in every point of view on the unitary state, the federal state now appears as a requirement for the survival of the Cameroonian nation. It is therefore necessary to go there, without embellishment, without evasion, through 5, 10 or 20 states, whatever, the main thing being to solve the English specificity by plunging it into other specificities.

Arrogance and stubbornness cannot be good governance. By bridging the dead-end road of an all-powerful state that claims to force the Anglophones by force to remain in a state form they do not want, the Government is driving Cameroon to ruin.


Originally written in French by Dieudonné ESSOMBA.

  1. By using the word “secession” the East Camerounian philosopher is already taking his political position. The conclusions he made are not wrong in general. But he is not in the position to put them on the table. And if you look in detail on it they will not solve the issue. East Camerounians should have listened years ago to our demands. The arrogance of the Biya administration has brought us to this point. It is their failure. You cannot build up “one” state by the oppression and neglect of a people who joint this state under certain circumstances. It will not work now and not in the future.

    1. My friend @George I will go off topic to respond to your previous writeups. When I said Limbe is peaceful that also include Mutenguene. By the way you are absolutely right, majority of people were for secession after the 22nd of September 2017, but now the majority is having Buyers Remorse. What was sold to them is not longer the case. Why do you think Barrister Balla is getting soo much attraction now? Only time will tell, stay tune.

      1. Dear Jojo I almost peed in my trouser while laughing about your comment.

        “By the way you are absolutely right, majority of people were for secession after the 22nd of September 2017, but now the majority is having Buyers Remorse.”
        Do you think we Ambazonians are stupid. That we change our mind according where the wind blows from. The October/November 2016 was an eyeopener for us. People who never had any affair with politics became interested and engaged. Let me make it very clear for you if the LRC army moves back over the Mungo it will not take even one minute that you have ten thousands of people on the streets with the Ambazonian flag. LRC is wasting time. Your regime is using brute force to suppress us. But it is already in our hearts you cannot kill that.

        “Why do you think Barrister Balla is getting soo much attraction now?”
        Did I missed something? Felix is travelling from A to B to tell the world about the atrocities of la Republique against my people. But he is not the leader whom thousands of people will follow. Again did I missed something? Maybe it is your wishful thinking.

        1. @George you asked if I think Ambazonians are stupid? Yes Ambazonians may be stupid, but Anglophones aren’t. Anglophones are not robots that diasporians will manipulate and dictate what is good for them. Let’s wait and see.

  2. I cannot imagine myself living in bondage anymore under the banner of a so called federal republic of cameroon. Dieudonne Essomba most still be under the illusion that we are still in thE stage of FEDERATION with west cameroon.Now they know they cannot defeat us they want to negotiate.FOR ANY FATHER WHO REFUSES TO RECOGNISE THAT HIS SON HAS CUM OF AGE SHOULD BE READY TO SHARE HIS WIFE? BIYA had under estimated the will of the people or maybe they refused to learn from HISTORY about the people of AMBAZONIA.
    Jojo u asked me to cum and implement my tactics,u wld be hearing from me im now on ground zero.If u still have a soldier bro just tell him to resign now or face my fury and one more thing i have put a price on your head.

  3. @Ghost, my brother keep your threat over the internet. This is not personal and if that was the case, you should note that you are talking to the wrong person, I destroyed the world most dangerous terrorist. Understand that I wouldn’t need any planning if I want to get you even oversea. We are all Patriots who just happen to have different opinions, so no need for empty threats.

      1. @Saa, I have no time to waste! A primitive and brainwashed fool like you will come here and pour childlish insults. Well you should feel free, it’s only here on the Internet that you are fit to expose your stupidity.

  4. biya and his la republique du cameroun are the secessionists NOT Ambazonia

    It is so SAD that even the so called “learned colonialist professor” Dieudonné ESSOMBA
    must use the word “secession” to refer to AMBAZONIANS!!!

    When the majority (lrc) secedes from a fake union

    BY renaming the country lrc, the name East Cameroon had before the fake reunification,

    BY abrogating the federal system of east and west cameroon to a noxious yaounde central system built on corruption and repression,

    BY implicitly colonizing Ambazonia (black on black colonization in modern Africa),

    BY reducing a fake two-star country’s flag to one,

    BY sanctioning French as the official language,

    BY sending unqualified teachers schooled in French to teach in English in Ambazonia, thereby unteaching Ambazonian children,

    BY appointing French magistrates schooled in civil law to preside over common law cases in Ambazonia,

    BY carting away natural resources from poor Ambazonians to lrc leaving then high and dry,

    la republique du cameroun turns around to SCAPE-GOAT Ambazonians as “secessionists.” AND TERRORISTS IN ORDER TO MIME, RAPE, INCACERATE, KILL AND DESTROY THEM.

    THE SCAPE-GOATING OF AMBAZONIANS AS SECESSIONTISTS AND TERRORISTS WILL NOT FLY THIS TIME AROUND! biya and his banana state, lrc are the secessionists and terrorists ravaging Ambazonians.

    As long as Ambazonia exists, lrc and Ambazonia cannot co-exist. It’s Ambazonia or nothing. Lrc’S mighty war machine exacerbated by biya’s DECLARATION OF WAR ON US will not and CAN NOT intimidate AMBAZONIA anymore!

  5. The blood of fallen Anbazonians shall not be in vain. It will take time if at all for the people of LRC to realize what an incompetent individual Biya has been. A man who prefers spending lavishly at the Intercontinental hotel of switzerland at the detriment of LRC tax payers is beyond pardon. Ambazonian cannot continue to be the life line for this level of recklessness. Enough is enough. Die fighting is better than to accept this type of gross injustice from one man and his kinsmen.



    For over 4 months, His Excellency Sisiku Ayuk Tabe Julius and 47 Ambazonians were abducted and jailed in la republique du cameroun. They have not been seen or heard from. isa chiroma, over lrc crtv said they were incarcerated and enjoying their rights in jail. When asked if chiroma had seen His Excellency Sisiku, and 47 others, chiroma confirmed he had not.


    As of now, every position taken by the biya and chiroma government indicates they may have been killed!!!

    President Sisiku and 47 others are not alive because everything chiroma said in the past regarding the Ambazonia revolt has been proven to the contrary.

    President Sisiku and 47 others are not alive because isa chiroma is a pathological liar. Chiroma lied on national tv about the abduction of European tourists in Ambazonia.

    Chiroma lied when he referred to people of Ambazonia as terrorists. Since then, biya and chiroma have tried to win international sympathy by commanding soldiers to rape, incarcerate and shoot to kill Ambazonians in the North/South West regions of the country.

    Chiroma lied when he said on lrc crtv that any person who speaks English in lrc, like her daughter, is Anglophone.

    Chiroma is a state in itself, full of deception and cowardice in lrc. No one, even chiroma’s closest alias believe him.


    Time has elapsed to prove this to the contrary.

    Sunshine April 28, 2018 at 9:38 PM
    biya’s abuse of Ambazonians has been his goal since he became president of lrc. he kills and mimes Ambazonians at will because he thinks the people gave him the power to do so. he is spilling Ambazonian blood each day in the name of telling Ambazonians and the international community Ambazonians are terrorists. when biya declared war on Ambazonia, he believed it will be over in two weeks.
    biya believed his mighty french force well armed, will quickly annihilate poor Ambazonians and force them back into slavery. Ambazonians better die than be biya’s slaves, hence this resistance. Ambazonians must resist and resist biya the lion man in all ways possible!

    Ps. 28:15 says ” Like a roaring lion and a rushing bear, is a WICKED RULER over a poor people” biya THE WICKED RULER is the roaring lion and a rushing bear devastating Ambazonians EACH DAY. God will not let this continue and biya will not go free!!!!

  7. Ebako alias Jojo and Tabetando you guys will end up commiting suicide or killed and left by the road side for wild dogs to feed on. You have chosen to defend Biya so we the people have rejected you guys. The cleansen phase of the revolution is approaching.

  8. For those who keep using the word “secession”, I’ll like to refresh our memory of what is defined as secession. An online dictionary defines it as, “the action of withdrawing formally from membership of a federation or body, especially a political state”. Next is the question: was the Cameroon federation formed legally or illegally? If the right answer is ‘illegally’, then it makes nonsense using the word ‘secession’ in connection with the Ambazonian struggle to restore its sovereignty because there NEVER was any legally formed federation. This should be a daily reminder to the lion of Etoudi, to Mr.Dieudonné ESSOMBA and East Cameronian sympathizers who are hell bent on forcing West Cameroonians to stay in a ‘one and indivisible’nation.

    1. My dear @Mbeuh, since you’re the internet expert in words searching, could you look up the definition of verbal agreement?
      Election took place and the majority of us decided to join Cameroon. Stop fooling yourselves.

  9. Dieudonné is another attention seeking wicked francofool who wants to make a name for himself, firstly he could no send condolences to all those who have been victims of biya’s atrocities,secondly he is not condemning the lrc forces, thirdly he is unable to say that when this problem started,SCs were defenseless.The UN presented colonial french dictator with two maps,the old french dictator refused to hold meaningful dialogue to the root causes of the problem,instead he declared war,as many know he is incompetent, illiterate in spoken English,a head of state who says his country is bilingual and in 59 years as a politicians cannot speak good English grammar,how could anyone see him in a meaningful dialogue with intelligent, challenging Ambazonians? the man is embarrassed,full of foolish pride and arrogance,some SCs regions pretend to be normal because of the influence of francophones who are not cooperating with ghost towns,SCs defense forces must deal with these people if they live on our land and disrespect the rules, they must be made to leave the regions by terror and force,their presences unwelcome as they are traitors to our freedom,francophones are unpatriotic,dirty people who are unable to demand human rights freedom, better living conditions,basic human necessities from their regressive colonial french puppet,

  10. Some of these jojos really amuse me. What a job. None of the jojos is an anglo. They spend time reading each an every article. Reply to every comment. Does the people paying the jojos think their silly comments here will change the mind set of any Ambazonian?

  11. When Hitler came to power he was aspiring to build a Great Germany and he knew that he couldn’t do this without the Rhine land wc was the back bone of the German economy,if the AIG wants to succeed then S.O.N.A.R.A most be captured or destroyed. Even the British refused to back their French Ally and instead said Hitler was merely moving into his back side.

  12. We can not neglect the strategic importance of S.O.N.A.R.A in this struggle.If we were vigilant when this protests started the British High Commissioner of Cameroon stormed Etoudi to get some answers but Biya in his marchevelic x-ter true to him succeeded in signing some deals with some British firms to buy the UK’S silence.Now if we succeed in either capturing or destroying S.O.N.A.R.A the British wld automatically change sides since they stand a better chance of making economic gains with us over petrol deals than with Lrc wc wld only benefit France.

  13. We can also create a new ally North Korea who wld supply us military equipments and intelligence for petrol wc they badly need and even seal a secret deal with CHINA through them.we should not neglect the importance of a nuclear power in international politics.

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