The ENEMY knows the crucial importance of communication and is on the OFFENSIVE on almost all FRONTS; imposing CURFEW, paralyzing movements, eavesdropping, censoring MEDIA contents, carrying on check and seizures, BURNING bikes and cars, mounting CHECKPOINTS at close proximity, fortifying and reconnecting her bases with rapid INFORMATION equipment, spreading EARS and EYES in most communities, creating attractive PREMIUMS and incentives to spies, sell outs and TRAITORS, and finally putting our own brothers in SENSITIVE position of authority to be the face of this brutal CAMPAIGN. Well, ENEKE the bird once said, since men have learn to shot without MISSING she has also learn to fly without perching. Therefore, it’s expedient to expedite actions to immune the adaptation of the legendary bush RATS, deploy the services of the revolutionary house CAT, and empower the complementary street DOG, for domestic consequences. In other words we must now keep the enemy not just occupied inside the town’s and cities but engaged by a sympathizing civilian force.

URBAN GHOST; these are individuals comprising the young, female and old pople in communities ARMED with the ideology and spirit of the Revolution, wittingly or unwittingly. Their job is primarily to cause chaos and disorder in crowded places and institutions but also carry out activities such as puncturing tyres of cars, slitting little fuel in plastic bags in their pockets with matches for burning of enemy vehicles and communication tools.

NATIVE GOAT; Village settlements, suburbs and city intersections are the most sensitive security areas which only the gifted native goats can operate with utmost natural perfection; New faces are a threat here and only those living in these places can inflict damage to Enemy infrastructures and intercept communication. How do they do it? The sexy native goat is the key; even flies on the fields testify to this.

GORILLA WARRIORS; These are Lord of the jungles, Masters of animal lifestyle and creatures of revolutionary mystery. Their advantage and chance to act properly will depend on how well their efforts are complimented by the first two forces. Their training is unique and well armed with the killer instinct.

FREE AGENTS & LONEWOLVES. The battle is a free for all and individuals will avenge their grief, vent their anger, show their courage in inexplicable ways. But amongst them, it will be our responsibility to identify and recruit those that are willing to perform special task and duties.
No animal is full of revolutionary expressions than the sexy native goat, witty house cat, disgusting bush rat and emotional family dog, in their combined talents and adaptation.

NB: Do not seek to know why God almight gave Satan the key to the diplomatic back door to Heaven. Please those of you who will be granted stay in paradise must give prior notice to the chief protocol officer in the palace before visiting God, if not, don’t be surprise to find the Devil dancing Reggae with the Son Of Man.

Comrade Don Wan-Obi

  1. Bamlekes and Camerounese in our community are our biggest easiest traitors. They are in our country by choice. We are Ambazonians by birth. An Ambazonian born in cameroun does not call herself or himself Camerounese. So a Camerounese or bamlekes born in Ambazonia would be making a big false mistake identifying as Ambazonian or one of us. Ambazonians should not rent their homes or properties to bamlekes or Camerounese. Ambazonians who ever sold land to bamlekes and Camerounes should “grab” them back. Ambazonians living in LRC should sell their homes, businesses and property and return home before it gets too late because when I start, you will only have yourselves to blame and cannot say I did not warn you. Don’t shop at businesses owned by bamlekes or Camerounese.

  2. You said it best.

    These LRC criminals, terrorist will never be able to do what they did for 50+ year ever again. It’s game over for them.

    Total Change of Game Strategy.

  3. Personally, i would suggest that Baretanews should create a confidential forum where write-ups containing strategic ideas or proposals on how to fight LRC forces of terrorism in Ambaland should be published. When Ambazonians and/or sympathizers of the Ambazonian revolution submit such write-ups, because it contains some strategic ideas or proposals to push forward the revolution, the information should not be consumed by the general public, including LRC’s agents on social media. Information is strength and should never be under estimated. Baretanews should then propose to all the known frontline leaders in the revolution to propose a representative whom will then be given access to this information in the forum. There should be some safeguard of confidential information in this revolution. Most of these proposals if carefully studied and implemented will be effective and smoothening our way to Buea. Who in this revolution is gathering and analyzing the applicability and effectiveness of these strategic proposals? Who is liaising with the Ambazonian liberation forces in GZ and giving them some operational directives secretly? As we must get to Buea in 2018, We must also change the ways we have been conducting our operations in the revolution in 2016/2017.

  4. You are a joke sometimes, you seem to publish provocative info, to gain readership, popularity and maybe money, you seem to play both sides

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