A visiting charismatic priest from India, Fr Antony Parankimalil during a crusade at the Divine Mercy Center Foncha Street in Bamenda made so many astonishing revelations about certain things happening in the Cameroons.

These revelations were made in the presence of the Colonial Governor of the colonised Northern Zone of Southern Cameroons, Mr Lele L’Afrique who himself had come for deliverance during the crowd pulling crusade on Sunday evening, July 2nd, 2017.

Fr Antony, to the surprise of all at the prayers said that HE SAW SOME PEOPLE REJOICING UNDER A NEW FLAG . Like any other Christians, lele l’afrique asked the priest to pray for him. The man of God also prayed for the President of Cameroun.

An eyewitness who who spoke to BaretaNews sister online media Alafnet.com shortly after the prayer ceremony hinted that prayers were so serious when the visiting priest said “a lot of blood shed has taken place in the country“. There was a lot of excitement and rejoicing when he started praying. He told everyone to turn and face the south, after the west and so on etc.

Fr Antony Parankimalil also revealed that the regime had signed a certain document on the current crisis in English-speaking Cameroon which will turn in their disfavour. Those present during the crusade wondered how the governor must have felt after listening to the man of God.

The crusade ended with many testimonies.

First reported by Alafnet.com

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