Just in: Cameroun Government Trying To Outsmart Ambazonia Community Schools
BaretaNews has been reliably informed that Cameroun Government is currently forcing Government teachers to teach in Ambazonia community schools. Their plan is to eventually turn the community schools into public (Government) schools. Cameroun intends to give every community school a code name equivalent to a government school and during public exams they will write under the name of Government schools owned by Cameroun government.
BaretaNews is told the ministry in Yaoundé will now take the statistics from the community schools and translate them into Government statistics to give the picture of increased school attendance to the international community.
As we write, Teachers are arranging classes in people’s houses and calling them government schools. Biya’s regime is also forcing teachers to take students to private schools and then register them during exams as Government schools while documenting these statistics for their motives.
BaretaNews can authoritatively confirm that Teachers in Bamenda are being forced to do the same because those from Kom have done it and it worked.
Recall that according to the CDN 2022 fact-finding mission, a total of 242 Ambazonia Community schools are ongoing across Ambazonia. Cameroun’s government is worried as this number is suggested to have seen an exponential increase since 2022 research.
Ambazonia Community Leaders and Ambazonia Forces must now stay alert.
Mark B
October 22nd, 2023